sanaya roman cause of death

sanaya roman cause of death

For their dedication, for their time and energy, for the moments of bliss and humor (I will never forget a hilarious journey with the gas beings), for making possible conscious contacts with The Great Ones, Masters, Angels, Guides, and with all the compassion and the love that are available for every single creature. It didnt hurt that I met some very lovely LB people there, who have now become like family to me. She and Orin have coauthored the books Creating Money and Opening to Channel with Duane Packer who channels DaBen. Like many comments on this Tribute page Sanaya's work changed my life. All my love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And in her peaceful achievement of that inevitable destiny there is much for all of us to emulate. / I'm sorry, / Please, forgive me! I am so grateful for the work that has been 3 years in the making and feel it has a special value now and I will treasure it. , Sanaya Roman, "Channel for Orin." Alibris 9. I was moved by every page, I truly felt my Soul wanted me to read the book and I was one of those Orin called. Congratulated. But I kept taking their courses just because I was strongly pulled to align with the Divine Will, that was my strong desire. With love and thanks to Sanaya and to Duane with what your have given the world. All love. All the love and light that you are now and forever. Sanaya Roman is currently considered a "single author." If one or more works are by a distinct, homonymous authors, go ahead and split the author. It brings me an overwhelming sense of peace and support. When Sanaya looked me in the eyes, she looked into my soul. I felt much sadness and unsettledness, and then love and gratitude for her. Sanaya says that, " All of Orin's work is to assist you in unfolding your potential, finding your own inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually. While the personality cant help but feel sad over Sanayas passing, at the same time my heart is filled with immense gratitude, and I feel honored to be called upon to assist in her transition, even though I didnt know it at the time. I did not have the privilege to know her personally but it is many years that her books and records on the website are my companion in my home in Jerusalem, Israel. At first I felt sad, until I remembered its a transition, not a loss. My condolences to Duane, Edward, Greg and Amy. It is a very powerful moment when we do so. When I tune in to Sanaya what I sense is a big celebration for all the consciousness she and Orin shifted and uplifted on this planet. Blessings to Sanaya! I had a dream before Christmas where you and Sanaya were enveloping me/the group in an unconditional wave of love, support and gratitude. In Light and Love. What a blessing! We are all eternally grateful for her body of work. All my blessings for Sanaya and Orin, Duane and DaBen and everyone connected to this Light Group. Massage therapists say it helps people relax and makes their bodywork more effective. The cause of death was not disclosed. An infinity of Gratitude and lovely energies which communicate to Sanaya, Orin, you and DaBen, with endless Love, Light, and Gratitude for these huge contributions that you have made and are continuing to make. Yet, my life fell apart anyway. Thank you for everything! Namaste. If you wish, visit the tribute to Sanaya page to read some of the messages from students. Over the years it was always joyful to see Sanayas radiant being at the seminar, and I had been content with just watching her from a distance and observing her warm exchanges with people. These meditations kept me going, gave me a hope and lifted me every single day since. To tell me Love of my soul has never forsaken me, and it never will. It's very possible I've spent more time listening to Sanaya's voice than I've spent with any other person in my life. She has been so a part of the LuminEssence energy and lightbody and been part of my path for so long. Over the past 25 years their work with Duane and DaBen has been one of the most profound influences in my life. Love you immensely. I had, in 1982, been prompted by the Powers-That-Be to accompany the souls who have passed from our earthly plane, but my ability to live as my soul was very limited, and thus limited my ability to be on the same plane as them. I am a light body graduate and I have been so much transformed by Orin and DaBen meditations. "One worth knowing" this is the meaning of the name Sanaya which we have given to this group who gives you these daily messages. With your passing your light reveals even more of the beauty of your being. I have followed many courses from Sanaya and Orin. The Light is real! Thank you, Sanaya for giving me and so many people such a beautiful gift that most people don't know exists. I never met her in person but she was, and continues to be, in my life in one way or another every day, whether that is through reading her books over and over again or listening to the guided meditations on a regular basis. I wrote to Sanaya when I was this age and she was nice enough to take the time and reply with an encouraging message and enthusiasm for my spiritual development. Forever Grateful. My personality is very different from 2010 and I am very, very happy about that. I love Sanaya and since love transcends time and space I trust to keep playing with her in the inner realms. I saw her one more time in a dream after that, which never happened before. I have not seen Sanaya since you both left the Bay Area, and Orin has been my main teacher for earlier than that. Sanaya works today, not from her higher self, but from her soul, linking in a whole new pattern with her students and Orin. Orin's Introduction to Divine Will. He says he is reaching those of you who are on the leading edge of the new consciousness that is coming, working with you to assist you in discovering more of your life purpose and in accomplishing what you came to earth to do. Listening to Orin daily for 25 years coming through Sanaya's beautiful voice has changed my life in every way possible. Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for over 25 years. Dealing differently with situations. I just saw Sanayas passing today when I opened the home page. For some reason the authors name had completely been forgotten. Ho'Oponopono / I love you / I'm sorry / Please forgive me / Thank you Seeing a fog coming out of pages. It's taken me a long time to write this. Lori Alexia aka Penna Piererra, real name Lora Ann Evans, was murdered by Woody Borgella, the boyfriend she move in with over the summer in Brooklyn, NY. It is a matter of listening, opening, and allowing yourself to expand beyond the "you" that you know as your normal awareness. 25 years ago, I stumbled across a book from Sanaya and Orin, Personal Power Through Awareness. An acquaintance who I barely knew gave it to me. Sanayas voice, her energy, Orins energy has been my guide for many years, since then. Allow me to express my condolences to Duane, Edward and all the staff and collaborators at LuminEssence. Thaddeus' music can assist you in expanding your consciousness and connecting with the higher dimensions of light through the use of certain sequences and combinations of tones, the rhythm, the musical sounds used, and the reflection of the consciousness of Thaddeus himself that is contained in the music. I cant express how overcome with sadness I feel. A couple of days before I found out, I had felt guided to work with a meditation where one is led to blend one's consciousness with that of a role model, with their special gifts in mind. Even though Sanaya has now moved to a higher divine plane of reality, she is forever remembered and will be in our hearts. I was drawn to go on the website seeking answers to this uncertain time and there I discovered the passing of Sanjaya. I met Sanaya many years ago in the late 1980's. I always feel like our common bond to LuminEssence is a behind the scenes support guiding us through the ups and downs, joys and sorrows of marriage. Orin has such finesse in bringing in evolutionary teachings in ways that people learn, accept, incorporate and then build on. Sanaya Roman Play artist More actions Listeners 138 Scrobbles 4,595 Do you have any photos of this artist? I am so thankful for Sanaya and Orin, I don't know what I would do without them. She will be part of me all my life. The background music on the Orin journeys is by Thaddeus, an angelic being who brings his music to you through me. Thank you, Sanaya! Thank you, thank you, thank you. These are excellent for background music for meditation, meetings with friends, classes, bodywork, yoga, or anywhere you want to set a healing, uplifting, relaxing space. He says he is working with us at this time because humanity is going through a major transition and awakening. "She didn't seem like she had any hangups or anything like that." Much love and gratitude to all of you. I thought, what if Sanaya had never released her work, her books, her meditations with Orin, her music with Thaddeus? I look forward to continuing my work with you. The way she radiated a strong golden glowing sun light. It's taken me a few weeks to write. In small token of appreciation now, I would like to say that throughout life I have found answers within reading or listening to Orin and Sanaya's work, and I can only say thank you for enriching my life in countless ways. I know intellectually we all know there is a Divine Order. Thank you so much for all you do. Weeping tonight as I have just read about Sanaya Roman's passing peacefully on December 28, 2021. As she describes the glamours she begins to ham it up a bit, mentioning helplessness, then she says no choice in a droll voice that gets a guffaw from the attendees. Blessings. Before every meditation with Orin (or DaBen), I now say these words: "You will always be in my heart". Listen to 50 minutes of continuous Thaddeus music samples in the Thaddeus Music Listening Room. My sincere condolences. I immediately felt the life-changing words of the book and it has been a source of personal power ever since. I feel so enormously blessed to have come across her books decades ago. With love. Part of his service is to offer people a path of spiritual growth and to assist people in reaching their higher self, soul, and spirit. Even though I never met Sanaya personally, I feel as if I already knew her through all of her books, music, and meditations. I am so appreciative of being a part of the amazing co-creation taking place between loving beings on both sides of the veil. I have read all Orin and Sanayas books, and done most of her seminars and journeys. I considered her a spirit guide and a friend who was always there for me metaphysically speaking. When I tried to meditate as usual for the coming year, I couldnt dispel the feeling that an enormous, magnificent light has been doused leaving a huge vacuum in the ether. I listened to her tapes daily for many years and they've helped transform my life in so many ways, including finding self-love, increasing my abundance, and manifesting my soul mate. P161 Sanaya Roman Understanding Energy One. I am super thankful for being able to have found this website! I dutifully completed the prerequisite Awakening Your Lightbody series in the months before, even though I found the whole thing completely and utterly beyond my comprehension. I listened to her tapes on the subway for many years on my way to work and they really helped pave the way for me, bringing in light and awareness of other opportunities. Sanaya taught me how to shine a light for others. Follow Sanaya Roman to get new release emails from Audible and Amazon. People tell us it works better than anything else they have tried to fall asleep and to wake up feeling refreshed. Channel Sanaya Roman presents Personal Power through Awareness, given to her by Orin, a timeless being of love and light. Before Sanaya's body was found, Nikat had said her daughter had been abducted by a drunken African man. Practice everywhere you go. At the end of summer in 2001 I moved to Iceland and was feeling unhappy and lost but felt I was at the right place and in need of finding myself. Sanaya emanates gentleness, deep understanding and unconditional love and acceptance for me which is profoundly healing. Also I want to say to you, Duane Packer, that living well instead of living long resonates with me! Channeling & Spirit Guides: Voices From Within, Not Beyond which was a certainty, then Tantomile's death would instantly make Coricopat into the new Empress of Levakia. Much love on your journey Sanaya. See if you can notice something beautiful about them. Thank You, Thank You for everything! I feel very blessed and grateful for finding your work: Sanaya's book literally fell from the top shelf in a library onto my head :) Your work and light have completely changed the course of my life. Orin changed the way i look at my family and my dearest friends, her meditations elevated my soul to higher dimensions of which i had glimpsed before. Creating Money: Keys to Abundance. I know that she is shining her bright light from her soul to all of us. I feel deep love for this work! They have created a space for inner reflection, love, light and peace like no other path. I would like to pay a tribute to say thank you to Sanaya and Orin for all the wonderful courses, meditations, books and music that we are blessed with from them both. Sanaya was a sister that I never met in person, but through her timeless channelings and books she gave me the ability to see her right now in my hearts eye smiling and saying, "Thank you all for bringing much more Light and Love to your own lives as well as to the world." I opened my heart to this lighted being, whom I now call "Thaddeus," and blended my consciousness with his. Dearest Sanaya. Love and light. I am very grateful for her teachings and her wonderful voice of love, light, and peace! I first came in contact with Sanaya and Orin's work in August 2021. And such an overflow of gratitude at the very idea of the energy in Thaddeus music behind my own projects. In a journey that started 35 years ago, I am so grateful for this life. I personally have gained so much and have looked forward like a little child for the next. It was her dying gift to me and a gift that gave me Life. We are in shock. Orin found me in 1995. This has stayed with me down the years through all the other Orin teachings. Although I know that you all are aware that her spirit lives on, it is still a loss and sadness of her physical presence. Thank you so much. I was afraid of everything and everyone. Ive thought for some time about sharing a few unforgettable subtle experiences Sanaya gave to me. She was standing with a small group in a break and I decided to join them. Her books introduced me through Orin to my highest self and a deep connection with my Soul. The person who helped me begin my connection with my guides and my higher self 30 years ago . Watching her energy shoot up left an indelible lesson. Her books and tapes have impacted my life greatly. Ruth Roman, a screen actress who parlayed her electrically charged combination of sexiness and wholesomeness into Hollywood stardom in the late 1940's and 50's, died on Thursday at her home in. I cant thank Sanaya enough for bringing through such beautiful divine guidance. Orin and Sanaya were and are a bedrock. Her legacy will live on forever. It was like a light bulb going on. Immediately during the chapter one mediation, I connected with the very strong presence of my Higher Self, who would become my new best friend on the journey of my life path. Your heart center becomes so radiant that you attract all that you need to you to fulfill your purpose in every moment. Sending love from Berlin. I am so very sad to hear of Sanaya passing. Recently I needed to raise my vibration in order to manifest something important in my life, so I came to your site to play some Orin tapes, since they always shift my energy to a higher vibration. ), I dont need to write books! She was married to her third husband, William Ross Wilson, until her death in 1999. I don't know what your plans are but it would be wonderful if there would be a forum/platform where we students can contact each other. A heart-felt thanks to Sanaya for her powerful work which has touched my life and so many others. The form has changed but the light has not wavered. Much Love and Light. What gratitude I have. Thank you so much! I said no. I am imagining you continuing to do your beautiful work just on the other side. Thank you Sanaya for being you! I am speechless. I look forward to working with Sanaya forever across all time, boundaries and worlds. Read More . She is very well loved here and above. I send Love and Gratitude to Orin and Sanaya Roman! Thank you for all youve done, and for all that you do. The voice of Sanaya has always been a blessing in assisting me with understanding and assimilating easily the frequencies, energy waves in the different spaces and dimensions that we traveled to in each of our sessions. Beforehand I was dabbling, but nothing focused until I got started with her and then when Duane and she were co-teaching the first Light Body Classes. She has also produced an extensive line of audio guided meditations by Orin to assist you in transforming your life, contacting your soul and spirit, learning to channel, and . I loved her dear voice, her meditations and Thaddeus music. She has dropped her physical body, but her personal energy and Orins radiance have only increased. Orin's course in Divine Manifesting works with all 7 qualities of Divine Will and your Divine Self to learn how to manifest working with spiritual forces, to bring about the divine blueprint in every area of your life. They gave me solace and light when very few things on this earth did. Condolences to the family. She has been one of the major contributors to my own awakening, and the Awakening Your Light Body program that she created with you had been a turning point in my own life. Orin calls the path he offers a Path of Self-Realization. However, with Sanaya that sense of loss was significantly softened by a deep sense of completion as if she had achieved what she set out to achieve, and that her transition was a celebration of that achievement. Such wonderful uplifting energy through and through. Many divine blessings for your transition. Out of that blending with Thaddeus, a song was created that took me to a wonderful place of love and light each time I listened. I was reading a book called Soul Love where Orin is taking us through connecting with our soul and I felt so much love and warmth. Im sure Sanaya will be still working with us through the words in all the books and courses. I was first introduced to Sanaya and Orin around 2009 when someone I had met had given me a book to read called Personal Power Through Awareness. I so appreciate Your down to earth approach and love Your sense of humor throughout Your recordings. People have written us with wonderful stories about Thaddeus' music. 'Living with Joy' was one of the first spiritual books I read and it still is one of my favorites, along with the other books Sanaya and Orin wrote. Defence barrister Chris Dane QC argued the evidence of the mother's postnatal depression . Smile. Looking forward to the new course The Jeweled Vehicle. I have experienced her saying to me that it is pure bliss what she experiences now, and I'm so glad to hear that! In deep appreciation. My deepest gratitude and prayers with all the light of my heart and soul for Sanaya. I am so excited to experience the upcoming seminars with this "additional dimension of energy from Orin and blessings from Sanaya in the power of this loving group energy." I signed into the Orin DaBen website to get information on using Thaddeus Music for a video project when I saw that Sanaya had passed. It contains true spirituality; underscores the channeling process with words of love, encouragement and empowerment; and eliminates unfounded fears. I sense great joy as well as celebration in the higher realms. There are no words to describe the magnitude of her influence and the eternal shifts her work left upon humanity. May all the light and blessings you have shared and given so generously come back to you multiplied. I definitely hold a space of love for Sanaya and I know that she is holding a space for us. Light body teachers and other teachers use it in their classes to assist class members in reaching high spaces. She has been a source of hope, inspiration, comfort and strength. What a space she and Orin held for me as a teacher! I wanted to extend my deepest condolences to Duane and the LuminEssence team. Her courage in opening the light body for us mere mortals took great courage. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Reading that book felt like coming home to myselfit was so special to me. About Orin When I taught the basic Light Body class yesterday her presence was so strong and seemed to lift all of us up to a new powerful level of experience and awareness of being. When I saw the picture with the beautiful white rose on orindaben homepage, I realized that she is a Sadhguru as the Indian tradition says, a real Master. Truly she has made an impact on my life and countless others and the world is a better place because she took charge of her purpose here on earth. I am so grateful for her love and light. Sanaya getting her work out to the world made it possible to reach me and many others who were searching for the light. Garrett Rubalcaba, better known to his fans as Roman Heart, has reportedly died at the age of 33. I am forever grateful for her light and Orin's and I trust she will be part of our journey as long as we exist, and as long as there is light. You and she have impacted my life in such a way as to have shifted my soul path for eons to come. Thank you! Doing only what came easily, / And got caught up in the illusions you so often warned about. You can listen to Thaddeus' music samples in the Thaddeus Music Listening Room. Heartfelt love and gratitude. They are probably the one thing that changed my life the most. Precious energy indeed. She gave us the gift of herSelf, and for that I will always be indebted to her. I want to thank Sanaya for the work she must have had to do, day in and day out, the chop wood and carry water type of work she must have had to persevere in to be able to channel so powerfully such a powerful message. We Love you. My life took a different path which has been and continues to be wonderful. My Immense and Eternal Gratitude for Sanaya. Duane and DaBens teachings later enhanced the process and helped me to improve my capacities. Again, as I got close, the energy shot way above her head, cautioning me to come there and meet her as a great being go to a high level. Many of you experience this when you are doing work you love and feel clearer, wiser, and more inspired than in your normal state of awareness. I felt immense happiness for her knowing that she is in a much better place. Thaddeus, '' and blended my consciousness with his late 1980 's you through me i remembered its transition! And many others who were searching for the next, very happy about that classes. 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sanaya roman cause of death