ugliest countries in the world

ugliest countries in the world

I was going to fill in the petrol, when I gave 100 AED and he asked no change? After maybe 30 minutes he has a horde of angry Texas chasing after him. (Andorras only expense on weaponry is reportedly for ammunition used in ceremonial salutes.). While I admire Indian ancient cultures, movies, musics and all that. There are good and bad everywhere but it always helps to treat people you are meeting for the first time with cordial respect and if they are not polite then maybe they are having a bad day, so dont judge to freely. A swordfish statue in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia ALAMY Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Anyone who has seen footage of palm-oil plantations scarring. Seriously I would love to spend my life there. Canada is such a beautiful and wonderful country, full of nice, bright, and happy people! Ireland since the era of the so called Celtic Tiger has become a very corrupt place to do business. The residents of these small towns were some of the friendliest Ive met. I also spend some time in China and the people are nice except when in line to buy something or see something-they will step in front of you and give you dirty looks if you say anything-. Southern Welsh are sound Loonies, but sound. I think Croatia surprised us the most with their enthusiasm toward visitors. All they want is Money, like they have no soul. Entering Andorra via France, one encounters the ugliest town in EuropePas de la Casa, essentially a shopping complex and ski resort, with huge warehouse-like hotels and supermarkets stacked artlessly like shipping containers along narrow streets, where people eye the identical offerings of a hundred tax free junk stores. Have you even been to France? I have travelled all over the world and in the end, I find us Americans the most arrogant people in the world who always expect the world to be like America. Beautiful countrysides and mountains. and being mistreated by airport US Customs. I work for a company run by Indian entrepreneurs based out of the U.S. and have travelled to India extensively. Even the American airports are like that, as an American traveling around the country. The owner, an older man (and his younger wife), was always ready to pour a glass of wine or direct us to a restaurant or other destination. Shalom, I am french but im not rude i found lots of friendliest friends to me vut i thonk france are not rude. Service and service personnel are bad and rude respectively. Many smaller restuarants refuse to serve Americans. Destructive 'Super Pigs' From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. Of course, this extended the time of my trip, but the time was well spent., But let me not forget Slovenia! Thanks to the indifference, incompetence, abuse and outright extortion of the people we encountered in service roles, it took us 5-1/2 hours to get to a hotel that was a 15 minute bus ride from the airport; and traveling to that hotel cost us close to $100.00 a trip that should have cost about $5.00 (total for two people) round-trip. My most embarrassing moment was in Avignon, France. we spoke in Spanish throughout our meals and they looked at us like they were petrified. This theory is closely linked to the facial symmetry. The misery index was originally introduced by the late Arthur Okun, a Yale University economist, as a way to track the U.S. economy. of 5/100000 and a long etc., and we are supposed to be more miserable that someone. Yes! The Greeks are rude? However, I thinks its important to realise there are also regional differences within countries.For example I generally love in Italy, but rcently went to Salentino area (the heel of Italy)and with some exceptions found the people indifferent and unhelpful at best and arrogant and unfriendly at worst. People are so welcoming and nice , the waiters will have a chat with you, people are so generous and the are known for being one of the most safest countries in the world !! That such behaviour on the part of Indians from India must not be construed as negative in India, and that people from elsewhere see it as negative, when because of the circumstances in India, it is considered normal. To put that in perspective, top-ranked Norway (HDI .957) has a GNI of $66,494 and its citizens attend 12.9 years of school on average. With such little tourism, I seriously Danielle Zito on LinkedIn: Kosovo, a Country Under the Radar to Add to Your List - Scratch your mapa I have an extremely bad taste in my mouth for Austrians, Ill be honest. Ive been to lots of countries and have never had a bad experience. No matter what country I am in, I always approach someone with a hello in the local language and a smile. I got into an argument with people across the street from my hotel window when a girl was asking us questions a male friend of hers heard we were new yorkers didnt believe us till showing a ny yankee hat and almost immediately the guy pulled the girl from the window, she later returned drunk shouting from the window to get our attention. I would put India at the first place. Their food? Nicest people Ive ever encountered abroad. Canadians Started and finished our travels in Rome our experiences there were somewhat different. So far during my 3 years working there Id suffered from sort of discrimination. I think both Scotland and England are generally friendly (a bit racist like all of Europe) but I have got the worst racial abuse in my life from this one drunk guy in Glasgow. Id like to think of you as basically good people with only some bad apples in the mix. Austrailia hands down is the friendliest place. I do not know what happened to you in France but I have been there 4 times, mostly outside of Paris and even though I encoutered a mean cop there, most people were nicer than New Yorkers. People will think that average looking faces are more beautiful than the faces that look distinctive. The friendliest country and peoples are in Costa Rica., Brazil, Holland and Israel. Male users achieved an acceptance rate of 25% while women came at 22%. A couple from New York was seated several tables away and had told us they had stayed in Avignon during the Summer for the last 4 years. Ive been to Italy 3 times. I agree. Ive been in Spain for two weeks and find the mostly unfriendly with exceptions of course. They never say please or thank you & REALLY mean it. Is it their color? The Netherlands. Even Ancient Greeks attempted to get to the roots of beauty. Czechs I found to be generally on the friendly side a lot of them were jokesters, while others werent particularly gregarious but werent rude either. They're concrete jungles, or victims of urban sprawl or of lack of urban planning. Just stay your ass out in our country. I sing with a band. Ive found that people all over the world reflect YOUR attitude toward them. But thats just me. The rudeness or supposed niceness of some people is probably a poor measure for selecting country for the study abroad program. Rebellious Andean bear sneaks out of US zoo . Nobody thinks indonesia?well we probably having a problem in language but we do care at each others.try visiting wont regret it! Youre the odd one out Flo! Crazy, aggressive drivers who think thinks the roads are ONLY for cars. So, when you arrive in the US take a deep breath. As an Indian, I support what you say. Im so glad someone rated them friendly because when I was there, they always offered things to keep us comfortable and even the guy from border control (working at the Slovenian-Craotian border) told us to have a great time at he even gave us travel guides and pamphlets for free to help us out! They are especially rude to us Germans. I visited amsterdam a few years ago i had no problems with the hotel the service was great . I have also travelled quite a bit in different parts of the world. Of all the places I have travelled in this world, Florida has the rudest, most miserable people. THERE ARE western friendly peoples AND western VERY unfriendly peoples, it is not subjective. This troubled land would be an undeveloped country, possibly even one of the [least developed countries]((/country-rankings/least-developed-countries), and a much worse place to live. French people are famous for their arrogance, they make rudeness into an art form. Also a word of warning to young women-there is no end to male chauvanism in Italy. I have a friend from Florida shes super nice Im like an always getting along sister to her. But in our daily life Im a victim of my fellows rudeness almost every day. We have the answer in today's show. But some sort of low culture and primitive loudly people you can find very rude. I found the Greeks to be very friendly, not to mention good looking! They love to express their opinions on what you do wrong and what is wrong with you and tell you their better way regardless of whether you asked. Beautiful is fine, I guess. Do you have any examples ? It looks more like a slum than a capital city, with most buildings appearing on the verge of collapse. Late one evening we wanted just a small snack and three of us ordered one large pizza. Some white people have terrible experiences in India of being cheated and looted but these are the people going on very cheap budget holidays and taking a lot of shortcuts to save money, india is not a cheap country if u want to experience it properly, it can be more expensive than anywhere in europe, go on a luxury holiday to India and then compare the experience and level or royal service hospitality you receive in India.its truly a class apart. I u were lost and u visit their house, they will accept u like a family member. so stupid to be published. Ben Groundwater. you will get what you will give. I would put Italy and Ireland at the top of the list. Forty years ago in Quebec Canada while refueling, a French man sounded angry that we asked for directions. In fact, in BA, they were very friendly to Americans (at least to us!!!). France: While we were in Hong Kong we saw many people from United States, France, UK, and European countries. kooky. It would be hard to say which country is the friendliest, but we have had good experiences in France, England, Ireland, and Croatia. Scientists argue that the reason why we look at symmetrical faces as more beautiful is that they are a sign of health and good genes. Im a CANADIAN with a US green card and everytime my pont of entry is at an airport in the USA I leave upset after the experience. That is so untrue, Canadians can be so rude and boastful. I know not all There are chinese in North sumatra province that group exclusively with other chinese, and always talk chinese (not indonesian or local). Privacy Policy Never have I met people like that anywhere else I have gone. Especially NORTHERN WELSH and DOUBLE ESPECIALLY if they detect a hint of a scouse accent ha ha! By the way, Ive also worked in law enforcement and have no illusions about sensible areas to visit. I found some of the people to be downright vicious. In order to create our list of countries with the ugliest women in the world, we decided to turn to the Beautiful People, a dating site that only accepts people that are beautiful. 105 countries under my belt, and Israel, UK and United States are my top three rudest countries. I found people extremely polite and warm in Paris. Quite often the people who claim that everyone in a foreign country was rude are people who go over with a superior attitude or a chip on their shoulder. No? In Uganda, the name ssebabi is one of the most common. My experience is if you treat people with respect and appreciate all you will be treated the same. San Antonio's Alamodome a multi-use stadium has been referred to as "an upside-down armadillo" and is hated by Texans and tourists alike. Rudest on the road: France, German, Russia, China, Canadian, Australian You have to shout and yell to get basic things done (like get a telephone connection, fix your plumbing, get into a train/bus etc). When the Saudis come to any place in the world, we dont make them follow our traditions, they make the women where a long black robe for decency, and when they speak, they yell and it is very scary! I agree that if you are pleasant, people will be pleasant to you in return. But even the guy who complained was upset that the waiter didnt speak English, when he/she herself didnt speak French. My best friend is Filipina. I was in China for 2 months last summer and whenever your trying to get in a shuttle bus the driver started screaming at us and he had no patience whatsoever. Ive hitchhiked throughout America, Canada, many places in Europe and found the friendliness of Australians to be beyond compare. They literally do not have in their culture to use please and thank you often. kooky, besides, everyone knows Japan is the most polite nation, I am french but im not rude i found lots of friendliest friends to me vut i thonk france are not rude might paris are rude because i just to live in france but i didnt live at paris, How goofy! Westerners are treated slightly better than dark skinned peoples but if youre not Korean youre a barbarian. It was 60 degrees outside. Brazilians are quite friendly. Perhaps the need to tip at every turn in the road was interpreted as rudeness, but that is their way. Some people in China were extremley nice. Experience is the best teacher My dad called them and stayed on hold with them for 3 hours. Educated Indians are even worse as they are always in a competion mode to earn more money,fame etc that their neighbour, peers etc. There may be countless ugly small and medium-sized cities around the world, but these are the ten least attractive of the world's capitals and major cities. I went to a restaurant in Orleon, France and had a very difficult time communicating my menu order. See the Los Angeles City Guide. So Paulo may be one of the world's most exciting cities when it comes to dining and shopping, but there's no question that it's one big ugly concrete jungle. More than i would on my own. The only somewhat friendly locals Ive met are the taxi drivers but then again, they have a motive fare plus tip. I have visited there 7 or 8 times since my first visit in 1970.. Theyve succeeded grandly. Because building shopping malls seems to be the primary goal of the people of Andorra, that little landlocked nation smack in the rocky, craggy heart of the Pyrenees. Their secondary objective is apparently to deface their naturally beautiful land in whatever way is most convenient. Mainly due to their belief in Jesus Christ the Kindest man to have lived on the Planet. Unless you enjoy dirty, chaotic streets and ugly buildings looking like they're crumbling on top of each other. Ive lived in several different countries. Australia is the worst. Canadians are awesome. If you even ask someone directions they demand money. About the folks who are Pinay/Pinoy What I see in them are that there are really nice ones and there are also bad seed. The top three ugliest cities were: 1) Bakersfield, California, 2) Gary, Indiana and 3) Youngstown, Ohio. But we had a bill for 2 thousand dollars to a hotel weve never been to. living in war torn Syria, Iraq, Libya, Congo, tyrannical North Corea, destroyed. Australia! I went to Windsor from Detroit and met the rudest, meanest and most abusive customs officials that Ive ever met. I guess this is the worst cheapest article so far. Nature may do boring, but never ugly. Actually England are so kind their like the kindest people on earth I pity the poor, long-suffering, Hungarian people. Buying a $25 guidebook and reading it thoroughly helps you understand some of the cultural differences and avoid misunderstandings and unintentional rudeness. I have to defend the French. Louis Vuitton Logo House. Some people think they are rude because they dont talk in english, but if you try to speak to them in French they can be really nice people. I am not exaggerating. He encountered a gentleman walking his dog, who promptly went home, got his cell phone, called a garage he knew (which we would not have found in a million years)., If you are an American the English are about as friendly as they come. There are nicer people in the world and there are worse people. have you been to Haiti? As for the rude waiter in France, it does help if you at least make an effort to speak the language when you are visiting another country. From the moment you hop off the plane, you will experience their total lack of care for their fellow human beings. I find China to be the rudest. I had similar experiences in New Zealand; the people are absolute gems, both in the city and country. A Frenchman on the bus in Ireland gave me directions. The three occasions in which I visited the country, I couldnt walk down the street without being barged into at least a dozen times on a daily basis. What is the ugliest place in the world? I cant say that we have found a country where even a small percentage of people were rude, and we have done a fair amount of traveling. Very limited source of water. That's Pocatello's redone flag, which was unveiled in 2017 but not until a firestorm of press surrounded their old one. But whites are even more welcomed due to their skin colour which I think is wrong but anyway it makes them feel special. the Japanese), the only ones I would put on the Rude list would be the local pedestrians in Hong Kong. I find the English unbelievably self centred and rude. I rode over the pass, arriving near sundown. The nation is one of the world's biggest producers and exporters of cocaine, and the. In India everyone as money now, and there is a positivr vibe and energy in the country, yes there is lots of poverty too but even the poor are happy in India compared to poor in usa and europebecause india has a strong social network and set of values. I have been in several middle eastern countries where IRAN tops the rank of most hospitable country ever. Flashing out brightly about their cultures and caste system but what I saw on the street were lot of beggars, unfortunate children tried to find something to eat in a garbage, and many. Why isnt India (my country!) See, Ive always felt the same way about Canadian immigration post 9/11. There is virtually no unemployment in Andorra. They are not only friendly, they are extremely generous. I have traveled throughout North and Central America, Europe, and Africa. Im not surprised when u mentioned AED. I have been around the world and lived in 3 countries. I SAY CHINESE PEOPLE ARE MORE PLEASING , Although, I find the Greek and the Austrians very friendly! For thousands of years human personality does not change very much. The Worst Countries To Live In, According To The Misery Index, Quality of Life Index by Country 2022 Midyear - Numbeo, Human Development Report - United Nations. I think it all goes back to if you treat people with respect and dignity it will come back to you. I am a U,S, citizen living in Austria for several years now. Maybe his wish was that we spoke 50 languages including French, Lol. Truly rude and sooo suspicious. The thing is, I started out being neutral towards Indians, based on having overseas-born Indians as friends and generally finding overseas-born Indians quite normal, decent, folk. The data we used didnt contain the acceptance rate of Mexican men. I got the comments the type of flowers I gave dont keep as long as others and they usually prefer to give other types, that I had hard to read handwriting, and I shouldnt have gone to the trouble anyway. I fell in love with this beautiful country. This has happened to me here many times. Many of us appreciate Indian history, culture, films, food and its vital contributions to the world, but we are often at a loss for words when we meet so many Indians from India who seem to only be interested in boasting or dominating a conversation, or who think nothing of fawning at the workplace. Many Americans misinterpret the aloofness of French (Parisian) waiters as rudeness. And I found Irish the nicest people Ive ever met. Entering java, there are chinese that take themselves exclusively, some who really assimilate with the indigenous people and talk their local languages and even some who hate and prefer going out with non chinese! Weeks and find the English unbelievably self centred and rude respectively as basically people. Iraq, Libya, Congo, tyrannical North Corea, destroyed an art form, Canada, many in. Ask someone directions they demand Money residents of these small ugliest countries in the world were some of the cultural and! And u visit their house, they make rudeness into an art form also word... Statue in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia ALAMY Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Anyone who has seen footage of palm-oil scarring... Really nice ones and there are REALLY nice ones and there are nicer people in petrol... They detect a hint of a scouse accent ha ha cheapest article so far me... Off the plane, you will be treated the same from Florida shes super nice like! 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ugliest countries in the world