full thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon surgery

full thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon surgery

When the supraspinatus tendon is torn but not completely ruptured, usually a period of conservative management with a physical therapy program will be trialed rather than rushing into surgery. Starting with Physio treatment is a good idea. Moderately large joint effusion. I am aware than many clinicians who administer prolotherapy advocate for its benefits though. The supraspinatus muscle provides stability to the glenohumeral joint and is a frequent source of pain and disability. There is supraspinatus muscular atrophy. I also have an intermediate grade partial thickness tear of superior tendon bundle of Subscapularis without retraction or muscular atrophy. 5. and video above) full thickness tears occur when portions of the rotator cuff tendon Many people with supraspinatus tears receive very good relief following a period of PT, but others do not. If, however, you are active or use your arm for overhead work or sports, surgery is most often recommended because many tears will not heal without surgery. Good luck! Make sure you understand their explanation of what problems are occurring around you shoulder and what treatment options are available to you. I'm only 38 and am not willing to give up everything I love doing and from what I read there are many more options available. I have a feeling this is going to be a long recovery! It can reduce (relocate back into the socket) long before someone makes it to a hospital (or an onboard medic!) The tendon that seems to be most commonly affected is the supraspinatus, although it could also easily be either infraspinatus, long head of biceps, subscapularis or teres minor tendons. However it does bother me when i open the car door and my current range of left arm is restricted when i left up straight. Similarly, some benefit from conservative approaches (physical therapy / injections etc. This will help minimize strain on the back. For awhile I was able to get my arm somewhat back to normal but wilh slight aching. MRI states high grade articular surface partial thickness tear of the posterior spinatus tendon without retraction or atrophy. The incident happened on Sept 25 and it is now Nov 10. If the pain has been present for only a couple of months (or less) and there were minimal risk of worsening the condition with delay, then often a trial of conservative management (e.g. Small to moderate glenohumeral joint effusion. Keep in touch to let us know how you go. As you have correctly identified, there is quite a long recovery period following surgical repairs of rotator cuff injuries, but on the other hand, there is a pretty good success rate among people who follow the post-operative instructions. Infraspinatus tendon is somewhat hetrogeneous in its deep attachment with what appears to be intra-substance tears down to enthesopathic change at footprint. 19 The thickness of the tendon at its insertion was . All the best. I have always found the anatomy of the shoulder to be very interesting. Supraspinatus full thickness tear clu801 686 subscribers Subscribe 215 Share 7.8K views 2 years ago I am just sharing my experience with recovering from a shoulder surgery to repair a. feeling pain in hand,,,. This information is provided as an educational service and is not intended to serve as medical advice. You may still be able to return to most or all of the things you enjoy it just may not be in the next 6 to 9 months though. or should you just ask for their opinion with no outside information> Thanks Judy. @anonymous: Hi Elania, Thanks for stopping by and sharing. Cause There are two main causes of rotator cuff tears: injury and wear (degeneration). My best wishes go to all of them. I completed 6 treatments of prolotherapy approximately 9 months ago prior to this latest diagnosis. Purpose: The objective of this study is to report on the complete arthroscopic repair of full-thickness tears of the supraspinatus.Type of Study: Prospective cohort study. Heuberer et al 15 used the knotless cinch-bridge technique for supraspinatus tears. Especially since my injury has gotten worse instead of better. After the injury, you had a partial width full thickness tear of your supraspinatus tendon. Examination otherwise demonstrates the osseous structures of the shoulder to be otherwise unremarkable in signal and morphology. In most patients the supraspinatus tendon is the most vulnerable and 90% of rotator cuff tears involve this tendon. The close proximity of the supraspinatus tendon to the acromion-clavicular arch is a common contributing factor in supraspinatus tears, particularly when the tendon becomes impinged between these bone structures with activities that require arm elevation. Methods: Between 1995 and 1999, 139 full arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs were performed; 37 were repairs of full-thickness supraspinatus tears. They do reveal most substantial soft tissue injuries, but they are only as useful as the person interpreting them is skilled. If in doubt call your surgeons office. The supraspinatus tendon has a tendency to weaken with age and become prone to tendon tears. That is one of the reasons why surgeons will take a detailed history and conduct a physical examination to gather clinically relevant information. If you have injured your shoulder or have chronic shoulder and arm pain, it is best to see an orthopaedic surgeon. I'm sorry I can't give you specific advice on your case over the internet. At the final follow-up, the VAS, Constant, ASES, and UCLA scores were 1.1 0.9, 84.3 16.4, 88.3 17.4, and 31.1 6.0, respectively. However, there are certainly injuries and structures other than rotator cuff tears that can cause some of the symptoms Tim described above. Surgery to repair tendons generally involves a long recovery period. my ROM did increase a very small amount, but my pain and discomfort never went away. I guess my question is does this always require surgery? A full-thickness tear is when the wear in the tendon goes all the way through the tendon. Good luck with the recovery (I know slings can be frustrating and uncomfortable, but the weeks will pass quickly)! He says surgery is inevitable but due to a difficult recovery I should wait til I can't take the pain any longer. While it is estimated that 65-70% of all shoulder pain involves the rotator cuff tendon, it has been estimated that 5 to 40 % of people without shoulder pain have full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff. Exercise is important for many reasons (not the least of which are physical and mental health benefits). It is worth noting that dislocating a shoulder generally causes soft tissue trauma, like tears in the glenoid labrum (the bit that acts like a big suction cup keeping the ball part of the arm in the shoulder socket), as well as other structures. I plan on asking the surgeon these questions, but wanted your expert opinion. It may be helpful to think of the rotator cuff as a group of muscles and each muscle is connected to the bone via a tendon. This is a good example of why MRI's can be very valuable in cases like this. The supraspinatus is the tendon that tends to suffer from partial tears most commonly. Small area of subacromial bursitis present. Interstitial hyperintensity is seen within biceps tendon in the . However, given that you already have an MRI it sounds like you are already under the care of your doctor, which is great. Hopefully your physio can set you up with an exercise program to strengthen your rotator cuff and improve the biomechanics at your shoulder joint. Taking on certain pain, loss of motion and lengthy recovery scares me given my mostly normal function. The reverse shoulder surgery is extremely involved so I am getting a second opinion. @anonymous: Dude, I just did nearly the exact same thing. Being deployed and not receiving treatment makes it difficult. Let us know how things turn out for you. Dr. Mike. They may be perfectly justified in their opinion, but if their opinion is based on one or two other specific cases that they know of (or perhaps their own bad experience), it would be a shame to miss out on receiving some potential benefit because a well meaning friend or family is not as well informed on the topic as they may think. A few months passed, and I was called into the orthopedic surgen, who was a shoulder specialist, for a "pre surgery consultation". While I can't give you specific advice over the internet, it sounds like you are doing a great job following the recommednations of your doctors. I am close to retirement and I am afraid I will not be able to do the things I once enjoyed, outdoor activities. Some can be altered with conservative rehabilitation exercises in order to prevent further tearing and ongoing pain, while others cannot be altered without surgery. Three kids will no doubt also be keeping you busy and missing out sleep because of your shoulder pain doesn't sound like much fun. there is minimal AC arthrosis. The rotator cuff muscles are critical to the stability and optimal biomechanical movement at the shoulder joint. There also is mild tendinosis of the infraspinatus at the footprint. The Physician is online now Related Medical Questions If you want any further clarification just post any follow up question. It is also worth mentioning that not all PTs are created equal. I will surf again! The supraspinatus tendon was assessed at its insertion by moving the transducer anteriorly, where the bony landmarks were the greater tuberosity laterally and the junction of the tendon footprint and articular cartilage of the humerus medially, 2 mm posterior to the long head of biceps. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. @DrMikeM: Dr Mike - as you rightly say I must wait to learn the actual facts of my case - and I have an appointment soon so I will learn then I hope. It sounds like you are on the right track with your surgeon and physical therapist. It is one of the most frequently damaged tendons. @will-nelson-790693: Hi Will, Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience. The acromion connects with the collar bone (clavicle) very close to the ball and socket (glenohumeral) joint of the shoulder. so, my question is if i make physical strengt evercises to improve rotory cuff at this level-now,isn't it bad to heal the particular supraspinat muscle. Physical therapy exercises for supraspinatus tendon tears usually have one of three purposes: Below is a pendulum exercise demonstration. MRI does demonstrate a complete massive tear of my rotator cuff with retraction and severe atrophy. In the case of a non-retracted full thickness supraspinatus tear and acromioclavicular degeneration, surgery may well be the best option to maximize the long term outcome. However, your doctor should be able to provide you with good advice in this regard after they speak with you, conduct an assessment and look at your scan. Muscular and tendinous structures including remaining portions of the rotator cuff are also felt to remain otherwise unremarkable in signal and morphology. Some will have more training, experience or ability in helping patients to overcome the biomechanical factors that can cause shoulder impingement and supraspinatus tears. There are a few interesting things worth noting here. She presented initially with active shoulder flexion range of motion (ROM) 0-80 . @DrMikeM: Well, I'm 3 months post injury and still in a tremendous amount of discomfort and pain. Have had physical therapy for 3 weeks with pain becoming worse so physical therapist suggested to dr. MRI of shoulder. The surgeon(s) who ordered the imaging are usually the best person to speak with regarding the pros and cons in any particular case. It usually develops alongside other rotator cuff muscle tears, which may be result of trauma or repeated micro-trauma. What I think is more common, is two doctors not taking the time to explain something in normal everyday language and ensuring their patients have understood whatever it is they are trying to say (so lots of people feel like they are being told different things)! Retraction of the supraspinatus tendon medial to the glenoid. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. In the mean time, I received another steroid injection treatment. @anonymous: Oh Tonia, I feel for you. On the other hand, it is possible that soft tissue structures (ligaments, tendons etc.) In general terms of the types of MRI findings you have described, a combination of these types of pathology could require surgery; particularly if symptoms persisted after trying non-surgical interventions. On the other hand, if surgery is inevitable or at least the most likely outcome, then the treating doctor / surgeon(s) may recommend early surgery. However, some people will never experience the same level of recovery without the surgery. The lack of a normal amount of synovial fluid in the joint space could potentially be a sign of adhesive capsulitis (also known as frozen shoulder) among some people. Went to an orthopedic surgeon who said I had frozen shoulder and injected the capsule with cortisone and told me to return in 3 months. AAOS does not endorse any treatments, procedures, products, or physicians referenced herein. I can reach behind my back ok. have got bursal thickening as well and mild thickening of. What may be useful is for me to share some of my experiences and give you some questions to think about and discuss with your doctor. Patients ranged in age from twenty-nine to seventy-nine years. Modify Sport Techniques . Some people will recover quickly without any treatment, other people will recover after commencing non-surgical interventions (such as physical therapy and rotator cuff exercises and / or receiving a steroid injection), while others will still have pain after many months and may require surgery. Good luck! I am 55 yrs. I had periodic pain and tingling running all the way down my forearm. Hi there. If you have concerns, you could ask the surgeon when you next see him whether he thinks your symptoms are from the tendon tear and rotator cuff dysfunction or whiplash? Thank you for the info posted on this page. For most of my life I trained with bodybuilding-style workouts 4 or 5 days per week. Tendonosis literally means chronic pathology without inflammation (i.e. So don't give up on your ambition to participate in exercise. MRI does demonstrate a complete massive tear of my rotator cuff with retraction and severe atrophy. Surgery may also involve orthopedic alteration of biomechanical factors around the shoulder joint in order to prevent further ongoing damage to the supraspinatus tendon. I was told that they were now wanting to do surgery to actually go in and see what they might be able to do to repair some of the damage they thought they saw. LOTS of heavy benching, etc. There is a moderate amount of fluid distending the subdeltoid bursa maximal over the anterior aspect of supraspinatus and the rotator interval. Again, because your case is not straightforward, seeking advice from your surgeon(s) in this regard is certainly wise. I have experienced some soreness and very limited ROM of my affected L shoulder/arm. Depending on your age and lifestyle, physical therapy may be a better option than surgery even for complete rotator cuff tears. I can see where you are coming from, but no, your assumptions are not correct! Also can I try a more Conservative approach and see a phy therapist that specializes in shoulders before any surgery. And overall her last resort for surgical intervention is a reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. I do not want a metal shoulder. One thing that you may find encouraging is that often artists don't lift (elevate) their shoulders much when they create art (paint etc.). Can a full thickness tear of the supraspinatus heal without surgery? Although very uncommon, it is possible that the report did contain an error. It is not possible for me to give you any specific advice over the internet etc., but here are some general thoughts. I work construction and am self employed. My pain is mostly in the bicep area and I do not have trouble lifting the arm but bringing it back down and also bringing the lower arm down when the upper arm is at 90 degrees. After 4 months of therapy and 3 injections I am unable to lift my right arm. I hope I have not waited to long for having this checked, and the only option will be surgery. Knee Surgery . Hi, I have had a partial supraspintus tear for 3 years now, and am wondering if it's too late to anything about it? I take anti-inflammatory meds for a long time for other problems, but it sure has not helped my arm. there is a small full thickness insertional tear identified relating to the posterior supraspinatus. This sounds like a difficult situation. If your primary physician has already made the diagnosis, an orthopaedic surgeon can review both surgical and nonsurgical options and start treatment. but unfortunately, the results were extremely minor. The major tear causes separation of muscle or tendon into two torn segment of muscles or tendons. @Reallmadhatter: Good question. There are some biomechanical and physiological attributes associated with the types of tendon injuries you have described that make them difficult to successfully repair. They will be able to give you information about the likelihood of a conservative approach being helpful in your specific case. that can be just as difficult to resolve as any structural injury. . Your shoulder specialist will be able to provide you with specific advice regarding your chance of recovery without surgery, as well as what to expect if you do decide to go down the surgery path. Sought 2 nd opinion 3weeks later due to the server pain. I have a second opinion on Monday. If you know you have a rotator cuff tear, worsening pain and decreasing strength may mean the tear is getting larger. I have been seeing an orthopedic doctor for the past 18 months. That way you can make an informed decision in consultation with advice from your doctor. Your orthopaedic surgeon can prescribe an appropriate program based on your needs and the findings at surgery. It sounds like it is important to see your doctor who is familiar with your case. There is no question that the word 'small' can be misleading regarding the amount of pain and discomfort that a supraspinatus tendon tear can cause. A full thickness cuff tear (RTC) can be classified by size (small, medium, large and massive i.e. The tear in his supraspinatus tendon may be torn across its full thickness (but probably not completely ruptured which would require it be torn across it's full thickness and the entire width of tendon). A rotator cuff tear may result from an acute injury, such as a fall, or may be caused by normal aging-related wear and tear with degeneration of the tendon. Background: Good functional results have been reported for arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff tears, but the rate of tendon-to-bone healing is still unknown. Superior subluxation of the humeral head. However, in other cases, it may be that delaying will not reduce the chance of surgical success, but permit a trial of more conservative treatments that may eliminate the need for surgery, or strengthen muscles that provide stability to the joint to help optimize the outcome following surgery. The postoperative recovery period following a surgical rotator cuff repair will take months and involve a specific program of range of motion and strengthening exercises that your surgeon will prescribe, often in conjunction with a physical therapist who will teach you exercises and monitor your progression. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Massive. As I said been dealing with this for about nine months and in that time have run the gamut of treatment. @anonymous: Hi Hans, Thanks for stopping by and sharing your story. @anonymous: Hi LB, Sorry for the delay, I have been away for visiting family for a week or so. I did PT around December for a month, twice a week. I sleep fine as it does not hurt to lay on my back. Strengthening the rotator cuff is not really like going to the gym and lifting heavy weights. Although I probably wouldn't be forthcoming with the name of the first surgeon or advice given unless the surgeon actually asked about this directly. I would make sure your surgeon knows you are planning on falling pregnant within the next 12 months. I sleep fine as it does not hurt to lay on my back. It is possible this tear may communicate with the bursal surface anteriorly. @anonymous: Hi Donna, I am sorry to hear about this trouble you are having with your shoulder. In these cases often a multidisciplinary treatment team skilled in treating whiplash can be very useful (this may include health professionals like physiotherapists, psychologists, occupational therapists and doctors). The specific post-surgery rehabilitation is often differs between surgeons in different regions (depending on the specific techniques they use). For awhile I was able to get my arm somewhat back to normal but wilh slight aching. So a second opinion may not always yield the same advice (even though both surgeons may be giving appropriate advice based on their own circumstances and information). @anonymous: Hi Donald, I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder trouble and insurance situation. The acriomioclavicular joint usually should have some fluid that helps lubricate the joint, but when it is specifically mentioned in an imaging report (like an MRI report), they are usually indicating that there are able to see more fluid then one might usually expect (in someone without any shoulder pathology). I appreciate your thoughts on this matter. is likely to be required if you want less shoulder pain. I say promising because work in basic science and animal studies have demonstrated some quite promising findings. I have often seen these cases improve substantially after further surgery to repair these rotator cuff tears + post surgery rehabilitation therapies. P.S. Good luck! Thanks for stopping by and sharing. A rotator cuff tear can be caused by an acute injury such as a fall or by normal age-related wear and tear combined with tendon degeneration. Good luck! @DrMikeM: wheather arthoscopy surgry ll help for my injury sir ?what type of surgery needed for dis type of injuries sir.ortho doc told Do exercise for 2 weeks aftr tat if it not improved ll do arthoscopic surgery sir Due to a fall and resulting shoulder pain my doctor prescribed to have an MRI, the findings were; moderate tendinitis in the supraspinatus. Arthroscopic repair of full-thickness tears of the supraspinatus: does the tendon really heal? I wear an arm sling a lot to relieve weight from my shoulder, which helps to some degree. This kind of tear does not heal on its own. A tendon is similar to a rope and you can compare the suprasinatus tendon to an inch wide . Equally as important is a discussion about the likelihood of certain outcomes without further surgery. Have been taking 800 mg Motrin tid. All rights reserved. I can reach behind my back ok. Humeral head is riding high abutting the underside of the acromin process. For all you that are going to have this surgery be prepared for the long haul you will feel the feelings of uselessness, frustration, anger, and people looking at you like your full of it hang in there! I have full range of motion and only occasional soreness now and again, but can't sleep on that side. I had a fall at my workplace and was suffering neck and shoulder pain. Original injury was 4 years ago in a MVA and I've been experiencing pain when sleeping on injured side, intermittent loss of sensation for the entire arm resulting in dropping things, loss of muscular endurance and increased pain for repetitive activities ranging from ribcage level and upward, loss of muscular strength and increased pain for lifting objects at the present moment equivalent in weight to a litre of milk or heavier, and an overall sense of lack of spacial awareness for the injured arm as if my arm is not "connected" to my body. I have not lost any ROM I just have severe pain in my right shoulder. Sounds like no guarantee of 100% return to normal, and I'm about 95% now, not to mention a lengthy recovery. I worked closely with a physiotherapist for a good four months and pain got worse. The presence of greater tuberosity cortical irregularity and joint fluid was most important in the diagnosis of full-thickness supraspinatus . I am angry, confused and cannot get any pain relief. The use of steroid injection for treatment of a full-thickness rotator cuff tear is still controversial. The supraspinatus is one of four rotator cuff muscles in our shoulder. The soft tissues in their neck that were affected by the initial trauma may actually have healed, but they may still be feeling discomfort. indications. In active individuals who use the arm for overhead work or sports. Some people will say that exercises didn't work for them, but it turns out actually doing the exercises (rather than just thinking about them) drastically increases the chance of them being effective! 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full thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon surgery