hogon within the dogon culture

hogon within the dogon culture

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Circumcision is believed to eliminate the superfluous one. Other crops include sesame, maize, Large mock battles are performed in order to help chase the spirit, known as the nyama, from the deceased's body and village, and towards the path to the afterlife (Davis, 68). Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. The Dogon believe the sacred snake Lb comes during the night to clean him and to transfer wisdom. It seems likely that the Dogon people are an amalgamation of several groups who resisted Islamization. According to Ogotemmli's description of them, the Nummo, whom he also referred to as "Water", had green skinned covered in green hair, and in form were like human from the loins up, but serpent below. A hogon is a religious figure as well as a temporal authority;[1] the hogon may be hereditary or may be chosen from among the village elderscustom varies from place to place. [26], Because of the birth of the single-sexed male Jackal, who was born without a soul, all humans eventually had to be turned into single-sexed beings. It contained only about a quarter of the full vocabulary of "Dogo so", the Dogon language. ETHNONYMS: Cohatur, Kohatur, Kotar, Koter, Kothur Dogon sculptures are not made to be seen publicly, and are commonly hidden from the public eye within the houses of families, sanctuaries, or kept with the Hogon (Laude, 20). This led Mr. Temple to establish the theory that, according to Nommos, extraterrestrial inhabitants of Sirius travelled towards the earth at some point in the distant past, and one crossed to teach the old civilizations (the Egyptians and the Dogons) their [11] They also believe in ancestral spirits such as the Serpent Ancestor Lebe, and the "Water Spirits" Nommo. Two of the most specialized craftsleather- and ironworkingare restricted exclusively to members of a craft caste. An enlarged family can count up to a hundred persons and is called guinna. Other authors have argued that previous 20th-century European visitors to the Dogon are a far more plausible source of such information and dispute whether Griaule's account accurately describes Dogon myths at all. "hogon | African religious leader | Britannica", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hogon&oldid=1122616271, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 18 November 2022, at 14:57. The "Sigi so" was used to tell the story of creation of the universe, of human life, and the advent of death on the Earth, during both funeral ceremonies and the rites of the "end of mourning" ("dama"). Paris: ditions Domat-Montchrestien, F. Loviton. About 10 percent of the Dogon are Christians. All the rites and ceremonies involve, in varying degrees of complexity, offerings and sacrifices, mock battles, and the prominent display of the carved masks (generally through their use in the elaborate dances of the masked society). [5], The hogon may conduct rituals in the Sanctuaire de Binou, a special building the door of which is blocked with rocks. The private property of a woman goes first to her daughter, then to the youngest sister. Man in Peru Caught Out Drinking With an 800-year-old Mummy! Caste boys do not get circumcised.[31]. The Satimbe mask represents the women ancestors, who are said to have discovered the purpose of the masks by guiding the spirits of the deceased into the afterlife (Davis, 74). (2008). The series of dances, which constitute a good part of the Sigi, lasts for seven years; one village after another takes its turn to entertain its neighbors with feasting, drinking, and displays of wealth. Each district had its own recognized war leaders. Dieterlen, G., 1955. The term "Punjabi" signifies both an inhabitant of the Punjab and a speaker of the predominant Language, Wolof Death is conceived as the separation from the body of the two parts that make up the personalitythe nyama, or vital life force, and the kikinu say, or soul. Social stratification among the Dogon is similar in many respects to that found in other societies in West Africa. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. Here goods are exchanged not only between neighboring Dogon villages, but also between the Dogon and neighboring groups such as the Fulani and Dyula. . The idea has entered the New Age and ancient astronaut literature as evidence that extraterrestrial aliens visited Mali in the distant past. All agree, however, that they learned about the star from Griaule. Their images or figures appeared on the female side of the Dogon sanctuary. Masked dances and masquerades at funerals are a feature of their culture for which they are well known. Africa, 38(1), 16-25, Available at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/africa/article/dogon-cultureprofane-and-arcane/47CD44EC412C57D64B141529BD52F19B, Walther, O., Renaud, T., & Kissling, J. The Dogon are best identified for their religious traditions, the mask dances, wooden I have lived nearby and visited Dogon country. They purchase sugar, salt, European merchandise, and many animal products, such as milk, butter, and dried fish. WebDogon families are tied to one of the eight ancestral groups as per the four sets of twins in Dogon cosmogony and religion. Houses may never be sold because the sites on which they stand belongs to the descendants of the old inhabitants, who have control over who occupies the house. Ogotemmeli taught Griaule the religious stories in the same way that Ogotemmeli had learned them from his father and grandfather; oral instruction which he had learned over the course of more than twenty years. There are twelve categories of disease considered treatable, each with its own specific healer who has special knowledge of the specific plant that will bring about a cure. Monogamy is the major form of marriage, although nonsororal polygyny with a limit of two wives is permitted. "[52] In his book Sirius Matters, Noah Brosch postulates that the Dogon may have had contact with astronomers based in Dogon territory during a five-week expedition, led by Henri-Alexandre Deslandres, to study the solar eclipse of 16 April 1893. A cliff dwelling people, they inhabited the area for many centuries despite the hostility of the environment and were able to preserve their ancient lifestyle as they were protected from rivals by the long cliff of Bandiagara. The designation "Naga" is applied to the numerous Indo-Mongoloid tribes living in the hill country at the, Chin The 'Awa' is characterized by the intricate masks worn by members during rituals. Wood, covered with sacrifical materials, Seated Couple, Dogon, Mali. [33], The Dogon are among several African ethnic groups that practice female genital mutilation, including a type I circumcision, meaning that the clitoris is removed.[34]. Dogon religion and Dogon philosophy both expressed a haunting sense of the original loss of twin-ness. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. The increase in the number of visitors to the area in recent years has done wonders for tourism, but has sadly damaged the environment and this special cultural landscape. And then there are special sites such as this, which boast all these features. Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. Although this headman is considered to be the direct descendant in the senior male line of the traditional founder, all the other inhabitants of the village/district also bear patrilineal kinship ties to that traditional ancestor. [25] There has been extensive speculation about the origin of such astronomical knowledge. ", "Processes and Limitations of Dogon Agricultural Knowledge", Was there a now-vanished branch of Nilo-Saharan on the Dogon Plateau? [51], In a 1978 critique, skeptic Ian Ridpath concluded: "There are any number of channels by which the Dogon could have received Western knowledge long before they were visited by Griaule and Dieterlen. According to Shawn R. Davis, this particular ritual incorporates the elements of the yingim and the danyim. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. Clusters of from 5 to 6 of these villages center around water holes or wells, and each cluster is referred to as a "canton" or "district." Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. Location. Another 10% practices Christianity. [12] The historical pattern included the murder of indigenous males by raiders and enslavement of women and children. Sometime in the 14 th century, the Dogon people arrived in the area and drove the Tellem from the escarpment, although it is also possible that the latter were assimilated as within the abandoned Tellem villages, the influence of this culture on the Dogon is apparent. 575577, Index of African mythology and creation narratives, List of African deities and mythical figures, Traditional African religion and other religions, "Population dynamics and Paleoclimate over the past 3000 years in the Dogon Country, Mali", "Did the Dogon of Mali know about Sirius B? Another minority practices Christianity. 150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? Of the many fascinating fossil sites in Africa, an important one is the Cradle of Humankind outside of Johannesburg, South Africa. The Awa is a masked dance society that holds ritual and social importance. After completion of the dama, the soul departs from the world of the living and goes to the great god Amma. Most young men leave their villages to seek jobs in the cities of Mali and on the Ivory Coast; most of their earnings are sent home to their families. Ciarcia, Gaetano "Dogons et Dogon. [3], The Dogon are best known for their religious traditions, their mask dances, wooden sculpture, and their architecture. European contact was first made in 1857. Women are forbidden from joining and prohibited from learning sigi so. 16-19th century. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Bandiagara was once densely forested and species of plants found here grow nowhere else. Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. WebThe Dogon are renowned for their attachment to African Culture and traditions, and in Mali, I have witnessed many difficult mental illnesses being cured by Dogon healers, called the Hogon, which is the name for the Dogon priest. The smallest country of mainland Africa, this small nation can seem quite unremarkable at first glance, being confined only to the length of the Gambia River and Shambhala, which is a Sanskrit word meaning place of peace or place of silence, is a mythical paradise spoken of in ancient texts, including the Kalachakra Tantra and the ancient scriptures of the Zhang Zhung culture which predated Tibetan Buddhism in western Tibet. Of the native fauna in the region, large carnivores and ruminants have become rare, with only a few medium-sized mammals being found in the cliffs. The blind Dogon elder Ogotemmeli taught the main symbols of the Dogon religion to French anthropologist Marcel Griaule in October 1946. The virgin is replaced by one of his wives, and she also returns to her home at night. Industrial Arts. Dogon society is organized by a patrilineal kinship system. They speak the Dogon languages, which are considered to constitute an independent branch of the ); Brooklyn Museum (New York City), Female or male figure; probably early 17th century; 40.0 x 7.3 x 7.8cm (1534 x 2 7/8 x 3 in. Question: Discuss why you would or would not like to be selected as the Hogan within the Dogon culture. Marriage. Every four days, Dogon people participate in markets with neighboring tribes, such as the Fulani and the Dyula. Many artifacts have been located in caves and sanctuaries in the area which are helping experts to better understand the history and the societies of the Cliff of Bandiagara. Interest in other seemingly falsifiable claims, namely concerning a red dwarf star orbiting around Sirius (not hypothesized until the 1950s), led him to entertain a previous challenge by Temple, asserting that "Temple offered another line of reasoning. [citation needed] Divorce is more common in polygynous marriages than in monogamous marriages. The first occurs immediately after the death of a person, and the second can occur years after the death. WebThe Dogon religion is the traditional African beliefs of the Dogon of Mali. They farm, as well as hunt occasionally, and many Dogon continue to practice an indigenous polytheistic African religion. A few villages also keep bees. The colour white was a symbol of males. These events are held annually to honor the elders who have died since the last Dama. The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi is a monument in Turkestan, a city in southern Kazakhstan. Plains, escarpment, and plateau represent distinctive features in the region. Hogon live alone and should be celibat Those fields that are not repurchased subsequently become individual property. [citation needed] The selection of a wife is carried out by the man's parents. Palau Marti, Montserrat (1957). There are also two types of granaries - male granaries with a pointed roof is where seeds are stored, and female granaries (without points) are where the women of this society (who are economically independent from their husbands), store their personal belongings. Les dogon. It is generally accepted that the Dogon language belongs to the NigerCongo language family, though the evidence is weak. Paris: Institut d'Ethnologie. [20] The religion embraced many aspects of nature which are found in other traditional African religions. Marriages are endogamous in that the people are limited to marry only persons within their clan and within their caste.[29]. This problem has been solved! Other specialists are the healers or herbalists (dyodyonune ), who treat the sick, and sorcerers (dyonune ), who cast spells. Dogon art revolves around religious values, ideals, and freedoms (Laude, 19). van Beek (text) (2001). [6][7] Archaeological and ethnoarchaeological studies in the Dogon region have been especially revealing about the settlement and environmental history, and about social practices and technologies in this area over several thousands of years. Corrections? Inheritance. Individuals with high status may own a small number of cattle.[30]. The binou, which is usually in animal form serves as a representation of the ancestor. Until the dama is completed, the soul of the deceased wanders on the southern outskirts of the village, sometimes in the bush or around its former dwelling. In traditional Dogon society, land was transmitted within the family group (ginna, or lineage), and was considered inalienable property. Also effective as means of inducing conformity are ridicule and threats of supernatural sanction. Death and Afterlife. These are two story building with separate areas for men and women. Once in every sixty yearsroughly within a Dogon's life spana major Sigi (Sigu) ceremony takes place. Subsistence and Commercial Activities. At this time, new masks are carved and dedicated to the ancestors. In Dogon Each large district has a hogon, or spiritual leader, and there is a supreme hogon for the whole country. In his dress and behaviour the hogon symbolizes the Dogon myth of creation, to which the Dogon relate much of their social organization and culture. There also exists a supreme hogon for the entire region who resides at Arou (Aru) and is elected by members of the Arou tribe. There is no indigenous political integration above the local (village) or district level. [2] They speak the Dogon languages, which are considered to constitute an independent branch of the NigerCongo language family, meaning that they are not closely related to any other languages. The Dogon are a group of about 250,000 people who live primarily in the districts of Bandiagara and Douentza in the western African nation of Mali. [53], Robert Todd Carroll also states that a more likely source of the knowledge of the Sirius star system is from contemporary, terrestrial sources who provided information to interested members of the tribes. Above the lineage is the much larger kin group called the clan, from which the various lineages emerge. Religious Beliefs. [54] James Oberg, however, citing these suspicions notes their completely speculative nature, writing that, "The obviously advanced astronomical knowledge must have come from somewhere, but is it an ancient bequest or a modern graft? During the yincomoli ceremony, a gourd is smashed over the deceased's wooden bowl, hoe, and bundukamba (burial blanket). However, even in polygynous marriages, it is rare for a man to have more than two wives. Villages usually contain a single localized lineage whose dwellings are grouped around the "great house" (ginna ) of the head. Other crops include sesame, maize, peanuts, yams, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, okra, watermelons, papayas, some figs, gourds, and cotton. The Dogon are primarily agriculturalists and cultivate millet, sorghum and rice, as well as onions, tobacco, peanuts, and some other vegetables. A new 'sigi' is started every 60 years. They were one of the last people in West Africa to lose their independence and come under French rule.[18]. Unlike norms for the rest of society, parallel-cousin marriage is allowed within castes. During a greeting ritual, the person who has entered the contact answers a series of questions about his or her whole family, from the person who was already there. WebThe social and cultural traditions of the Dogon are among the best preserved of sub-saharan Africa, despite certain important irreversible socio-economic mutations. Gathering activities involve the collecting of wild fruits, nuts and berries, various seeds, leaves, tubers and roots, and honey. From the mythical stroy of creation from the Dogon culture, hogon is seen as the spiritual leader of the Dogon social culture. Orientation A men's society, frequently referred to as the "awa," or masked-dance society, is characterized by a strict code of etiquette, obligations, interdicts, and a secret language (sigi so). Thought to have originated as a method to unite and keep peace among Dogon villages, the 'sigi' involves all members of the Dogon people. [28] Today, a significant minority of the Dogon practice Islam. Beierle, John "Dogon Another indication of this is the subjectobjectverb basic word order, which Dogon shares with such early NigerCongo branches as Ijoid and Mande. ETHNONYMS: Chelofes, Galofes, Guiolof, Gyloffes, Ialofes, Iolof, Jalof, Jolof, Olof, Ouoloff, Valaf, Volof, Wollufs, Yaloffs, Yolof Then the Dogon who has entered the contact repeats the ritual, asking the resident how his or her whole family is. The extensive escarpment runs for over 93 miles (150 km) and it is between 300 and 900 feet (100 - 500 meters) high. Biographies - Hogon | African Religious Leader | Britannica The cliff is not far from the city of Bandiagara in western Mali. One relates to their coming from Mande, located to the southwest of the Bandiagara escarpment near Bamako. The Cliff of Bandiagara (or Land of the Dogons) in Mali is an outstanding landscape and has earthen architecture that seems to defy the laws of nature and the passing of time. ETHNONYMS: Dogom, Dogono, Habbe, Hambbe, Makbe, Tombo, Tommo, Toro, Identification. The development of tourism in the Dogon Country and the Hombori Mountains (Mali) . They call themselves "Dogon" or "Dogom," but in the older literature they are referred to as "Habbe" (sing. 'Sigi' is a society-wide ritual to honor and recognize the first ancestors. Once there, many trails are open to visitors along the escarpment and while visiting a traditional Dogon village, cultural respect is encouraged. The name of the country was changed to "French Sudan," and French administrators levied taxes and introduced currency reforms (e.g., French francs to replace the native cowrie shells). The most ancient dialects are dyamsay and tombo, the former being most frequently used for traditional prayers and ritual chants. Dogon people. In Dogon Each large district has a hogon, or spiritual leader, and there is a supreme hogon for the whole country. In his dress and behaviour the hogon symbolizes the Dogon myth of creation, to which the Dogon relate much of their social organization and culture. Encyclopedia.com. Dogon funeral rituals come in two parts. In comparison with the neighboring Fulani, animal husbandry is relatively unimportant. Although the importance of the tumo is gradually decreasing, age remains a key status factor. Griaule encouraged the construction of a dam near Sangha and persuaded the Dogon to cultivate onions. This was to prevent a being like the Jackal from ever being born on Earth again. 16th-20th Century. Some young men will hunt for small game, but wild animals are relatively scarce near villages. The Dogons are a distinct ethnic group with their own culture and religious beliefs. Where diseases are considered to be supernaturally based or the result of sorcery, a healer-diviner is called in who determines the cause of the disease (through divination), then offers sacrifices, magical charms, and incantations to bring about a cure. Because of his solitary state, the first son of God acted as he did. His saliva is the source of the life-giving humidity, and his foot must not touch the earth directly or the ground will dry up. In the 7th century AD, the Byzantine Empire harnessed the power of fire with the creation of Greek fire, a weapon of destruction unlike any before its time. Division of Labor. Omissions? Starting in the northeastern part of Dogon territory, each village takes turns celebrating and hosting elaborate feasts, ceremonies, and festivities. 23 Feb. 2023 . The The population numbers between 400,000 and 800,000. Since the twentieth century, there have been significant changes in the social organisation, material culture and beliefs of the Dogon, in part because Dogon country is one of Mali's major tourist attractions. Marriage is proscribed between members of the same clan or with first or second cousins of different clans. WebThe Dogon are ethnic group from the Central plateau region of Mali, located in West Africa. The Dogon are an ethnic group indigenous to the central plateau region of Mali, in West Africa, south of the Niger bend, near the city of Bandiagara, and in Burkina Faso.The population numbers between 400,000 and 800,000. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Grain is stored in granaries. The Dogon are primarily agriculturists, their principal crops being millet, sorghum, rice, onions, beans, tobacco, and sorrel. The Niger River is nearby and in the sandstone rock, a rivulet runs at the foot of the cliff at the lowest point of the area during the wet season. The neighboring Fulani have been largely instrumental in transmitting the Islamic faith to the Dogon. Starting with the French anthropologist Marcel Griaule, several authors have claimed that Dogon traditional religion incorporates details about extrasolar astronomical bodies that could not have been discerned from naked-eye observation. In addition, men tend the livestock, hunt, and clear and fertilize the fields, whereas women collaborate in sowing, weeding, and harvesting the grain and in raising seasonal crops such as onions. WebAlthough the Dogon recognize the creator god Amma as the Supreme Being and address prayers and sacrifices to him, the core set of beliefs and practices focuses on ancestor Is weak located in West Africa southwest of the Bandiagara escarpment near Bamako are! Is no indigenous political integration above the local ( village ) or district level as! In Turkestan, a gourd is smashed over the deceased 's wooden bowl, hoe and... Both expressed a haunting sense of the Dogon are ethnic group with their own and. Caste boys do not have page numbers ( village ) or district level once... Restricted exclusively to members of a woman goes first to her daughter, then to great! A younger brother is first in line to inherit all collective property, by! 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hogon within the dogon culture