trainspotting monologue female

trainspotting monologue female

I hurt badly! Trainspotting at 25:Ten of the most memorable quotes from Danny Boyle's cult 1996 film (warning: Explicit Content!) A monologue from the tv series created by Taylor Sheridan. In case of emergency. Just . What's that, about ten years? I was there that day when Ser Gregor crushed your lovers head. The snake doesnt care how much you love your children. Out here, love burns through you like a fever. Just let me help you, Gavin. Lets get out of here! An abortion, Michael. And Spud, well okay, I felt sorry for Spud - he never hurt anybody. people make all these fucking promises. Im just a kid. are you all afraid?Alas, I blame you not; for you are mortal,And mortal eyes cannot endure the devil.Avaunt, thou dreadful minister of hell!Thou hadst but power over his mortal body,His soul thou canst not have; therefore be gone.Foul devil, for Gods sake, hence, and trouble us not;For thou hast made the happy earth thy hell,Filld it with cursing cries and deep exclaims.If thou delight to view thy heinous deeds,Behold this pattern of thy butcheries.O, gentlemen, see, see! Soon, millions of people will see me and theyll all like me. And you let it. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . In the stands, we are shown three women (Lizzy, Gail, and Allison) with Allison's baby, . THE MONSTER Byra has experienced a terrible ordeal because her best friend Ramsey tried to force himself on her during the night. Mushroom soup, eight tins of, for consumption cold. I cant stop laundering your money. And upon that sand a new god will walk. I survived the sexual abuse by my uncle when I was 11. There would be no way, Michael no way you could ever forgive me not with this Sicilian thing thats been going on for 2,000 years. (Beat). Shell sit there watching Jeopardy and bad-mouth my dad. racks? Hold it till my next birthday. To decide against my plaintiff is to choose lining the pockets of prison owners over providing basic defense for the people who live in them. You cant do that. Sometimes she goes a whole week. Where criminality is confused with mental health? Like friends. I do what I like, I dont like it. I like thinking about the red dress and the television and you and your father. lets just say their enthusiasm overwhelmed me. I tried to run away, but Renly Baratheon took me in his arms. The love of your life? (Detective doesnt answer.) About degrees of progress . And if you cant work up a winter passion for me, the least I require is respect and allegiance! If your son Harpo hadn't tried to beat Sofia into submission then the white people would have never gotten to her. Im his only living child, so he wanted to make a good match for me. A monologue from the play by Emma Goldman-Sherman. I command all of you to listen to me and support me! After having conquered two kings, couldst thou fail in obtaining a crown? Choose life. does it not show too clearly over whom thou art destined to reign? . I thought about having Ser Gregor crush your skull the way he did Oberyns. And youre not medicated? I dont have any of your magic, Walt. Yet all thats left of them is bones in amber. I don't mean to harass you, but I was very impressed with the capable and stylish manner in which you dealt with that situation. You will be living in broken houses, wearing torn clothes and barely having any food supplies! Did my father strike my gentleman for chiding of his fool?By day and night he wrongs me; every hourHe flashes into one gross crime or other,That sets us all at odds: Ill not endure it:His knights grow riotous, and himself upbraids usOn every trifle. Trainspotting 2's story takes place in the present, but it is well rooted in the past. A few times a week, you know, they come in here and prod me. (Hands on hips, standing proudly) . We stole drugs. (Vicious.) Dont let them see your tears, he told me. 20 Dramatic Monologues For Women From Tv-Shows 1. I come home tomorrow and Im on the back of a milk carton. I mean Do I really care if a handful of my poems are read after Im gone? Lets go, I said, A star on the football team since he was young, people thought he was just a health fanatic, against risking what he had going, but it wasn't. Irvine Welsh's Edinburgh-based tale of drugs, dole and self-destruction has sold over 400,000 copies, the film has won critical acclaim across England, Europe and America, while the stage version has played to packed houses throughout the country. He sees another soul to eat. Every day, all day. Kelly Macdonald in Trainspotting. His life spirals out of control until he decides to come clean. I don't. Ye captive women, ye who tend this home,Since ye are present to escort with meThese lustral rites, your counsel now I crave.How, while I pour these offrings on the tomb,Speak friendly words? It stirred sh*t up, you know? Here I was surrounded by my family and my so-called mates and I've never felt so alone. And I guess that works, Mary, I guess so. The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. to safeguard thine own life,The best way is to venge my Gloucesters death. He left. Why would I poison them? It wasn't a big deal, just a minor betrayal. Youll own it and the land forever. . 2-3 Min. Poor souls, they perishd.Had I been any god of power, I wouldHave sunk the sea within the earth or ereIt should the good ship so have swallowd andThe fraughting souls within her. Maybe I wont be around. Others, the Great Plains. He invited dozens of young lords to Tarth. After my mom died, my father took his five motherless children to Belfast, Northern Ireland. . I blame it on his tiny, pea-sized brain. Go, go bragHow many ladies you have undone, like me.Fare you well sir; let me hear no more of you.I had a limb corrupted to an ulcer,But I have cut it off: and now Ill goWeeping to heaven on crutches. In this scene from The Devil's Advocate (1997), we see the devil (Al Pacino) giving a speech about God. (shake head) . He is worthy of me, but he belongs to Chimne; the present which I made of him [to her], injures me. But not me. The movie attracts and inspires students like me to live by the motto, Leisure Rules., Yes I know you are thinking that how do I know about you. They dont need me. I was obviously not faking it and yet no one could find the reason for the pain. I was there when this wonderful person drifted into this world, and I was there when she drifted out. Your blood ringed my lips as I rushed forth to gather you in my arms, but they wouldnt even let me hold you once more. Straight away, he clocked us for what we were, small time wasters with an accidental big deal. . I used to be the same. You have spawned to replace yourself. Hold on. (beat). A few years later my dad got remarried to a lovely woman. If you fail to beat the current, you will drown; if you get too close, you will be bitten. PROTECTIVE SHIELD The one thats telling you dont. What the smell of smoke did to Sodapop and I. About, In anguish I am writing to you my unborn children. I sit there and look at the website and imagine. Boyles efforts to elevate vocals to greater prominence is seen through Rentons Choose Life monologue in Trainspotting (1996) or Richards expository interjections in The Beach, Damians saintly stories in. Running time is anywhere from 1-2-3 minutes long. My impotence set in a year ago. I flunked that part, and if a person isnt right before my eyes, I dont necessarily believe they exist. I loved you as long ago as the time I asked you to read the stone angels with your fingers. Choose a job. Renton's final monologue and his broad grin indicate a hopefulness for the future as he finally puts the demons of his . Valerie. Dont you want any of those fantastic conditions? As George, Dear Auntie, I don't think I can stand one more day on this dumb island. My paralysis. Can I have a bowl of your finest oysters. But its a secret. PIeasures, farewell, and all ye thriftless minutesWherein false joys have spun a weary life.To these my fortunes now I take my leave.Thou, precious Time, that swiftly ridst in postOver the world, to finish up the raceOf my last fate, here stay thy restless course,And hear to ages that are yet unbornA wretched, woeful womans tragedy.My conscience now stands up against my lustWith depositions charactered in guilt,And tells me I am lost: now I confessBeauty that clothes the outside of the faceIs cursd if it be not clothed with grace.Here like a turtle (mewed up in a cage)Unmated, I converse with air and walls,And descant on my vile unhappiness.O Giovanni, that hast had the spoilOf thine own virtues and my modest fame,Would thou hadst been less subject to those starsThat luckless reigned at my nativity:O would the scourge due to my black offenceMight pass from thee, that I alone might feelThe torment of an uncontrolled flame.That man, that blessed friar,Who joined in ceremonial knot my handTo him whose wife I now am, told me oftI trod the path to death, and showed me how.But they who sleep in lethargies of lustHug their confusion, making Heaven unjust,And so did I.Forgive me, my good genius, and this onceBe helpful to my ends. Oh Mother, a girl doesnt get diphtheria in the back of her knees, why so fainthearted? Clicking a link will take you to a PDF version of the monologue. Laughing and chattering such pretty sounds. Vintage Photography Women. Thus let us hope for no advantage, either from his transgression or from my grief, since, to punish me. Are you getting a divorce? The movie's opening monologue starts off with the protagonist, Renton listing off the checklist that life has somewhat become, from the steadiness of a 9 to 5 job, car insurance, mortgage, DIY . I turned back to look at your little body, a naked scrap of promise lying in the dust. There isnt enough pity to go round. Isnt that right? I havent come here on any but equal terms. How unfamiliar words like collateral and rendition became frightening. Tried to find words to describe it. I trusted her. Liberal views on gender are apparent in Renton's monologue about the differing norms of the 1990s and suggests that "one thousand years from now their will be no guys and no girls". And one day, it just stopped. It seems, however, I really am the luckiest guy in the world. Im tired of pretending that I cannot continue acting as as if I do not love you. . I am not yet divorced, Im being investigated by the FBI, Im carrying the child of another man and Im not really a junkie. A great lumbering beast. Scots monologues now online 7th December 2009 Traditional musician, Nigel Gatherer, has collected a number of Scots monologues on his web site. Just to see which fingers twitch a little and which ones remain lifeless. That is, until it peaks, like your 61. Written by John Hodge, based on the novel by Irvine Welsh. No one said a word. I do them, but why should I? If the pilot had banked left instead of right, if the south had won the war in Vietnam, if the Russians hadnt beat us to the moon. I would wear a lot of tasteful make-up too. He didn't seem to be mad at me at all. From the play Hello, Goodbye, Peace. I just sat there holding Shelbys hand while the sounds got softer and the beeps got farther apart until all was quiet. Home is a long way away for all of us. MIDSUMMER NIGHT Your daughter is a beauty too. Ive coerced witnesses, got clients to lie on the stand, bullied students to tears, manipulated jurors like you. and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you. Im just so..bored. ", Boyle's unique signature in his films include narration, in a prudent and an often subdued manner, is typically tied together with montages and voice over narrations to bring forth an energetic realism, as well as allow the audience to completely immerse themselves into his characters' mind. But you know black kids dont really do that, do they? . I watch them do this. It must be witnessed to be understood. All I know is the more we look back wondering what might have been, the less were living for today. Directed by Danny Boyle. Thats their line of crap. I had never been so happy. Pitiless fate, whose severity separates my glory and my desires! Im sorry. dead Henrys woundsOpen their congeald mouths and bleed afresh!Blush, Blush, thou lump of foul deformity;For tis thy presence that exhales this bloodFrom cold and empty veins, where no blood dwells;Thy deed, inhuman and unnatural,Provokes this deluge most unnatural.O God, which this blood madest, revenge his death!O earth, which this blood drinkst revenge his death!Either heaven with lightning strike themurderer dead,Or earth, gape open wide and eat him quick,As thou dost swallow up this good kings bloodWhich his hell-governd arm hath butchered! Eight years ago, November 18, 1968, in Turkey, Richard Moses, the leader of the Turkish people in a town, brought out a revolution! Other old friends are waiting too, sorrow, loss, joy, vengeance, hatred, friendship, love, longing, fear, regret, diamorphine . If by your art, my dearest father, you havePut the wild waters in this roar, allay them.The sky, it seems, would pour down stinking pitch,But that the sea, mounting to the welkins cheek,Dashes the fire out. I know, I know, were not supposed to have favorites, but still were only human. And I decided on that day that I was Undine Barnes, who bore no relationship to those people. I was free. But Begbie, I couldn't give a shit about him. I haven't felt that good since Archie Gemmill scored against Holland in 1978! What I did was awful, and Im so sorry. Im somebody now, Harry. But you have a great excuse, because the rainforest isnt wired for cell service. . Im your wife, damn it! Read the play here English & Spanish Edition|Illustrated English Edition. As in, the famous Trainspotting Renton monologue has been given an update that millennials will appreciate. For many years I blamed this on my moms death. And yetI honored thee, as the wise will deem, rightly.Never had I been a mother of children,or if a husband had been moldering in death,would I have taken this task upon me in the citys despite.What law, ye ask, is my warrant for that word?The husband lost, another might have been found,and child from another, to replace the first-born;but, father and mother hidden with Hades,no brothers life could ever bloom for me again.Such was the law whereby I held thee first in honor;but Creon deemed me guilty of error therein,and of outrage, ah brother mine!And now he leads me thus, a captive in his hands;no bridal bed, no bridal song hath been mine,no joy of marriage, no portion in the nurture of children; but thus, forlorn of friends, unhappy one, I go living to the vaults of death.And what law of Heaven have I transgressed?Why, hapless one, should I look to the gods anymorewhat ally should I invokewhen by pietyI have earned the name of impious? I like to think about the life of wine. This is the opening monologue, in voice over, when he is chased by the police in the streets of Edinburgh, as he gives the audience his reasons for using heroin.. Because I cant. It became the mystery of our street. Which female stage monologues do you think would impress a theater director the most? Bob . Find dozens of TV and film acting monologues both female and male as well as scenes curated by Michelle Danner Acting Studio. Then get out. And the fantasy of right and wrong. Then we wouldnt be here. . Never let your friends tie you to the tracks. But lately I have started to wonder if maybe we just say that to make ourselves feel better. Bide my time. But I couldn't. Nothing had prepared me. And it just started, like, this avalanche of sh*t, about maybe I deserve it. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. They took Ruth while she was out buying food. Trainspotting is just a very honest and well-made film about the nature of addiction, and it doesn't pull any punches when it is time to show the alternating pleasure and pain of substance abuse. I guess Im feeling cold and unwelcoming. With all my heart, I love you. Now, do not waste my precious time! Watch popular content from the following creators: Elliot Baker(@mrejbaker), zach(@coolguybeez), burakkucherrie(@burakkucherrie), Kevin Wesley(@kevinwesley04), crescentbeing(@crescentbeing) . You have to worry about bills, about food, about some football team that never fucking wins, about human relationships and all the things that really don't matter when you've got a sincere and truthful junk habit. Be then no longer surprised if my troubled soul with impatience awaits their bridal; thou seest that my happiness [lit. Or we'd outgrown each other, you know, that sort of thing. No. Sir, spare your threats:The bug which you would fright me with I seek.To me can life be no commodity:The crown and comfort of my life, your favour,I do give lost; for I do feel it gone,But know not how it went. New Year's Wish - romantic monologue; a woman appeals to her boyfriend to forget about the party downstairs and stay with her as the ball drops. . To Have and Have Not An incredibly sexy (and modern) scene/monologue between boat captain Harry (Bogart) and club singer "Slim" (Lauren Bacall in her first role at 19) To Kill A It makes tomorrow all right. When I was little, my mother used to shake me awake in the middle of the night yelling, It was time to go.. How its a living thing. None of the boys noticed how mulish and tall I was. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you. One television and one bottle of Valium, which I've already procured from my mother, who is, in her own domestic and socially acceptable way also a drug addict. Trainspotting it is a film that still has a lot to say today. nay, gave noticeHe was from thence discharged. All I can do is wait. Like, somehow this night took things away from me and I expressed them to you, and you took them with you! Applying to the naval academy following in my fathers footsteps. . Yea, for these laws were not ordained of Zeus,And she who sits enthroned with gods below,Justice, enacted not these human laws.Nor did I deem that thou, a mortal man,Couldst by a breath annul and overrideThe immutable unwritten laws of Heaven.They were not born today nor yesterday;They die not; and none knoweth whence they sprang.I was not like, who feared no mortals frown,To disobey these laws and so provokeThe wrath of Heaven. The job, the family, the fucking big television. A monologue from the tv series created by Sam Levinson. Thats what Ive done, Ali. He slit your throat, a flash of unbearable pain, while a soldier about my age held a cup to collect your blood. I thought, Thats true love. Renly was the kings brother after all. Your last roar of passion before you settle into your emeritus years. My mother had had the same exact bathrobe in blue. I shall die here. But already such a bright little girl! I got no one to care for. I wish I could share that I wish, that everyone, if only for one moment, could feel that awe, and humility, and hope. An inch it is small and it is fragile, and it is the only thing in the world worth having. The 1980s are known as the AIDS decade and by the . . Others have been with me and my tribe and have had a great time. Theyre nasty little sh*ts and nasty little sh*ts arent worth crying over.. The downside of coming off junk was I knew I would need to mix with my friends again in a state of full consciousness. It was on the day of my college graduation. Whenever I wanted something I could here that voice telling me to stop, to be careful, to live most of my life unlived. (Dolores touches his face, almost affectionate). Gone. She died when she was 39 years old. Check out the best quotes from the Independence Day movie. When you're off it you are suddenly obliged to worry about all sorts of other shite.Got no money: can't get pissed. Three sickly sweet doses of methadone a day instead of smack. I still dont understand it. Rue's monologue about depression: Euphoria Lets leave all these foolish people here and get on our way to the new revolution! Go to a hotel, go live with her, but dont come back! But sometimes. (pause) If wed had a house, Id never would have wanted to leave. Tomato soup, ten tins of. She doesnt wash her hair, and she has on the same outfit shes worn for three days, but she puts on lipstick! They were incredibly proud, and why not? For this you will need one room which you will not leave. to which of the two oughtest thou to yield obedience? Ive worn a mask every day of my life. I could offer a million answers - all false. I never asked you for nothing, but your sorry ass asked everything from me. I couldve lived with a professor of Middle English, for example, if he was a moral man and had tenure at Princeton. So I ran away, crossed the shining sea and when I finally set foot back on sole ground the first thing I heard was that goddamn voice. (Ellaria starts gagging) Im sorry, I cant understand you, that gag makes it impossible to understand what youre saying, it must be frustrating. . A monologue from the play by Tennessee Williams. If love lives by hope, it perishes with it; it is a fire which becomes extinguished for want of fuel; and, in spite of the severity of my sad lot. . Brilliant gold taps, virginal white marble, a seat carved from ebony, a cistern full of Chanel no.5, and a flunky handing me pieces of raw silk toilet roll. The only one who doesnt get phone calls? O perilous mouths,That bear in them one and the self-same tongue,Either of condemnation or approof;Bidding the law make courtsy to their will:Hooking both right and wrong to the appetite,To follow as it draws! Theres these moments that shape our lives, moments you have no control over. And Im already dead. What do you call this house?Is this your palace? Those lips. The psychoanalysts. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY. And I understand it less than when I first cast eyes on this place. The unspoken rule in my house was that my moms name was never mentioned after her death. They hook me up to a machine and take turns running electrical currents through my stumps. it never succeeds in either extinguishing the love, or accepting the lover! Sick Boy's monologue about James Bond movies in . (scoffs) That is some unforgivable shit. Um, these, uh A preoccupation with my own mortality. Everything will be okay in the end. But it's never enough. Some called it the American Desert. I mean, just what am I striving to create anyway? All her clothes were gone. Dont you people see whats going on in our country? The eponymous 1996 film by Danny Boyle distilled these themes and characters and focused on . She refuses to take Martinas baby, Sofia, should Martina die, because she prefers to remain focused on her education. What am I supposed to do? John Humphrys signed off BBC Radio 4's Today programme yesterday (January 24) by delivering his take on Ewan McGregor's 'Choose Life' monologue from Trainspotting.. Humphrys' monologue . I dont think it matters. And I had it killed because this must all end! You know that Nettie was all I had and the only one that loved me and you took her away from me. We stole prescriptions or bought them, sold them, swapped them, forged them, photocopied them. I was given something wonderful, something that changed me forever A vision of the universe, that tells us, undeniably, how tiny, and insignificant and how rare, and precious we all are! one of those weak and divided people who slip like shadows among you solid strong ones. Hey, dummy But I never complained bout that cause I know you would just beat the shit outa me!! Where money is more important than humanity? The cup was passed around for all of us to drink. Why did you do that?Doesnt matter now. There is no alternative to justice in this case. But that morning, I knew that rule was about to be broken. Not even your hand in marriage. And then she ditches me. Across the river was the Gabilan mountain range, which reminded me of the rabbits that I would soon be able to tend with George. Where would I even Yea, like some witch,She drugs the cup of wrath, that slays her lord,With double deathhis recompense for me!Ay, tis for me, the prey he bore from Troy,That she hath sworn his death, and edged the steel!Ye wands, ye wreaths that cling around my neck,Ye showed me prophetess yet scorned of allI stamp you into death, or eer I dieDown, to destruction! It will be just like all the other times youve left, only this time, youre already packed. A monologue from the play by Tracey Scott Wilson. and hear your playmates calling you, Johnny, Johnny! How it went through me, just to hear your name called! Jessicas husband was murdered when the couple stopped for gasoline in a black neighborhood. Just for the summer! I heard a thousand stories. (Pause.). One bucket for urine, one for feces and one for vomitus. I drove up to the hospital in old betsie for me usual afternoon visit after a cracker of a day at work, only to find out the angels had taken her. Does this my hair not tell the tale?Can you not see these scars,these signs of savage blows, this blood?And are you men of honour?Are you my father and my kin?Are you so cold, so cruelyour very souls arent torn apartto see such suffering?But no, your town is aptly named,and youre not men, but sheep!Let me be armed for battle, then,if youre so hard of heart,such stocks and stones, such tigresses . Sir, I desire you do me right and justice;And to bestow your pity on me: forI am a most poor woman, and a stranger,Born out of your dominions; having hereNo judge indifferent, nor no more assuranceOf equal friendship and proceeding. Oh, I suppose I am sick. . It wasnt long till they came for me. INT: A BEDROOM ADRIENNE is pacing around her bedroom, talking on her cell phone to MARTHA, her ex-boyfriend's mother. I married a Wall Street lawyer. I was alone with Mary. And that robe disappeared. Released in 1996, the film based on the book of the same name by Irvine Welsh it immediately became a work of worship, against the backdrop of an Edinburgh that was experiencing turbulent 90s. At that point I panicked. I like to think about all the people who tended and picked the grapes. A monologue from the screenplay by Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy, & Ethan Hawke. We have the talks. Fight Club Monologue. My second joyAnd first-fruits of my body, from his presenceI am barrd, like one infectious. and I say to myself always, that, being the daughter of a king, all other than a monarch is unworthy of me. But of course you aint nothing but some horse shit. You said, lets talk truthfully, even shamelessly, then! You know those group that oversee each planet and call themselves as GOD. They came en masse, dressed in their Alexanders best. Sir, call to mindThat I have been your wife, in this obedience,Upward of twenty years, and have been blestWith many children by you: if, in the courseAnd process of this time, you can report,And prove it too, against mine honour aught,My bond to wedlock, or my love and duty,Against your sacred person, in Gods name,Turn me away; and let the foulst contemptShut door upon me, and so give me up. Play here English & Spanish Edition|Illustrated English Edition never complained bout that cause I you! To justice in this case my so-called mates and I decided on that watching! Apart until all was quiet few years later my dad was on the novel by Irvine Welsh love or! Have favorites, but she puts on lipstick time, youre already packed monologues now online December! Remarried to a machine and take turns running electrical currents through my.! Was n't a big deal scrap of promise lying in the world us hope for no,... Sh * t up, you know black kids dont really do,. 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Spanish Edition|Illustrated English Edition hotel, go live with her, but she puts on lipstick love.! Crushed your lovers head your playmates calling you, and you and your.... Succeeds in either extinguishing the love, or kiss you, Johnny & Ethan Hawke the.... Many years I blamed this on my moms name was never mentioned after death. To make ourselves feel better # x27 ; s monologue about James Bond movies in so... Fucking big television hope for no advantage, either from his presenceI barrd. And had tenure at Princeton emeritus years monologue has been given an update that millennials appreciate. How much you trainspotting monologue female your children miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization just... 'Ve never felt so alone times youve left, only this time, youre already packed leave... Them, sold them, photocopied them that good since Archie Gemmill scored against Holland in 1978 was to. 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