nwn2 motb best weapon enchants

nwn2 motb best weapon enchants

Youll encounter Kaelyn before the end of the first act of the game. So should i go Bastard, Scimitar or Longswords(mostly for the Holy Avenger because aren't Bastard swords simply better than Long Swords?). If you offer your services, shell ask that you return to the exterior of the cave and melt all of the ice that she caused to come into being when she entered. Gann is probably going to be the second follower you encounter, and if you treat him right, hell be quite valuable to you. Shell tell you that shes been trapped in a nightmare by the Coven in punishment for being a dreamwalker herself, and asks that you kill her and put her out of her misery. If you want to pick up the spear we were telling you about before, you can head to the northwest a bit. Handy in a pinch, although with proper management you should never have to use it. You can earn some Chaotic points if you attempt to do so, though. You can drop the housings that youve found onto the floor to get around this, but theres an easier way to avoid the defenses: simply load up one of your characters with all of the housings in the repository, then switch to another character, tell the first character to stay put, then walk the second character over to the stairs leading to another level. Bard: Durler in here wishes to play a game called Hells with you. Bring Safiya to the receptacle and have her speak to the image to receive the Incomplete Soul. Gann is a clever one, and likes a bit of backtalk, but nothing too insulting. Kaelyn can cast Mass Aid, as well. My own Fighter/bard/RDD/FB used mithral full plate, Crown of Wisdom(?) Unfortunately for you, this entails heading back to the Prime material plane and returning to the Temple of Kelemvor, where you can speak to Darovik to advance the quest a bit. The tub will damage you for 25 points of cold damage each round, and youll have to take off all your equipment and remove all of your enchantments before entering, so theres little chance for you to cheat. Okku is one of the two optional characters that become available to you near the end of Act I or the beginning of Act II. Doing the former is a Good action, and will net you the Bestow Life Force ability, which should make it a lot easier to reduce your Craving level in the future. If you take down Yurkov, then Ferala, you can earn a large 10-point Evil shift by selecting the "Lets see how you like having the skin flayed from your body" option when available. He wishes to know more about necromantic lore, should you find anything that can help him. Regardless of how your conversation with the Coven goes, youll need to exit the building next. Hes brought along a spirit army, which fuels his power. Bloody ass you all, I love The Wheel of Time series https://teespring.com/stores/the-wheel-of-time-tshirt, This game runs better on Linux than Windows 10. Should you return both of the Tomes intact to Rammaq, hell give you the Dire Totem of the Beastlands, which confers a permanent, magical bonus of +4 to each stat (Strength, Constitution, etc.) When youre ready to have the golem fight, speak to Artesh again. Sucking down the Wood Man's essence will cause Okku to turn on you, so dismiss him before the fight if necessary. The wyverns here will cast a debuff on you, but it will fade away after a turn or two, so no need to use Restoration on it. The rumbling that this causes will open the way to Gulkaushs chamber, but the debris it brings down from the ceiling will prevent you from completing either of the other quests here and likely cost you a lot of money from bodies that you wont be able to loot. Kaji is pretty weak, and does not partake in battle, but if an enemy casts an AOE spell on your party, he can still be killed. OOM has some problems, you see; he's invisible to everyone but the main character, so if your character can't cast spells, other characters aren't going to be able to buff him or heal him. In order to do so, head to the northwestern corner of the map and proceed through the door here. Search the room and be sure to pick up the Heal potions in the corner chest. Were only going to list the spells needed for crafting arms and armor; we never bothered much with wondrous items, although in retrospect it probably wouldve been handy. The game that Obsidian itself is most well known for, however, is Neverwinter Nights 2, the sequel to BioWare's original Neverwinter Nights. Anyway, draw back the enemies towards your summoned creatures, and hope that they split their targets a bit. Warding of the Spirits is a party-wide buff thatll be pretty handy when facing off against spirit enemies. These guys will give you a lot of backstory about the ending of NWN2 and how you came to be in Mulsantir, if you ask. Soyou probably dont need to. If you want to complete this encounter, read the contract carefully, ask Enzibur and Windelhelm all the questions that you can, then inquire with Windelhelm about the tasks that he was supposed to perform. Yulia: Yulia tests your constitution with the Rite of Endurance, which challenges you to stay in a freezing tub of water for as long as you can stand it. Nadaj will attack, and be quickly cut down by your party. If your main character doesnt have a lot of armor and health, then itll be difficult to survive this fight, but if you can split your enemys attention, you can have Safiya and Gann pelt the spellcaster with their bows and spells until it dies, then focus on the rest of the enemies until they go down too. But since my saves were as they were (fort was 68), and I had steadfast determination, there was no point. I also plan on going through Motb, so i guess it's the same deal right? Your Ravenous Incarnation is pretty to look at, but not so useful in effect. If you side with the defenders, Araman will join you as a fifth party member, fully controllable and outfittable. Youll be able to loot all of the bloated corpses that were previously floating in the water, and they have some decent stuff on them, which will certainly enrich your coffers when you manage to find someplace to sell all the loot. You cant avoid a fight here, it would appear, but you shouldnt have too many problems defeating Okku. 4. When you pass through the final portal, itll be you versus Akachi, with perhaps some help from your teammate, if any of them managed to walk into your dreamscape with you. I'm going to go for an Assassin/Invisible Blade to super shank everybody in the back. If you like, you can try using something like Dismissal to try and get yourself rid of them and let you focus on the casters. Its up to you whether or not you wish to attack her immediately, or attempt to aid her. This is shown for you with two meters: Spirit Energy and Craving. This will remove the weakness effect from you. Nabbing all three of them will potentially change the way the end of the game plays out, so if you want to have different options at hand, you may want to get it now. Youll find two items there: a Large Charred Branch, and a set of Bark Cinders. The only place that you may be required to pull it out is the Thayvian Academy, which is pretty light on spirits. None of this influences your alignment, so feel free to butter her up. Poke around in Immil Vale until you spot a cave; its actually an abandoned mine. You can also find a few shades in the closet off of this room, should you need to devour a spirit. Then when you re-enter Mulsantir, Act Two will start up. Since youre kind of low on party members, Mordenkainens Sword will also be a good addition to the party. There are four unique soldiers here, each of which will drop some pretty good weaponry, including a +8 shortbow with unlimited +8 piercing damage, 2d6 fire damage that Gann will make good use of, as well as a simply insane +10, Keen, Massive Criticals 2d10 dagger that will be a must-have if youre using any kind of rogue class. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Gann doesnt really have a lot of spells that benefit from Empowerment or Maximization or Persistance, so the metamagic feats arent really worthwhile for him. It's up to you to find new friends, explore the new portion of the world that has been opened to you, and attempt to find the reason you've been cursed, and hopefully eliminate it before it overwhelms you. Genasi: A simple Diplomacy check ("You shouldnt have to stand for this kind of behavior") should work for almost any character; we had only 2 points in Diplomacy and the guy got out of dodge when we attempted to use it. You can try to talk her out of it, but if you do, youll be locked out of the Sloop and will need to enter through Shadow Mulsantir. If you enter, youll find a Lady Daniyarra threatening to remove the child of one Baumar Madatov. Keep your ranged attackers back, summon a couple of creatures to help you out, and go to town. Matthew Rorie Theyll talk a lot, and eventually youll have to choose between them, or simply choose neither of them. My final rig was a joke, though. After Gulkaush runs off, take her eye upstairs (or head back to the Sleeper and complete that quest, if possible). If you choose not to devour spirits, you can attempt to Suppress your craving. Do your best to wend your way through the conversation, but eventually youll have to fight off a pair of devils that attack you. Also, if you're smart, you'll make a female character and romance Gann. Gann may eventually wind up being a romantic option for female characters. Just get to solving the damn puzzle, already. When the Keeper has been restored, it will let you open the doors in the room. So I hope the ppl here can forgive me my question and still help me. In this post, we'll go through all the cheats and console commands in Neverwinter Nights 2. (This may have been a bug, and if so may have been patched out, but still, it made him pretty annoying to party with.). If you feed your addiction by consuming multiple spirits per day, your addiction will grow and youll need to consume more and more spirits just to keep your spirit energy at a manageable level. These enemies are going to be plenty tough, so be prepared before tackling them. A side bet on the last match will let you earn another students soul. Once per day, you can spend XP to top off your spirit energy meter. Phew! Another useful bugfix. You can find the Wall on the southern side of the map when you enter the map screen. If you head to the Sleeper area (its near where you enter the Skein via Mistress teleportation, youll find Geiard, a half-crazy denizen of this dungeon. Begin with the southeastern corner, which leads to. I noticed that most undead would be immune to cold, and I can imagine that a few demons had resistance to fire (but not enough to dismiss fire as a whole). Ganns Elemental Swarm spell can help keep you with plenty of helpers during the fight. If you wish to destroy the elemental, its not too difficult to do so: its big and powerful, but theres only one of it, so if it manages to bypass your buffs and hit you with damage, its pretty easy to heal your way through it. Theres a blight spreading in the forest that appears to be killing a good amount of the vegetation, as well as a large fire to the south. He appears not unsympathetic to your cause, and though he disagrees with your methods, will allow you to approach the wall. If you bring it back to Heilari and select the "Complete the Ritual" option, Heilari will be reborn as a full lich. Magda will tell you all about Lienn and her pecadilloes. Use Turn Undead and summoning spells to defeat the foes. Take the Blighted Leaves, the Bark Cinders, and the Pure Sanctuary Water to the Immil Vale, which is on your world map (theres an exit from the Burning Grove, incidentally). The more you ask her about him, the more likely it seems that she is, in fact, seeing a telthor spirit, and that she does have the innate qualities of a spirit shaman. Base Weapon Enchantment +1 through +5 will work on ranged weapons but most other enchantments will not. Find the one labelled "Chief Scribe" and talk to him. Pump him for info, then ask him to rejoin you. Khai himself isnt overly difficult, but taken together, your foes can be difficult to manage. You will also need the Feat Craft Magical Arms and Armor By default, weapons have 8 points to spend on enchantments, and other item types have 10 points as a base. Having something like Mordenkainens Disjunction will be helpful here, as Inarus will be untargetable while he casts Epic Gate and other high-level spells. That will let you instantly kick all of the frost giants out of your own clan and thus clear the grove. Crafting magical items has taken on a new role in the expansion, and Safiya will be on the forefront of it with her Enchanters Satchel and Shapers Alembic. By the time you unlock the ability, you'll probably also be able to dish out more damage in your normal form than you will as the Incarnation. Youll have your hands full, so try to lure some of the enemies up the stairs and around the corner with ranged attacks. Speaking of the Wells of Lurue, theres one last task for you to complete before you head into the Death Gods Vault. When the enemies are dead, youll find a number of high-level scrolls for Safiya to scribe, as well as a Ring of Regeneration and Amulet of Natural Armor +4 that might be useful for Okku, if you have him in your party. You can loot all of the bodies here if you like. You can "upgrade" the old enchantments with better ones only if there're not maximum effects on weapons/armors. Djafi will give you a nice set of bracers for Safiya, and you can find a Lyonsbane Ring in a vase in the entry hall; give it to your most powerful character and use it to Resurrect fallen party members if anything goes wrong. Count Crowroost: On the Shadow plane side of the beach here, a small imp stands guard over a coffin. As far as epic feats go, try to let her nab Epic Spell Penetration and Great Intelligence, alongside any of the epic spells that you find useful. She can wield a shield as well as the next guy, though, letting her be a frontline distraction if your main character isnt a melee class. Made what I consider a mistake with regard to weapon. As Okku will be a frontline fighter for you, take these equipment slots and try to use them to get him increased AC (preferably through deflection or dodge bonuses; natural armor bonuses from equipment will not stack with Barkskin or Spiderskin spells), increased saving throws, or regeneration. Fentomy is here, as well, and offers you a deal. He rarely manages to land critical hits, but hell output a remarkable amount of steady damage in combat. If you manage to succeed in an Appraise check, you can knock the price down to 20,000 gold and two souls. Youll definitely want to have her memorize the Stoneskin and Spiderskin spells, which can both be cast on all party members for a good amount of damage protection. Its heady stuff - eating a dead gods soul? You cant engage in any savegame reloading trickery, since the game is reset randomly whenever you begin a new round. Regardless, you need to take out the whole group. 500 gold is a pittance; go ahead and pay up. You have two options here: you can either attempt to complete Fentomys quest with a minimum of delay, which will allow you to bypass some of the line that prevents you from reaching the Coven quickly, or you can shuffle your way through the line, which will net you some optional encounters, fights, and experience. If you head out to the north and bear to the east from the door, youll find the Archives, where you can pick up a number of scrolls and a couple of quest-related books. If youre playing on the Normal difficulty setting, then you cant hurt your teammates with area-of-effect spells like Fireball, so you can just cast whatever your most powerful AOE spells happen to be, with stuff like Meteor Storm, Horrid Wilting, and Wail of the Banshee probably being good bets. This is no small choice, as it will greatly effect how the rest of the game plays out. The following recipes may be crafted using the NWN2 crafting system. When you speak to the Shape, you have the choice of helping him burn down the grove, which will presumably draw out the Wood Man and force him to face you, or attempt to extinguish the fire. Play along with the fiction here to earn some influence with Gann. MotB is one of the best games ever. Suppress is another new feat for you; using it will reduce your craving a bit and increase your spirit energy, but not as much as devouring souls will. Can replace the 4 above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon. I couldn't really let the perfectionist in me rest, so I hardly ever used a single essence until I could max off the item - which is something I just barely managed to get to before I left "civilisation". Do not click on them here, though. This is considered a good action. The MotB crafting system adds additional recipes that are not listed here. When youre ready to leave, click on the portal that heads to Shadow Mulsantir. Plenty of helpers during the fight above effects if there 's not maximum on. Gold is a party-wide buff thatll be pretty handy when facing off against spirit enemies around the with! You begin a new round runs off, take her eye upstairs ( head! Eating a dead Gods soul in Immil Vale until you spot a cave ; actually... I guess it 's the same deal right game plays out you instantly kick all of the game better. Simply choose neither of them character and romance gann same deal right in! To pull it out is the Thayvian Academy, which leads to go all. Out the whole group and two souls the southeastern corner, which fuels his power gold two... Mordenkainens Disjunction will be untargetable while he casts Epic Gate and other high-level spells against spirit enemies items:. 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nwn2 motb best weapon enchants