list of superheroes and their powers and weaknesses

list of superheroes and their powers and weaknesses

There arent enough energy nets in fiction to make the energy versus matter distinction relevant for nets. Dinosaur Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a dinosaur. Power Bestowal (persons) The ability to give powers to another being. Writing fantasy fiction stories can take a toll on anyones creativity, so we hope that these tips and list of superpowers can help aid you in making heroes that standout! Crystal Mimicry is also known as Gem Mimicry, Gem Physiology, Jewel Mimicry, and Jewel Physiology. Armor (magical) The ability to generate armor magically that has magical properties. Were putting this in even though it no longer applies. 1 pick, but now, we're taking a look at the top 10. Starfish Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a starfish. The result, we believe, is the most precise and comprehensive superhero ranking ever created. Mind Control (specialized) The ability to only control a special population and/or there is some quirky mind control limitation. Plasma Absorption is also known as Stellar Battery, Stellar Radiation Absorption and Stellarkinetic Absorption. This same list of superpowers is also known as Chakra Manipulation, and Spirit Energy Manipulation. Resurrection (self) is also known as Self-Resurrection, Self-Revival and Self-Revive. Superhuman Wisdom is also known as Advanced Wisdom, Enhanced Sagacity, Enhanced Sapience, Enhanced Wisdom, Immense Wisdom, Sagacity, Super Wisdom, Understanding and Wisdom. Precognition is also known as Foresight, Future Vision, Fortunetelling, Premonition and Prophecy. This same list of superpowers is also known as Dimensional Being Physiology, Dimensional Entity Physiology, Extradimensional Being Physiology, Extradimensional Entity, Higher-Dimensional Being Physiology, Higher-Dimensional Entity, Hyperdimensional Being Physiology, Hyperdimensional Entity, Interdimensional Being Physiology and Interdimensional Entity. Cyberpathy The ability to interface with computers directly through the mind and/or control computers mentally. Heat Manipulation The ability to create heat but not necessarily flame constructs as is the case with fire manipulation. He can not transmute humans or animals in any way. Inertia Manipulation (others/self) is also known as Adrneiakinesis and Inertia Control. Immortality (other/self) is also known as Death Immunity, Deathless, Endless Life, Eternal Life, Everlasting Life and Immortal Physiology. Superhuman Senses (taste) The person has enhanced taste. Stone Mimicry The character has a body composed of stone. Third Eye The character has a third eye that can be used for different superhuman effects. If you are still indecisive and are looking for a way to randomize your superpower selection then use our superpower generator that we created for just this reason. Alien Anatomy is also known as Alien Form, Alien Mimicry, Extraterrestrial Form, Extraterrestrial Mimicry, and Extraterrestrial Physiology. However, even this strong Quirk has serious flaws. Eleven. Art Manipulation The ability to use art to effect objects, powers and/or reality. The ability to teleport others means teleportation can be used as a weapon and not just as a form of transportation. Auxiliary Organs The character has extra organs that give the character advantages. This same list of superpowers is also known as Determination, Enhanced Willpower, Indomitable Spirit, Indomitable Will, Iron Will, Sheer Will, Sheer Willpower, Strong Mind, Strong Will, Strong Willpower, Subjugation Defiance, Supernatural Will, Supernatural Willpower, Tenacity, Unbreakable Willpower, Unyielding Will and Unyielding Willpower. almost everyone in DC comics before mass retcons Superman - Kryptonite Green Lantern - the color yellow Wonder Woman - tied with her own lasso by a man Martian Manhunter - fire Power girl - raw unprocessed material. That does not mean youre not creative. Memory Manipulation is also known as Memory Control and Mnemokinesis. Required fields are marked *. Portal Creation is also known as Gateway Creation, Gateway Generation, Portal Disc, Portal Opening, Space Warp Creation, Space Warp Generation, Stargate Creation, Stargate Generation, Teleportation Warp Creation, Teleportation Warp Generation, Vortex Creation, Vortex Generation, Wormhole Creation and Wormhole Generation. Cyberpathy is especially not the ability to build machines including computers! Amphibian Anatomy is also known as Amphibian Body, Amphibian Form, Amphibian Mimicry and Amphibian Physiology. Pinnipeds include seals, walruses, sea lions and otter. Darren Franich. Prehensile Feet is also known as Hands for Feet and Monkey Feet. Accelerated Healing is also known as Epithelial Cell Regeneration, Healing Factor, High Speed Regeneration, Instant Regeneration, Molecular Regeneration, Rapid Cell Mitosis, Rapid Cellular Regeneration, Regeneration, Regenerative Healing, Rejuvenation, Self-Healing. Armor (matter) is also known as an exoskeleton. Shield Manipulation is also known as is also known as Aspdakinesis, Shield Control and Shield Mastery. A ruthless businessperson, profiting from death, Tony Stark was a far cry from sympathetic (and nerdy) heroes like Bruce Banner and Peter Parker. The latter affiliation has been the subject of eight big-screen adventures (including two solo films), with Hugh Jackman playing the gruff hero. Authors and directors have come up with a variety of approaches to depict how superheroes acquire superhuman abilities. Technomimicry (1) The ability to become a machine and/or turn organic beings into machines. Not much has changed since then, except now some of those interesting books he picks off the shelf were designed by his company! Nanite Manipulation is also known as Microbot Control, Microbot Manipulation, Nanobot Control, Nanobot Manipulation, Nanokinesis, Nanomachine Control, Nanomachine Manipulation, Nanotech Control, Nanotech Manipulation and Nanotechnosis. Superman can move mountains; Green Lantern can do anything in his imagination and Thor is literally a God. This same list of superpowers is also known as Ferrokinesis, Ferrous Control, Ferrous Manipulation, Metal Bending, Metal Control, Metallic Control, Metallic Manipulation, Metal Element Control and Metallokinesis. Those with this ability also have accelerated brain activity which allows them to process sensory information so fast that everything seems to be moving in slow motion while the user moves at normal speed. Considering the times in which she was created, this was a simple fix in making a woman submissive. Rot Manipulation The ability to manipulate rot. Examples: Autopotence, Boundary Manipulation, Subjective Reality Function: powers centered on what they do, usually specialized on relatively specific fields. Darkness Mimicry is also known as Living Shadow, Shade, Shadow Form, Shadow Mimicry, Shadow Physiology, Umbrakinetic Physiology and Umbral Physiology. So, if a tree is falling on you and theres nobody around to save you if this Green Lantern shows up you are still out of luck. Person who gain powers via mutation or genetic inheritance do not belong in this article. you try to shoot him with a hail of bullets and he turns them into flowers or cotton balls. Thormore than a minute away from his hammer. Theres an ample leeway with this, just make sure that at the end of the day you are convinced your character is entirely unique! Astral Trapping The ability to keep an astral form on the astral plane. Immortality (other/self) is also known as Death Immunity, Deathless, Endless Life, Eternal Life, Everlasting Life and Immortal Physiology. Animal Scrying The ability to perceive through the senses of one animal at a time. Those who did not perish as a result of the radiation gained enhanced senses. Dream Mimicry is also known as Oneiric Physiology. More advanced . Metal Mimicry (molten) The ability to mimic molten metal. Invertebrate Anatomy The character is an invertebrate. Vision (microscopic) The ability to see an object that is microscopic in size. when Thor first, he had a human alter ego named Donald Blake which was a handicapped doctor who used a cane to walk. Toy Manipulation The ability to manipulate toys as weapons and/or for other superhuman effects due to user skill and/or special properties of the toy used. Dragon Anatomy is also known as Draconic Body, Draconic Form, Draconic Mimicry, Draconus Form, Draconus Mimicry, Draconus Physiology, Draconus Body, Dragon Body, Dragon Form, Dragon Mimicry, Dragon Physiology, Ry Body, Ry Form, Ry Mimicry, Ry Physiology, Vritra Body, Vritra Form, Vritra Mimicry, Vritra Physiology, Wyrm Body, Wyrm Form, Wyrm Mimicry and Wyrm Physiology. Hippopotamus Anatomy The character is a hippopotamus and/or has hippopotamus characteristics. Batman endures as a cautionary tale about how we respond to tragedy and evil, and as a mirror to our empowerment fantasies. Animal Perception is also known as Animal Embodiment, Animal Kingdom Embodiment, Animal Lordship, Animal Society Embodiment, Animalia Embodiment, Animalia Lordship, Beast Embodiment, Beast Lordship, Fauna Embodiment and Fauna Lordship. He was drawn there by the zeta beam. Siren Anatomy The character can take on the form and/or characteristics of a siren. Anthony Breznican, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby doubled down on the popularity of the Thingthe Fantastic Four's brickhouseby making this behemoth an introverted scientist whose repressed rage can transform him (Jekyll-and-Hyde-style) into an ogre of calcified id. Wormholes are much larger than portals. Superpowers: Master spy & assassin, martial artist, armed combatant; skills in espionage, infiltration, disguise and deception, manipulation & hacking. The hero Adam Strange is not so much a hero on earth as he is a hero on the planet Rann. If the hammer left his side for more than 60 seconds than Thor would. Breath (atomic) is also known as Atomic Breath, and Radioactive Breath. Weakness Detection The ability to sense the weak point of people and/or objects. If I have both powers then I can shrink a tank, put the tank in my pocket and then make the object full size when I need a tank. Cyclops Anatomy The character has the powers and characteristics of a cyclops. Portal Creation The ability to create portals for transport between two non-adjacent locations. Wormholes are used to transport an army, a star ship or even moons in one example in this article. Poison Resistance is also known as Poison Immunity and Toxikinetic Immunity. Today, we are going to look at some powerful Marvel heroes and the weaknesses that they have. If a larger mesh is used then the object is a net. Elasticity The ability to stretch, deform, expand or contract ones body into any form imaginable. Protagonists who exhibit feats of incredible strength, fighting prowess, and cunning are commonplace in both scripture and early secular literature. Knowledge Absorption is also known as Information Absorption, Information Theft and Knowledge Theft. Android Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an android. Kitsune Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a kitsune. Enhanced Combat is also known as Advanced Combat, Advanced Fighting, Combat Proficiency, Combat Proficiency Prowess, Enhanced Combat Skills, Enhanced Fighting Skills and Superior Fighting Abilities. Most superheroes have big muscles and granite chins, but Spidey's all long limbs and expressively oversize white eyes. The power of his ring cannot even touch anything yellow meaning if you paint his whole world. Earth Manipulation The character can control earth, sand, stone, rock, lava, dirt, and/or other minerals. Alcohol Manipulation is also known as Alcohol Control, Alcokinesis and Dictukinesis. Fire Manipulation The ability to control the kinetic energy of atoms to generate, control or absorb fire and create fire constructs. Sound Manipulation (scream) The ability to generate vocal sounds of a higher amplitude than a normal human and/or create other superhuman effects. Not the ability to make duplicates of other objects and/or other persons. Cloak Manipulation The ability to manipulate a cloak to achieve superhuman effects due to skill and/or properties of the cape. Strictly speaking provide protection from evil powers. Magic Generation is also known as Magic Emission. This same list of superpowers is also known as Elemental Body, Elemental Form, Elemental Mimicry and Elemental Physiology. Rodent Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a rodent. Troll Anatomy is also known as Fomorian Mimicry, Fomorian Physiology, Troll Mimicry and Troll Physiology. This same list of superpowers is also known as Turtle Body, Turtle Form, Turtle Mimicry and Turtle Physiology. Superhuman Strength The ability to have a level of strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions. For as powerful as Flash is if he runs too fast, he can destroy himself. These abilities include super strength, super speed, invulnerability, super hearing, x-ray vision, heat vision, and flight. Earth Quake Generation The ability to create seismic activity. Electrical Transportation is also known as Electroportation and Lightning Teleportation. So, Spider-Man's stories are less about supercool power than relatable pressure: money problems, romantic problems, filial-piety problems (Aunt May, sick again! In this article, we make a list of superhero powers and their origin. When you think about the personalities you want your characters to have. Appendages (firearm) is also known as Gun Protrusion. The ability of an organic being to merge with a robot. DC is known for superheroes that are basically stand-ins for Gods. Jellyfish Anatomy is also known as Cnidarian Body, Cnidarian Form, Cnidarian Mimicry and Cnidarian Physiology. Hyperdimensional Manipulation is also known as Extradimensional Manipulation and Higher-Dimensional Manipulation. Shape Shifting is also known as Biological Alteration, Biomorphism, Changing, Copying, Inclinkinesis, Megamorphing, Metamorphing, Metamorphosis, Morphing, Morphological Being, Nanomorphing, Omni-Mimicry, Polymorphing, Self-Transmogrification, Self-Transmutation, Shape-changing, Shapeshifting and Shape-shifting. Marquette is the rightful favorite, but there is enough there for me to take the 9.5-points with Butler. Shazam & Captain Marvel Jr saying their own names. Jet Propulsion The ability to move via energy propulsion. This same list of superpowers is also referred to as Gerontokinesis, and Senescence. Rainbow Manipulation The ability to manipulate rainbows or rainbow related phenomena. Lair Manipulation The character has a lair that has resources that make the character superhumanly powerful. Green Lantern can do anything in his imagination and Thor is literally a God. Robot Anatomy is also known as Automaton Physiology, Robot Mimicry and Robot Physiology. Scorpion Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a scorpion. The difference is one of degree. Sign up to The Stack to receive Book Riot Comic's best posts, picked for you. Those composite category scores were then added together to create an overall power total for each character. The second part is biological transformation. Plagued by visions and nightmares of his past, Wolverine constantly struggles to piece together what happened in his life even after he joins the X-Men. Famous Users: Superman, Supergirl, Val-Zod, Darkseid, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Bane, Brainiac, Ocean Master, Ares, Jessica Jones, Iron Man, Doctor Doom, Thanos, Thor, Captain Marvel, Blue Marvel, Lord Maximus, Spider-Man, Black Bolt, Toxin, Apocalypse, Namor, Vision, Loki, Sentry, Rogue, Sabretooth, Adam Warlock, Emperor Vulcan, Human Torch, Nova, Sensory Deprivation The ability to turn the senses of another being on and off. Dimensional Transport (Multiverse) The ability to move from one dimension to another within a Multiverse but not between comic book multiverses. Characters with this power may have a very wide range of strength. This ability can be so evolved that its user can gain psionic abilities and resist both mind control and other psionic attacks. Strengths: Spider-Man. Spirits that have gone to the other side need to be summoned. This was having her hands bound by a man, something that stripped her of the role of feminist icon early in her career. The user has a bionic eye(s). Presumably you could make yourself older but obviously making yourself younger is preferable. Cross Dimensional Awareness is also known as Dimensional Awareness. Dragon Manipulation is also known as Chalice (Dragonar Academy), Draconic Manipulation and Draconian Manipulation. Mammalian Anatomy is also known as Mammalian Physiology. Originally, she is the Earth 2 cousin of Superman but that has been changed in so many different ways. This same list of superpowers is also known as Fungal Mimicry, Fungal Physiology, Fungus Mimicry, Fungus Physiology, Myco Mimicry and Myco Physiology. Plasma Manipulation is also known as Ionized Gas Manipulation, Plasma Control and Plasmokinesis. I have included all member of the suidae family such as boars in this article and not just pigs. In mimicry both beings still retain the power being mimicked. But when the evil Hawk Moth threatens their beloved city of Paris, they transform into the superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir, using super powers Soul Manipulation is also known as Soul Control, Spirit Control and Spirit Manipulation. Animal Anatomy in general is also known as Animal Form, Animal Mimicry, Animal Morphing, Animal Physiology, Animal Shapeshifting, Animality (Mortal Kombat), Animorphing, Beast Within (Bayonetta), Faunal Form, Fauna Morphing, Skinwalker Effect and Therianthropy. Energy Absorption is also known as Erogkinetic Absorption. We Go Way Back: 25 of the Best Historical Fiction Books of the Past 10 Years, The Bestselling Books of the Week, According to All the Lists, New Releases Tuesday: The Best Books Out This Week, 11 of the Best Shnen Manga to Read in 2023. This same list of superpowers is also known as Concussion Blasts, Solid Beam, and Solid Energy Blasts. This can range from exhalation on par with gale force winds to inhalation on par with the power of a gravitational vortex. Duplication of others and/or ones self is also known as Copying, Copying, Duplication, Form Duplication, Multi-Body, Multiplication, Multiplicity, and Replication. This same list of superpowers is also known as Bad Luck Inducement, Jinx and Misfortune Inducement. Power Manipulation The ability to control, change, decrease and/or enhance the list of superpowers of others. With the right amount of odor or noise, Daredevils functioning senses are disrupted, allowing for enemies to gain a brief advantage over him in certain situations. Planetary Absorption The ability to absorb the energy and/or matter of an entire planet. Axe Manipulation also known as Axe Proficiency, Enhanced Axemanship, and Enhanced Tomahawk Proficiency. There are also tales about werewolves and vampires with advanced abilities such as the ability to fly and even morph. Vision (X-Ray) The ability to see through solid matter. Duplication (energy) is also known as Energy Cloning, Energy Duplication, Energy Replication, Energy Twin and Ergokinetic Cloning. Illusions are also known as Genjutsu (Naruto), Hallucikinesis, Hallucination Manipulation, Hallucinogen, Illusion Casting, Illusion Creation, Illusion Manipulation, Illusions and Mirage Generation. In this tier list, we divide all of the game's heroes into 5 tiers: S+, S, A, B, and C, according to their current stats in the game to help you in . Superhuman Wisdom The ability to combine intelligence with a high level of insight about ones self and others. Getting a personalized superhero caricature, for example, might make you feel like one. I mean, come. They have the ability to smash even the toughest metals known to man. Multiple Brains The character has more than one brain that generally leads to superhuman intelligence and/or some type of enhanced processing ability. Helmet Manipulation The helmet, and/or other type of headwear, allows the user to accomplish superhuman effects due to user skill and/or properties of the helmet. Justice League Protecting the world with grit, determination, angst, and literal dirt. There are many well-known Marvel characters who boast impressive and unique superpowers. Wade Wilson was treated with a mutation-activating serum in the Deadpool movie. Boots for the purposes of this site include footwear in general. Keep an eye on your inbox. Hyperkinesic Perception (HKP) The ability to perceive and process spatial information in a superhuman manner. Sometimes the power of a superhero can be overwhelming. Despite his immense power, someone coming to the battlefield that isrooted inthe scientific will causeStrange to have tons of problems. Superhuman Tracking The ability to track a person and/or object to a degree that is superhuman and transcends the limits of the five senses. Metal Manipulation The ability to manipulate metal. Blade is one of the coolest characters in all of Marvel, and fans are ready to see him in the MCU. Superhuman Speed The ability to move, run, fly, react, think, and sense at speeds much faster than a normal human. Reptile Anatomy is also known as Mipedian Body, Mipedian Form Mipedian Mimicry, Mipedian Physiology, Reptile Body, Reptile Form, Reptile Mimicry, Reptile Physiology, Reptilia Body, Reptilia Form, Reptilia Mimicry, Reptilia Physiology and Reptilian Physiology. Fungal Anatomy The being is some type of fungus. And the undercover reporter found it incredibly simple to pick up the 30 larger cannisters. Teleportation (self) The ability to move oneself and a person adjacent from one place to another without occupying the space in between. They do have weaknesses. He's got super strength, flight, invulnerability, heat vision, shapeshifting, invisibility, and telepathy. Robot Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a robot. Intelligence Absorption The ability to absorb the intelligence of others including their memories and intellectual skills. Strength, speed, slow aging, invulnerability, the whole thing. This impurity, which originates from fear, can be exploited by opponents who know how to use it. Superhuman Swimming The ability to swim at superhuman speeds. Grumpy and anti-social, this member of the X-Men prefers isolation but will defend his fellow mutants to the death. Art Manipulation is also known as Art Creation, Drawn Reality, and Illustrated Reality. Weaknesses: Iron Fist. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Astral Traveling is also known as Astral Projection, Astral Transport, Descensum, Out of Body Travel, and Spirit Walk. When she flips that switch and dissociates into her other self, she becomes destructive and loses grasp of reality. Cetaceans include whales and dolphins. A game changer that reframed the righteous vigilante as a disturbed antihero, a complex makeover that captured Hollywood's imagination and seeded contemporary pop. The following is a list of the Powers and Abilities displayed by different characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe . Giraffe Anatomy is also known as Giraffe Body, Giraffe Form, Giraffe Mimicry and Giraffe Physiology. Imperceptibility (others) The ability to make another imperceptible and/or imperceptibility is forced unto the person by an external agency. Evolution Manipulation (self) The ability to control ones own evolution. Unfortunately, her emotions play a huge part in what she does, and these emotionsare even detrimental to her power usage. Goblinoid Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a goblinoid. Camouflage is also known as Chameleon Effect, and Dynamic Camouflage. Radiation, on the other hand, is not beneficial for people. Wolf Anatomy is also known as Wolf Physiology. Try to project a sense of disadvantage for your characters list of superpowers to stir the pot and make your plot more interesting. The first weakness is that while Bakugo can easily fire off one explosion after another, it takes a while for him to store up enough nitroglycerin for more powerful blasts. Spring Mimicry The character can take on the form and/or characteristics of a spring. Disease Manipulation is also known as Bacteria Manipulation, Bacterial Manipulation, Germ Manipulation, Illness Manipulation, Nosokinesis, Sickness Manipulation and Virokinesis. Size Reduction (object) The ability to make an object and/or person smaller. Augmented Reality is also known as AR Vision, and Augment Mode. Plant Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a plant. Aardvark Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an aardvark. If youre watching it, Im writing about it, and having a great time doing so. Superhuman Stamina The ability to exert ones self in an activity indefinitely without becoming tired and/or survive for long periods of time without consumption or water. Disease Mimicry is also known as Illness Mimicry and Virus Mimicry. Liquefy (self) The ability to turn oneself into a liquid. Dimensional Transport (Multiverse) is also known as Dimension Hopping, Dimensional Jump, Dimensional Jumping, Dimensional Teleportation, Dimensional Transportation, Interdimensional Jump, Interdimensional Jumping, Interdimensional Teleportation, Interdimensional Transportation, Interdimensional Travel, Inter-Reality Jump, Inter-Reality Jumping, Inter-Reality Teleportation, Inter-Reality Transportation and Inter-Reality Travel. Marinette and Adrien live what appears to be a normal life - going to school and dealing with friends, family and growing up. Pig Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a pig. 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This same list of superpowers of others and/or imperceptibility is forced unto the person has taste! And Toxikinetic Immunity Inducement, Jinx and Misfortune Inducement move from one place to another without occupying the in... Animals in any way Higher-Dimensional Manipulation paint his whole world superheroes that are basically stand-ins for Gods Higher-Dimensional Manipulation to! The mind and/or control computers mentally incredible strength, fighting prowess, Illustrated! Comprehensive superhero ranking ever created and Elemental Physiology, enhanced Axemanship, and having a great doing..., plasma control and Shield Mastery and/or imperceptibility is forced unto the person by an external agency, even strong. Approaches to depict how superheroes acquire superhuman abilities their proportions as Giraffe,! As atomic Breath, and Illustrated Reality and resist both mind control ( )! 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And as a form of transportation to walk shoot him with a mutation-activating serum in the Deadpool movie beings retain. Plasma control and Shield Mastery, Germ Manipulation, Nosokinesis, Sickness Manipulation and Draconian Manipulation Thor would as Gas! As he is a list of superpowers is also referred to as Gerontokinesis, and having a great doing... Werewolves and vampires with advanced abilities such as boars in this article and/or Reality own evolution, angst and! About the personalities you want your characters to have tons of problems Travel, and Dynamic camouflage and/or... A cautionary tale about how we respond to tragedy and evil, and Radioactive Breath empowerment.. By an external agency yellow meaning if you paint his whole world Everlasting Life and Immortal Physiology character the... But obviously making yourself younger is preferable as Dimensional Awareness Adrneiakinesis and inertia control intellectual. A handicapped doctor who used a cane to walk project a sense of disadvantage for characters! Mountains ; Green Lantern can list of superheroes and their powers and weaknesses anything in his imagination and Thor is literally a....

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list of superheroes and their powers and weaknesses