the moon as communication tarot

the moon as communication tarot

Drawn by its energy, an eerie power that affects even the oceans, they bark and growl at it, though they do not know why. If you feel unease and discomfort in your work or a lack thereof, do not expect that to change with the passage of time. This may cause any amount of fear or anxiety, but we must also remember that the ocean is the colorful and diverse home to millions of species of sea life, many of which humans have yet to encounter. "Self-examination and healthy release within yourselfwill absolutely make it easier for you to communicate and relate to your love without getting defensive or triggered. The moon is related to the anxieties and fears that creep out in the middle of the night. Any feelings of unease that you may have are justified. A small crayfish crawls out of the pool, symbolizing the early stages of consciousness unfolding. In this case, the Moon becomes an object of either confusion or enticement. While it is impossible to observe the dark side of the moon, to ignore its existence serves no purpose at all. They are seeking change but arent sure what form that change will take. Now, the reversed Moon could warn you of dangerous places and a new adventure that will test you. The lonely grey rock that orbits our planet has been the object of worship since prehistoric times. The Moon card is a sign of miscommunication. We are asked to thoroughly review our current situation, for not all information has been gathered. The Moon signifies the subconscious, visions, and intuition. "It feels like an in-between, void-like time where you're not sure which direction to go or what's going to happen," Vanderveldt explains. On the other hand, you may think of ice-cold, monstrous waves threatening to capsize a fishing boat. Should we set out on a voyage at the sign of storm clouds? She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. You have started managing your fears and anxiety. Either way, you should not encourage delusions sooner or later the truth will emerge, and everyone will see you for who you are. Make sure to start your relationship off on solid ground. When things get confusing, we frequently turn to our peers, our family, or other sources we trust. The next step is to harness them. The Moon Tarot Card Meaning as How Someone (He/She) Sees You? When The Moon card appears in your Tarot reading, pay close attention to the lunar cycles and attune to its divine power using ritual, visualization or Tarot readings. Make sure that you understand their intentions as well as your own. The Moon does not offer an easy answer when it comes to feelings but gives us the tools to unlock a new level of understanding with ourselves. No matter how far down we push past traumatic experiences, they are never really gone. Tarot Workshop - The Chariot #7 by Tamara. What does The Moon Reversed mean in Love? Beliefs such as Im unworthy of love or Everyone is out to hurt me can truly sabotage a relationship. With the thunder in the background and the smell of peppermint, its like being whisked away to a far away place! What causes you anxiety and trouble? Space agencies plan to install a global satellite navigation system (GNSS) on the moon starting around 2030, writes Nature 's Elizabeth Gibney. While one is tamed and the other is wild, they look in the same direction the light of the moon, a reflection of the fulfillment the sun brings. Finally, more often than not, they will be a water zodiac sign or have a strong Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer placement in their astrological chart. The Moon calls our awareness to this duality. Hiding the truth however, is never a sustainable situation. Whats the difference between the Major and Minor Arcana? Are you being honest with your partner? They want to live their life as if their struggles do not exist. The Moon is a feminine card and its energy is cool and calming. Our world is filled with mystery and secrecy and arrogance, and assumption will lead us into sticky situations without a clear way out. For this person, they do not have a clear cut answer. Its no surprise that The Moon is connected to the water sign Pisces the fish. The Moon represents your fears and illusions and often comes out when you are projecting fear into your present and your future, based on your past experiences. When The Moon makes an appearance in our readings, somethings up. Images, thoughts, and feelings that you have suppressed so far will cause inner disturbances that will become more and more frequent. It promises that these feelings will subside soon but warns us of the many delusions that can take over during this process. Not everything in life is clear cut. The Moon signifies that the person in question may not know what it is they want. Sounds good, but sometimes this Tarot card can take on a more sinister meaning. A long path leads into the distance, representing an uncertain journey. Others see an ideal version of you that is far from the truth. In the world of business, this card says that we dont have all the facts. However, the Moon brings changes that are fleeting and superficial, its promises fade with dawn, and its half-light conceals more than it shows. The mission requires all of NASA's space communications and navigation networks to work in tandem, providing different communications and tracking service levels as Orion leaves Earth, orbits the Moon, and returns safely home. The Moon is a card of secrets and deception. Led only by the light of the moon, they cannot currently see things as they truly are. Pisces have been known to allow their pasts to haunt them or view the world with a hint of naivete, both things that The Moon attempts to tackle in its symbolism. Perhaps you overestimated your abilities or thought that luck would finally smile upon you. The Moon, though, emphasizes control of the oceans we contain within us. For relationships and feelings, the Moon reveals the darker side of lust and desire. What youre letting off may not be in line with what you truly feel. In divination, there is this trend of psychic = secrets. They do not feel like they can be honest with you. Are past relationships haunting you? This distortion is confusing. Pisces. There is a crawfish that is crawling out of the pond from which the path stems from. Do they seem to be avoiding this topic, hoping you will stop bringing it up? It is our leader in the unknown, the light in the dark. Moon Tarot Combinations: The Fool When the moon chart with the fool appear in a stretch, there is a clear indication that something has escaped our attention. Who can help shed some light on the facts? The Yes or No meaning of the Moon is "maybe", while the Yes or No meaning of the Sun is "yes". In conjunction, Pisces and The Moon work together to inspire us to trust in ourselves and travel into the magic and uncertainty of the unknown. Make it clear in your friend group when you sense tension and that you want to resolve it for everyones benefit. The future will require of you to stand on your feet. They are suspicious and may often misunderstand you. You need to be aware of the situations that are causing fear and anxiety in your mind, whether it is now or in the future. Your higher self is using your subconscious mind to get your attention. What can you do right here and now that will get you back on track for the future you are hoping for? What Does The Moon Tarot Card Mean When Reversed? It is your choice to feed into this or not. They have experienced misunderstandings with you in the past, and there may be old attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that are clouding their judgment in the matter. Mc d ni ny qu i tuyt vi nhng n hon ton khng gy s hi. It could be that you are misinterpreting how you have been feeling however you are starting to improve on this. Would you give up so easily if your survival depended on it? It can take us on a journey into a vivid dream landscape. Anyone creative, can use the Moon card to inspire you to new creative heights. Our intuition shifts and sways as we learn and grow more and more each day, and so it is important that we continue to nourish our intuition with wisdom so that it can act as our compass. The answer you are seeking is no. The next time you pull it, be prepared to go within. Alternatively, your workplace right now can be a tense atmosphere, one that comes from haziness and confusion about project goals, or what everyone should be doing. You might seem confused, even hostile, and in turn you confuse them; but they could also be enthralled by you. Your relationship has its ups and downs. In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Moon signifies mixed feelings. The Moon as Feelings Upright, the Moon card can represent a sense of fear, insecurity and even paranoia. Everyone is going through their own struggles and battles each day that we may not know about. When the Moon card rises in a tarot reading, pay attention to what's happening below the surface. The focus for them needs to be on finding their own truth. Since Major Arcana cards tend to indicate long-term or philosophical issues this pair is likely to be a significant one. When reversed, the Moon card denotes that others do not have a clear sense of the real you. They have formed an opinion that is a mere fraction of the truth, a delusion. Here, the Moon baits us to let it all out, to state our claim, stop repressing the instinct, and howl like theres no tomorrow! Only then can one be prepared for anything at any time. Relationships are all about balance. The Moon as Feelings from Your Ex. A minimalist iconographic tarot card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. Key Dates, Timing, and Astrology. The Moon in the past position, calls into question the legitimacy of our memory. The crayfish can roam the dry land for a while, but it must eventually return to the deep from whence it came, where only one rule applies: the big fish eat the small. What is that thing you just dont want to think about? The Moon Tarot card shows a full moon rising in the middle of two large towers. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. This card appears when the person in question has entered a stage of transformation. The Diffuser adds a nice gentle scent to my home. When The Moon is reversed, you are being called to listen to your inner voice, and not the voice of someone else. Depending on the context as well, it is by no means a purely negative or positive card. The situation will take some time to develop always depending on your own choices, of course. Diving deep into your subconscious requires compassion, release, and a level of self-awareness. Alternatively, you may be expecting the worst from your friends, family, and lovers when in reality, they are devoted. Trust that the answers you need are already within you, and tune in to your inner guidance system to hear those answers. It is time to take the most diplomatic route possible. Unlike The Fool, The Moon is not directionless in the future position. As we sit in our current situation, we must use the clarity that comes with looking back to reflect on our past. It's time to investigate your spiritual beliefs. The Moon calls us to tread lightly and be cautious. There is no right answer when there is no clear desire. You may try to bury these feelings even deeper within your subconscious so you can avoid your dark shadows. Youre in for a surprise, an unexpected occurrence. Check it out, then let me know your experience. You may not be ready to face your emotions, pushing them to the side and pretending as if nothing is wrong. The deck dates from 1701-1715. An original card from the tarot deck of Jean Dodal of Lyon, a classic "Tarot of Marseilles" deck. A folk art inspired miniature tarot deck printed in bold colors and gold metallic ink for a subtle sheen. And its more of an attempt to convince ourselves. The ocean is unpredictable and speaks to the mystery of The Moon card. A spectacular view of the Moon during the recently concluded Artemis 1 mission. The Moon does its best to discourage you from jumping into conflict. Pay attention to your dreams and keep a dream diary because this is how many of your subconscious messages will be relayed to you. That's why it is essential to have a look at how The Moon communicates with the other tarot cards. Companion to the Seventh Sphere Lenormand deck. Its luminosity, though beautiful and magical, is a reflection of the suns radiance and emphasizes the satellites receptivity. Listeners are responsible for their own life and decisions. Your partner could be not telling you the entire truth out of kindness, because they want to spare your feelings. Do your friends know something you dont know? You may have some information at hand, but you dont know what the darkness conceals. Alternatively, they are indecisive and cannot make up their mind about what to think about you. Confusion and uncertainty around finances may be a problem at the moment. Like the crayfish, they want to recede to the shallow waters, to a warm hug or a deep sleep, and pretend everythings going to be alright. In the foreground is a small pool, representing the watery, subconscious mind. The Moon is deeply connected to the ocean. In the reversed position, The Moon pushes you to block out all of the noise surrounding you. Some authors designate this card as "the dark night of the soul" or "the night of the spirit", which clearly demonstrates the dark character associated with it. It is imperative that we are aware of our past as we move into our present and future. When our understanding of history is distorted, we are robbed of our chance to create the best future possible. Trust your gut and you wont regret it. The Moon is one of the 22 major arcana cards, all of which correspond with broader themes and lessons in our lives. The Moon warns that you maybe a little delusional and have unrealistic hopes and dreams for yourself. Though it may be tempting to act rashly and teach your opponent a lesson, The Moon asks you to slow down and review what you know and dont. Chances are you have more in common with your adversary than you think. The card depicts a full moon in the night sky, positioned between two large towers. The Moon is an illusive and confusing card. When reversed, this card deals with the denial of certain aspects of you. Free . Others may be ignoring the parts of you that need improvement, sweeping them under the rug. The Moon is a card that asks you to be humble and understand the vastness of the physical and spiritual world. The moon is a symbol of intuition, dreams, and the unconscious. The pillars then form a gateway that we must cross alone to walk the path through the unknown and towards daybreak. When reversed, The Moon draws our attention to restricted thought. The Moon serves as a warning sign, urging us to identify and bring the issues out of the dark and into broad daylight. Sometimes I will choose the sound of rain or the ocean or even thunder. Our minds, in all of their vastness, fluidity, and unpredictability are often represented by water, as seen in the imagery surrounding The Star card. When The Moon appears reversed, it confirms the presence of anxieties and fears but notes the work being done to address them. What does The Moon Reversed mean in Career? According to tarot reader and founder of Witchy WellnessLeah Vanderveldt, this card is about our inner world. When this card appears reversed, the only person who can help you is yourself. Meditation, journaling, and recording your dreams are great places to start and it doesn't have to take much time each day. There are two sides to every story and there is always more to be uncovered. Do you find yourself denying your feelings? Are they being honest with you? That being said, the deception may not come from an unkind place with malicious intentionsits more likely that they are deceptive because they are empathetic and do not want to be unkind toward your feelings. Enjoy! The stars are forever in our favor today as we learn to use our talents and skills positively. In either case, the truth will have to be revealed eventually. It alerts you not to allow inner disturbances and self-deception to take the best of you. "A meditation, breathwork, and embodiment practice can all be helpful in The Moon.". "Take some time to think about what exactly you're resisting and seek out tools that can assist you in your journey and appeal to you," Vanderveldt adds. The feelings you refuse to acknowledge on the downside will eventually emerge from your subconscious mind both in dreams and in your waking life as anxiety. A pool in the foreground represents the unpredictability of the subconscious and from it crawls a crayfish, symbolizing an emergence into the conscious world. The Moon Tarot Card and its Meaning by Imelda Green 4 years ago The Moon is the card of illusion, deception, intuition, dreams, and the subconscious. The Moon Tarot Card Meanings In folklore and tradition, the moon can be associated with moon madness, and it's a good way to remember the card, for nothing may be as it seems at this time. There is dishonesty brewing in your relationship. ", When pulled in reverse, The Moon means strong resistance to that necessary inner work, Vanderveldt notes, which is "totally understandable.". "It's when the subconscious is reflected back to us and we get the chance to work with it," she says. You can let it be and try to look normal, but that wont make it go away. What do you fear most? This is a truly liberating and transformational experience. We will have a look at . Whether you understand what is going on in your life or not, if you do not know all there is to know about a situation, your conjectures will be more or less mistaken. On the other hand, there may be a secret that youre carrying with you. As the symbolic crayfish demonstrates, all that you repress and try to forget will find its way back to you and its pincers grip can hurt a lot! The truth is within reach, we just need to open our eyes to see it. Love this deck? There are secrets hiding just below the surface that threaten to rear their heads at any moment. You have been blinded by a false sense of comfort and reality is far from . Past issues have been pushed down for too long and are coming up to the surface, demanding to be dealt with. The Moon tarot card is one of the most mysterious and powerful cards in the tarot deck. Sterling started reading tarot in 1995 and began reading and teaching professionally in 2013. Being grounded is the most important thing you can strive for. A simple, minimalist tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back. Need intuitive advice but wary of getting scammed? Should we sacrifice all swimming in the ocean just because there might be a storm? The Artemis missions will build a community on the Moon, driving a new lunar economy and inspiring a new generation. With Artemis, NASA will establish a long-term presence at the Moon, opening more of the lunar surface to exploration than ever before.This growth of lunar activity will require new, more robust communications, navigation, and networking capabilities. And powerful cards in the future will require of you that need improvement, them. Context as well as your own warns us of the night, an occurrence! To new creative heights helpful in the ocean just because there might be a one... Moon appears reversed, this card deals with the denial of certain aspects of you that improvement. 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the moon as communication tarot