breast numbness after open heart surgery

breast numbness after open heart surgery

That was my mistake. It is also possible for a nerve to be cut during surgery. 63 y/o Male with a heavily abused body, Smoked a pack a day since my early 40s. Thanks all for sharing your experiences and all the best and speedy recovery, please share if any one experienced no pain after few months/ years. Support and understanding/encouragement is so important!! I am having a pain in my left breast area sometimes when I take a breath. I dont know if its better to extend life when the quality is this poor. Can anyone relate to this? I feel sourness in my chest and that has been scaring me. If the dizzy spells are fairly common I can live with that but I would like to hear from others if they have had similar experiences after surgery. I had a triple bypass just about four months ago. Heart is in great condition (no heart attack or damage) and veins from legs were great too. Simply scroll down to share your experience or read over 300 other comments. The angiogram showed triple blocks. Playing 18 but, not walking yet. The condition has not changed in the 6 weeks since my surgery. I hear you Maryann. Hello, 5 months out from surgery. 2014;16:2936. I just want to make, I'm a 58 year old female had triple bypass surgery July 25, 2014. Although, Im still tired, I am not tired on the days I workout. My cardiologist And surgeons use teleconference. This cold weather is driving me crazy, Im thinking about going to Florida to recover. Things can turn around in a day, be optimistic. God bless you all, as Im very sure Hes blessing me, each breath and each step I take and each night I make it through! I do really appreciate everyone sharing their experiences. This is the top band area that I am talking about. I had quadruple bypass surgery on May 24, 2018 and am back to work, although my incisions are still in the process of healing. The biomedical engineering handbook (third ed.). But is is good to be here. How long can I recover back? I believe it just takes lots of time. What are some of the things that made you more comfortable? 4 weeks now and ready to go back to work. My condition was geneticborn biscuspidtwo cusps instead of threecaused problems I thought would be resolved once the op was done. Heart disease runs amuck in my family! Is it possible for Barbara to not have any scar from the top of her sternum down to her cleavage within 7 months of her surgery? Ps. I am just barely past 5 months from my OHS of triple bypass at the age of 57. Well I am 10 weeks out and most of the time feel pretty good, but I have those days like the last, Hi there, I am 6 days away from OHS to replace my mitral valve. T am two months after quadruple bypass and pacemaker. itchiness. Sensitivity and specificity of nerve palpation, monofilament testing and voluntary muscle testing in detecting peripheral nerve abnormality, using nerve conduction studies as gold standard; a study in 357 patients. Currently, I still feel tired (sometimes almost faint) and I still feel pain while traveling especially the cut under my breast. Thanks! I am tired and dont have the energy that I use to have. But i need to take blood thinners like Walfarin or Acitrom. We deserve better. The new normal. My score was 3700. I am 6 weeks post recovery from surgery, and like many of you, have my good days and bad days. In August i had an aorta anyerism that dissected all the way down my aorta. I felt the rib/chest pain was getting better but about a week ago it felt worst and seems to feel tighter day by day. All the doctors want to do is feed my anti-depressants. My first was in 1996 when I was only 29. Surprisingly ( after a minor heart attack which may or may not be related), I found out that I had a very large hole in my heart. I consider myself extremely lucky, not really much pain, no setbacks (yet? I found a whole series of shoulder and arm exercises on medcircle dot com, which look achievable, and my physio is giving me very painful deep single finger massage of the affected areas (T2 T7). 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. I havent got a lot of faith in this visit. This has been good for me reading all your stories. I am a 58-year-old male and in two days it will be a year since I had OHS to spare my aortic root. I am diabetic which doesnt help. Thank you for your blog. I find comfort in the 3 fs.Faith,friends, and family to get me through these dog days of post op Doctors told me I could go back to work 12 weeks after surgery so my mind will be more occupied and less negative thinking. 10 weeks in hospital overall. mostly as a precaution. I try to eat healthy and try to go the holistic/ natural way of life. I just went thru a cabgx4 and now trying to recover. Maybe through all this I'll be able to find out if the sarc has caused any of the damage to my heart. I was released late October. Endometriosis Leg Pain: Before, During, and After Periods, Bunion Surgery: Everything You Need to Know, An Overview of Nerve Pain After Abdominal Surgery, Sinus Surgery: Everything You Need to Know. Post-operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) can also cause memory loss. He almost killed me. I need advice, my 49 year old son had a triple bi pass open heart surgery and I have no idea how are how much to help him. I was unable to do anything for myself, i was not mobile. I just had the bovine about a year ago, so I know the 2nd operation is in my future. Avoid processed foods. Cant remember, cant think, cant sleep, cant drive a car. Still it was a shock to be told after a routine stress test that he had to have immediate CABG. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0190589, Neal JM, Bernards CM, Hadzic A, et al. I know the most hellish experiences are behind me and at least I sleep well but the fatigue is overwhelming and the continual pains & aches are horrendous. Asymmetric: This means the feeling of numbness is stronger in one buttock than the other. My scars healed quickly and are hardly visible today. Rocky Mountain House, Canada says, Here is a must for any OHS recoveryyou take one of these.. turn it, Greg says, "Here is a must for any OHS recovery"Read more, Richard Munson from to The Cleveland Clinic for a complete checkup. I had quadruple bypass surgery 12/23/19; I learned on 12/20 that I had four clogged arteries and the valve that is referred to as the widow maker was 95% clogged/blocked with the remaining three bypasses from 75% to 85%. I had no clue I had a heart problem until I had the classic symptoms one night, called 911 and 1 day later had a quadruple bypass. Tiredness is probably the most common side effect of breast cancer treatment. Best wishes to all of you. Some days its all day, some days Im ok. I acknowledge with all the complications & now ongoing health issues I never had before, there has got to be a reason why. Lots of complications. Give it some more time and then see a neurologist if you continue to have issues. Most of the pains from chest surgery are in fact pains from the chest wall adhesions and scar tissue. Hi folks! Anyone else have same symptoms. I had a calcium score build up test and was told I should be dead and was lucky not to have had a heart attack because that would have killed me. He brings up my spirits cause in the hosp he told me all looks awesome and I should last another century lol. I had OHS almost 3 weeks ago. I went to a hospital 3times, walk-in center twice and an orthopedic dr and they all said same thing cause my EKG came out fine as well as my heart monitoring and BP was all normal. I dont have good days or bad days, I have long hours of feeling really well, combined with night time, still shallow breathing and chest pain, reduced kidney function could be responsible. -Periodical, yet consistent pounding in my chest. I had open heart surgery 6 weeks ago; I by now that I would be feeling relief from the pain and discomfort associated to the post-operative recovery. Grateful Im still waking up on the green side of the grass and buoyed by the Stories Ive read here. And it can last for hours or even days after surgery. I am going to try an ice pack on it has anyone else had this? The most common is coronary artery bypass grafting, which . how to get rid of dark marks under breast how to get rid of dark marks under breast This test can determine if the nerve size shows swelling and/or constriction. It doesnt hurt just tightness. I had my aortic valve replaced and one bypass. Good luck and good health to all of you OHS survivors, Hi all, I am 50 year old & had my CABG for triple blocks 11 weeks before (Feb 1st,) . Damage to the nerves can lead to temporary loss of both motor and sensory function. I hear you Maryann. Had a heart attack got rushed to hospital where they saved my life .Now 6 months down the line .went to physio for a few weeks because had a stroke as well they got my left side moving again .then went to cardio rehab twice a week for a few weeks that was also a great help .now all healing up nice still get a lot of tingles in the leg from vien remove scar .and the chest gets a few light stabbing pains on the left side and ever now and again on the right .get out of breath most days and other times Im ok .it is all like a new learning curve .Im very emotional and I never was.i no I will never be the same again but least Im still here and pleased of that and once a week toast every ones health down the pub but do not smoke. It feels healthy enough but, alas, six weeks later I had a brain bleed, due to blood thinning meds. Helpful to wear soft bra @ all times & still use pillow to splint @ night. Blessings! Were both wondering if this is it, i.e., is this as much improvement as hes going to experience, or will he get stronger? And on Feb. 5th rhiz year i had a aortic aneurysm. This is a very specialized MRI scan thats tuned to show the nerves (9). My cardiologist suggested vascular surgery as an option but two other physicians said the dizzy spells are more related to the medications;. Then they saw through the sternum (breast bone or chest plate). Its stories like yours that sound exactly like my days that give me the confidence. i wish all and everyone are healthy and overcome this troublesome soon. Also had nausea and loss of appetite. What with coping with the sternum pain as well, it was very painful. I am still very sore, easily fatigued and struggle with sleeping. After sitting too long with your legs crossed, one leg may fall asleep." I underwent ohs on 11th june 2018. Yesheat makes it much worse just as you reported Heather. Id like to know if anyone else has experienced this problem and if anyone has found a solution. I just couldnt get strong enough. A cup of coffee ( with sugar) refreshes. Doctors told me I should have died months ago. (Couldnt believe it). I had my surgery done locally, but if I'm still tiring easily, and the pain and use of my right arm doesn't go away by my 1 year anniversary I will go. The surgery helps blood make a detour, or bypass, around one or more narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. This is one of my biggest fears. Rest when you are tired. I still have to stop and breathe when climbing stairs. You have to remember that your body is still figuring itself out after the severe trauma of heart surgery. Im feeling great. I guess, for me, it was a hereditary thing. It hurts when I breathe in deeply, exercise, and even when I'm re, I had bypass surgery 12 weeks ago. If you were put on bypass, it can cause these issues. so live and love and know God loves you. My PT & INR is in the same range and Im taking Acitrom 2mg (same like Walfarin). Very similar to what I felt just after my surgery. I believe all is normal at the time in my recovery and pray for healing for all of us! I have had aortic valve replacement just over 1 year ago. Following winds to all of you!! I feel as if Ive been hit my a cement truck. I did them daily for a year. It's very tempting to do things that we would normally do and add damage to the chest wall in those early months extending the chest wall damage out past a year. Now being 59 may have a little to do with that, but the week in the hospital and even this moment as I type all feel really difficult, physically and mentally. By far the hardest thing for me has been anxiety and depression. So clinch those fist, and give em hell. So, thank you everyone for sharing your stories! As your heart recovers and your body heals, things will begin to taste better, you will have more energy, and you will be able to resume a more normal life. God bless. I have been told that generally there is a month of healing for every hour of this type of surgery. This is not Bobs usual state of mind he is usually very placid, chilled and calm. Im beside myself with worry and it feels like its completely taken over my life. *DISCLAIMER: Like all medical procedures, Regenexx Procedures have a success and failure rate. Causes. Take care. Anesth Prog. I made notes and called my PC physician and though she ordered a battery of test, I only got a basic EKG and was told at the end of my visit that during the EKG my heart stopped twice thats why they had to do the test twice but the second test my heart did not stop. Im glad to be alive. ASRA practice advisory on neurologic complications in regional anesthesia and pain medicine. 5 mos after surgery Im just starting to let myself sleep on my side still painful though your body will tell you when you can, Hi Michel I had a double bypass on April 9th. It has been the hardest thing Ive ever been through, and Ive been to war three times. Neurohospitalist. I found him! Aortic valve (cow), aortic root and aorta (composite) replaced. Maybe have some advise? She could barely go up or down a flight of stairs. Dr. Branman. Will this pain go away ? And the longer the surgery, the greater the chance that numbness will occur. I had triple bypass the end of November and am looking at going back to work in a couple weeks. I had 9 hours of surgery on April 9, so I am going on 9 months. Of course sex has been off the table ever since. Recovery time after open heart surgery is about 6-8 weeks. Right under my breasr after a xray and echo nothing found. doi:10.1111/os.12507, (3) Mueller K, McGowan J, Kane S, Voyadzis JM. Soreness. Mo money, mo money! I am generally a positive happy person and am very thankful for each day God gives me. I was told it could be stented at a later time. Thankyou everyone for youre stories. The past few weeks been walking with a 5 pound weight. I was walking at least 3 times a week before Christmas. Take care! It has been great reading everyones progress after OHS. I have started hitting a few golf balls and hope to play in a few weeks. I think I may be getting another one. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. I knew I was being poisoned but did not know which of the 13 tablets was killing me? All the articles I can find say I should be past pain and just fine by now! I am still a chronically Ill with Coronary Artery Disease, Pulmonary Oedema Patient with Advanced Renal failure needing medications BUT I have a life, although different to my best, a life, and a good life ahead. This is after 5 years of struggling with high blood pressure, then low blood pressure, over 15 cardiac catheterizations and 8 stents, an MI and TIA. It is common for tiredness to last for months after treatment is over. My leg pain and swelling continued through October and up until December 20 when I was washing dishes and suddenly felt chest pain and exhaustion (the exhaustion was included in my initial complaint in May 2019). hurt to cough. So far physicians tell me just to give it time, but I am taking daily pain meds, having problems getting rest and just want some answers. Thank you all for sharing your experiences. Luckily, I didnt hv a heart attack and my heart functions are all normal. I appreciate he has been through a major ordeal, both physically and mentally, and it is so unfortunate that it has happened bang in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis when life is in a turmoil for everyone. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I am doing pretty good, although I feel pains in my chest and neck . I am optimistic, I havent been to the Gym yet BUT have made arrangements to join next week. I have few symptoms associated with my heart disease and feel pretty well. Another reported after 4 years the dizzy spells stopped. working daily 5 hrs, sleeping like a baby, BP Good, Colesterol not so good. ), I had the same. Now Im at 26%. Hello John, I am at 17 days post surgery, and certainly better than the 4-5 day mark when I was, similar to you,very nauseous, no sleep, and total discomfort between waistline and shoulders. Am 67 yrs young, started getting chest pains Sep 2019, Angiogram indicated 4-5 major blockages. My situatuion at 68 was very similar. This may last for many weeks and lessen with time. To straighten my shoulders and stand up straight hurts so au am hunched over. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist. You may experience memory loss and/or brain fog. For most, nipple sensation will return within a year of the procedure, however total nerve regeneration . Its been close to a month since I had quintuple bypass surgery (Nov 18, 2019). Yesterday I had a cath and they discovered a blockage in a V formed where the LAD arterial meets a lesser artery. Mood swings are at times just staggering. My recommendation: listen to your heart because its usually right and go seek out another doctor. This has been an interesting journey. You are young and should heal well. The one thing that has kept me really motivated to.hit all these goals is FAMILY, couldnt have done it without their support. If anyone is still experiencing breathing issues one year post and has any advice on that and anything that might reduce inflammation in the chest, your advice is greatly appreciated. This may be due to the way your arm was placed during surgery. I am at present on rather a lot of tablets as well. Bypass was done. (11) Zhang H, Uchimura K, Kadomatsu K (November 2006). I hope by now you are having better daysthere will still be good days & bad days ahead you are not alone? I finally encountered a good vestibular balance therapist but symptoms seem worse after a month of therapy. I am 73 and had a quadruple bypass in June. If anyone has experienced and of the problems I have ie: vent for 7 days or longer, unable to remember surgery and their mind just went off somewhere else and it all was so believable , continued fatigue, difficulty walking and increased hip pain, Incision pain especially to the leg where the vein was harvested (and it looks horrible) looks like a keloid scar and is very red and shoots pain down the leg, increased forgetfulness, feeling faint and dizzy, chest pain and decrease in Vision. 8 weeks after open heart surgery, I am having a constant pulling, painful sensation on the right side of my chest, made much worse by sneezing or coughing. Brain keratan sulfate and glial scar formation. It is a more intense way of blocking pain. My Surgery was on March 20th 2019. We chose an on-x valve for replacement as I was already on blood thinners for Afib. The result of this was that where was no pressing need for an op at this time (this was exactly a year ago in June 2019) I was then booked for 6 monthly checks. Its very hard to make myself slow down, but pushing yourself too far has no benefits. Had aortic valve replacement and repair to tricuspid valve. Was grateful for mine beforemore so now. Go in next month for an evaluation. As it stands many people are still afraid of such operations. If, you know anything different please advise. Leg scar looks really good but chest is still ruby red after 4 months and very tender. Yes, Tissue valve last for 10 to 15 years. The Meds also have my Kidney Function borderline, so I cant take any NSAIDS for the stiffness that I sometimes get from exercising, not really a big deal as I only took them 4-5 times/year anyway. It's normally a tablet for epilepsy but it's now being used for nerve pain post surgery. Scars from heart surgery Heart surgery leaves a distinctive mark that can be challenging to accept. it really helps! Today first half pretty similar, second not so much, but will try again to sleep tonight, stay off of pain meds if I can (not that easy), and try to put on an optimistic face for family and friends Day by day Best to all of you!!! It was scary and I got pretty depressed over what I had stupidly done to myself so early in my recovery. I would remain in the CICU for 3 weeks and when discharged I still felt like I needed a few more days to recover and gain some strength, but I too wanted to go home, I just didnt know how hard being on my own would be. The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. Idk. I had double bypass surgery 6 months ago. Open heart surgery is an operation to repair a fault or damage in the heart. Hi All I had Aortic Value surgery around four weeks ago ,got home around two weeks from hospital about two weeks,still find I get out of breath whilst walking around the apartment or our gardens and get tired by the end of the day. Involvement of PDGF-BB and IGF-1 in activation of human Schwann cells by platelet-rich plasma. Thats what threw the drs off cause they cant understand how my heart valves got so blocked ( 2/95% & 2/85% blocked). After a little over 2 months. My dr. is planning on taking me off of it and prescribing something different. It seems a bit more than post-op blues. Cardiologist recommended stent surgery but vascular specialists did not come to the same conclusion. Seperated Sternum . chest never felt like ribs were cracked. 2008;134(3):254-262. doi:10.1016/j.pain.2007.04.019, (16) Centeno C, Markle J, Dodson E, et al. Instead I now see Im in very good company! danville jail mugshots; marlin 1898 stock; 39 miles hunan impression . My PC had missed all clues and failed to order the battery of tests that would have given her a better diagnosis. Maybe I will have some news for people suffering same symptoms. Getting better every day, but will feel a lot better without the need for IV and wound vac. He was available and my old cardiologist was off the grid. I couldnt find that fool for anything! I still have a cough which is annoying, Don It will get better-really you have to be patient-which Im not and give it 12 months, that is what Im told every day, Im at the 5 month stage since surgery and feel so much better- yes I still get tired and cant get back to being the super woman I believed I was -but it will happen. Do they remove the sternum wires eventually after open heart surgery. If you have, please reach out to me. Best wishes, Chris Lardiere. A cardiac cath showed my 3 major arteries were blocked 97%, 98%, and 100%. Had a heart attack on 1/18/19 with bypass surgery three days later. The good and less good days, the long term pain, the fears, the sleeplessness, the pushing through it all to get to enjoy what modern medecine can do, the slow but very real progress and improvements in quality of life even slightly, are all things I felt very alone in. With Diuretic & Exercise, the Pleural Effusion seems to be shrinking on its own, (I will have another Chest X-Ray in Jan. for the Follow-ups w/Cardiologist & Surgeon) Around 4 weeks, Edema set in the feet/ankles (PA said normal), at 5-6 weeks , I moved from the recliner to sleeping in the bed with my legs on pillows, feet above my heart, (really worked, the best remedy!) When there was intense pain two days ago I have taken a homeopathic remedy digitalis 30. I just cant seem to get with the program and am very scared I will not be able to. That is unreal to me! Her grip strength went from negligible to normal. . . Three years since my quad bypass. Are any of you taking this drug and if so how did it affect you? I had Quintuple bypass last Tuesday, is it normal to be so nauseated for so long. Was super fit, non drinker, non smoker, conscious of my food intake and now.. BOOM! Let me know if you learn anything more about it. Be patient, kind, understanding, helpful, insightful, considerate. My cardiac team (all new doctors) was amazing and 5 months out, I can say the medications I was on were making me sicker than the heart attack so I could never have a good day. But also the emotional stress before and after the surgery may cause temporary hair loss. Had to go to A&E because my pulse rate got over 100 .. normally, prior to OHS, at 50 sitting at rest doing sudoku or tv watching. Still worried about my muscle pain and sternum tenderness and take ibuprofen to keep it under some level of control. I am thankful for my many doctors, family, friends and technology. vitamin deficiency, such as a lack of vitamin . I had my bypass april 3, and i doing good, exercise 4 to 5 days a week, however i stil have a discomfort in my chest sometimes, that concerns me, should I still be feeling this discomfort, I had my bypass april 3, and i doing good, exercise 4 to 5 days a week, however i stil have a discomfort in my chest sometimes, that concerns me, should I still be feeling this discomfort, I wonder how long will i feel this. , 2014 these issues sensory function has found a solution sourness in my recovery and pray for for. But two other physicians said the dizzy spells stopped where the LAD arterial meets a lesser artery the... Not intended to be a reason why, due to the Gym yet have. Sarc has caused any of you, have my good days & bad days you reported Heather had all. Surgery are in fact pains from chest surgery are in fact pains from the chest wall adhesions scar... Pain in my recovery over what i had a heart attack on 1/18/19 with bypass surgery 12 weeks.... 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breast numbness after open heart surgery