psalm 23 commentary john macarthur

psalm 23 commentary john macarthur

Nor is he saying that 'the LORD is my Shepherd, I get everything I want'. In Psalm 22 Christ is the Saviour; in Psalm 23 He is the Satisfier; in Psalm 24 He is the Sovereign. The little child out at sea in the storm is not frightened like all the other passengers on board the vessel, it sleeps in its mothers bosom; it is enough for it that its mother is with it; and it should be enough for the believer to know that Christ is with him Thy rod and thy staff, by which you govern and rule your flock, the ensigns of your sovereignty and of your gracious carethey comfort me. When people die, we think of them as having entered the valley of the shadow of death, but the same is true for their loved ones. They are dumb, dirty, defenceless and dependant. Psalm 23 is a wonderful masterpiece of David that contains encouragement and awe-inspiring spiritual truths. I will fear no evil, for you are with me (v. 4b). God leads his people, not to the standing waters which corrupt and gather filth, not to the troubled sea, nor to the rapid rolling floods, but to the silent purling waters; for the still but running waters agree best with those spirits that flow out towards God and yet do it silently. The sweetest word of the whole is that monosyllable, My. He does not say, The Lord is the shepherd of the world at large, and leadeth forth the multitude as his flock, but The Lord is my shepherd; if he be a Shepherd to no one else, he is a Shepherd to me; he cares for me, watches over me, and preserves me. The words are in the present tense. He will sustain and provide for all of His peoples needs. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. His focus is upon the effects of the Fall in the undoing of creation and the manner in which God rids His creation of The Analogy of God and the Shepherd in Psalm 23, The Lord As A Shepherd Who Provides (Verse 1), The Lord As A Shepherd Who Guides (Verses 2-3), The Protection And Comfort From Gods Presence (Verse 4), The Blessings of God Amidst Danger (Verse 5), Faith-Filled Content Delivered To Your Inbox, Best NASB Study Bibles Ranked & Reviewed, The Best Bible for Young Adults: Buyers Guide. He doesn't stop, and he doesn't give up hope. (5) Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day. His presence shall comfort them: Thou art with me. Shepherd - This imagery of the shepherd and sheep spans the entire Bible but is most prominent in the New Testament where Jesus speaks about His relationship with His people, His sheep. He experiences the benefit of God's presence with him and care of him now, and therefore expects the benefit of them when he most needs it. Gods presence removed the fear in David and comforted him. If things are tough, remember this verse. He is. WebPSALM 23:1-4. The word restore implies the notion of a rescued one. The writer of Psalm 23 makes an analogy between God and the shepherd. The promises are for those who have been born again not those who simply like the sound of it for a funeral! We must surrender our desires and follow where He leads no matter the cost. He had a sidekick with him who spoke on 'I will build my church'. Alex is a family man and entrepreneur based in Los Angeles. 20:28 ) If this is you, then please don't starve God's flock and please don't feed them rubbish. Play. Because there is no evil in it to a child of God; death cannot separate us from the love of God, and therefore it can do us no real harm; it kills the body, but cannot touch the soul. He is the source of life and a great provider. 'Is something bad going to happen to me?' Time was when David was himself a shepherd; he was taken from following the ewes great with young (Ps 78 70, 71), and so he knew by experience the cares and tender affections of a good shepherd towards his flock. It is getting harder to live on this planet - from a health point of view, from a financial point of view, from a spiritual and moral point of view, from a fear and anxiety point of view - there is much that a person could be concerned about. Thank God for such times! Nothing is hurried, there is no confusion, no disturbance, the enemy is at the door and yet God prepares a table, and the Christian sits down and eats as if everything were in perfect peace. (Spurgeon). Many people succumb to their hopelessness and fear. He is the shepherd that provides and His people will lack no good thing. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, Jesus took this name for Himself when He said 'Before Abraham was born, I AM!' This magazine often included an exposition of a psalm, and in the 1866 publication Spurgeon featured Psalm 23. The best saints are sensible of their proneness to go astray like lost sheep (Ps 119 176); they miss their way, and turn aside into by-paths; but when God shows them their error, gives them repentance, and brings them back to their duty again, he restores the soul; and, if he did not do so, they would wander endlessly and be undone. Witamy Wybierz adres dostawy Wszystkie kategorie Wyszukaj Oils and ointments can salve wounds and insect bites. The rest of the Psalm exhibits the shepherding care of God that is essential to life. He is their shepherd, and they may call him so. In light of all these truths, we must respond promptly. They can't run all that fast, don't have the greatest eye sight apparently and, being basically defenceless, are timid and fearful. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures. In the Old Testament, prophets were anointed (1 Kings 19:16). David wrote about this in Psalm 25. 4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. When things were hard for Joe Christian you would hear the pastor encourage him saying 'Jesus will never leave or forsake you - take heart!' The rod and staff were comforting to the sheep, because both were intended for the sheeps benefit. 3,580+ | 2 min. In verse 1, David expresses his thoughts about God. This unspeakably delightful verse has been sung on many a dying bed, and has helped to make the dark valley bright times out of mind. He had been chased and pursued as he ran from his enemies who sought to take his life. Is one better than the other? Psalm 23:4 Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Why should it be dreadful when there is nothing in it hurtful? Imminent danger supposed: "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, that is, though I am in peril of death, though in the midst of dangers, deep as a valley, dark as a shadow, and dreadful as death itself," or rather, "though I am under the arrests of death, have received the sentence of death within myself, and have all the reason in the world to look upon myself as a dying man, yet I am easy." It's not for the goats. David knew all about this. "Depth and strength underlie the simplicity of this psalm. [6] As a silly example, a few weeks back I got an email from a past work colleague that I hadn't heard from for some time. But, God as our shepherd provides peace that transcends all understanding. I have a lady at my work who, after saying something that she felt may tempt fate, said 'touch wood'. The shadow of a dog cannot bite; the shadow of a sword cannot kill; the shadow of death cannot destroy us. "He restores me when I wander." Surely goodness (Hebrew: tob) and loving kindness (Hebrew: hesed) shall follow me all the days of my life (v. 6a). So I wrote back and said I had done a thorough check and all was well. In the Old Testament world, to eat and drink at someones table created a bond of mutual loyalty, and could be the culminated token of a covenant. She is a lady that is unfortunately into the New Age and has spirit guides etc She doesn't agree with what I believe nor do I agree with her beliefs. They are still waters, for the Holy Ghost loves peace, and sounds no trumpet of ostentation in his operations. It is expressed in this verse - Rom The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. To eat at the Kings table in the presence of your enemies would show your enemies that the king holds you in high regard, and would demonstrate their powerlessness to hurt you. (2.) Ok, I'm being naughty. [7], 5001 North Oak Trafficway He is no longer speaking about God, but is instead speaking to God. It is as sure as the promise of the God of truth can make it; and we know whom we have believed. Sweet and full are the doctrines of the gospel; fit food for souls, as tender grass is natural nutriment for sheep. Believe with the same confidence David had. But despite this I got on with her pretty well. The noteworthiness of Psalm 23 was not lost on Spurgeon. Whatever be the believers position, he is even now under the pastoral care of Jehovah. That seldom accomplishes His purposes and the rest of the Psalm show that these things do occur. he leads me to waters where I can rest: this was the best water. Together with goodness it suggests the steady kindness and support that one can count on in the family or between firm friends. (Kidner), ii. He served them bread, saying, Take, eat; this is my body. Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks he gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:26-28). Regardless of destitution, famine, storms, and other uncertainties, Gods flock is well-provided for in all seasons. It is the valley of the shadow, deep indeed, and dark, and dirty; but the valleys are fruitful, and so is death itself fruitful of comforts to God's people. A lot of people are suffering mentally, emotionally, and financially. WebThe apostle John clearly presented the events recorded in his book as future resolutions to the problems which began as a result of the curse in Gen. 3. What a wonderful picture we have of Christ in these three psalms! 1TheLordis my shepherd; I shall not want. We have the supports and comforts of this life from God's good hand, our daily bread from him as our Father. WebPastor and teacher John MacArthur covers the complete Bibleevery passage of the Old and New Testaments, phrase by phrasein this valuable one-volume resource. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. When, after one sin, David's heart smote him, and, after another, Nathan was sent to tell him, Thou art the man, God restored his soul. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven .' His anointing set him apart for his unique role as prophet, priest, and king. It is milk for babes, pasture for sheep, never barren, never eaten bare, never parched, but always a green pasture for faith to feed in. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake.. In that culture, people considered a persons name to be more than a simple label to identify that person. He was refreshed by a head anointed with oil; his cup was over-filled. Almost everyone, whether religious or not, has heard Psalm 23 because it is quoted so frequently. [12] You will only be able to say that if you have truly come to know the Lord Jesus as your Shepherd. This feeding is symbolic of being fed spiritually with the word of God. i. 1. Enemies may surround David but he is saying that the provision and grace of God gives him such confidence that in a time when he should be fearful and anxious (like while in the very presence of his enemies), he is still able to sit, relax and eat! Konto i listy Zwroty i zamwienia. Then we serve a good Master. See here the courage of a dying saint (v. 4): "Having had such experience of God's goodness to me all my days, in six troubles and in seven, I will never distrust him, no, not in the last extremity; the rather because all he has done for me hitherto was not for any merit or desert of mine, but purely for his name's sake, in pursuance of his word, in performance of his promise, and for the glory of his own attributes and relations to his people. Everyone loves this Psalm. It records, as has been said, "the triumph of a warrior's faith." Gods presence enables David to feast in perfect security. The wonderful discovery is that the Lord is not just a shepherd who looks after the entire flock, but He is cares for me as well. Proud member In these paths we cannot walk unless God both lead us into them and lead us in them. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. 2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. From three very comfortable premises David, in this psalm, draws three very comfortable conclusions, and teaches us to do so too. Sometimes those paths lead straight through the valley of the shadow of death. Davids song is portrayed in non-religious circles too, making appearances in many secular movies and other entertainment mediums. WebVerse 1. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. Current Bid: USD 450.00 Bid Online More Books from auctioneer: The Great Courses: The Book of Genesis dvd Used - Very Good 0 bids. It is a great comfort to know that God will correct us when we need it. And yet through it all he could look back and write 'the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want'. [1] It is a Psalm that encompasses our live here and even extends into eternity future. One can rightly say that we face only the shadow of death because Jesus took the full reality of death in our place. The other thing to note on this point is that the entire psalm is only valid for those who truly have Jesus as their shepherd. And then the same thing will happen tomorrow. Verse 4 has a dark tone that embodies the possibility of traversing through the valley of death even in the presence of the shepherd. d. For You are with me: This emphasizes that it is the presence of the shepherd that eliminated the fear of evil for the sheep. Are we blessed with the green pastures of the ordinances? 4 (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996), Waltner, James H., Believers Church Bible Commentary: Psalms (Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press, 2006, Baker, Warren (ed. But the love for our Saviour is great, with us waiting patiently for a time all these woes will come to an end. As you survey your life, what path has God led and guided you through? For them, it truly was the valley of the shadow of death. [1], It is not only I do not want, but I shall not want. Come what may, if famine should devastate the land, or calamity destroy the city, I shall not want. Old age with its feebleness shall not bring me any lack, and even death with its gloom shall not find me destitute. i. He is a great leader who leads people to righteous living. (Proverbs 10:3). God was the one providing for him, God was the one anointing his head with oil (which was what gracious hosts did for their guests in Israel) so he knew that he would have more than enough! Many of David's psalms are full of complaints, but this is full of comforts, and the expressions of delight in God's great goodness and dependence upon him. WebThe Lord is my shepherd . God shines His light into our lives. In describing the Lord as a shepherd, David wrote out of his own experience because he had spent his early years caring for sheep. There is a noble tone of confidence about this sentence. Davids former occupation was a humble shepherd. Our God leads His people into the green pastures and still waters. Everything in eternity -- for I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever. Do we feel that our spirituality is at its lowest ebb? Psalm 40 - The Pit and the Pierced Ear in the Paths of God, Psalm 41: The pattern of betrayal - Past, present and future (P1), Psalm 55: The pattern of betrayal: Past, present and future (P2), Psalm 69 - The restoration and the zeal of the Lord, Psalm 102 - Change and the Unchangeable One, Psalm 110: Jesus the Messiah - Our Lord and King, Psalm 110: Jesus our priest in the order of Melchizedek. [13] Boy it used to annoy me how church leaders and other Christians would create such confusion concerning this! and I will dwell in Yahwehs (Hebrew: YHWH) house forever (v. 6b). Peace -- for He leads me beside the still waters. There is no if nor but, nor even I hope so; but he says, The Lord is my shepherd. (Charles Spurgeon). It helped him even in the valley of the shadow of death to know that God guided him, even through correction. A number of our soldiers died there. To walk indicates the steady advance of a soul which knows its road, knows its end, resolves to follow the path, feels quite safe, and is therefore perfectly calm and composed Observe that it is not walking in the valley, but through the valley. the peace which Jehovah gives to his people, even in the midst of the most trying circumstances! For a shepherd, the healing purpose would be significant. WebFirst, because the Messiah comes from Israel, and is a representative of the nation. It has comforted the noble host of the poor. But, even in the supposition of the distress, there are four words which lessen the terror:It is death indeed that is before us; but, [1.] May we live in the daily enjoyment of this blessing, receiving a fresh anointing for every days duties. Lady at my work who, after saying something that she felt may tempt,... It be dreadful when there is a noble tone of confidence about this sentence emotionally and! If nor but, God as our shepherd provides peace that transcends all understanding bread, saying take. And pursued as he ran from his enemies who sought to take his life saying that. As has been said, `` the triumph of a rescued one to identify that person the word. Alex is a great leader who leads people to righteous living starve God 's and! Simple label to identify that person promises are for those who have born! 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psalm 23 commentary john macarthur