what to do if your dog attacks a groundhog

what to do if your dog attacks a groundhog

Freezing. For each animal this can be a different story. But if a dog chases and catches them, they will attack with all their might, which is highly impressive. If an accident happens, your dog is likely to be in trouble too due to being unleashed. 1. Customer: my dog was bitten by a groundhog in virginia, my dog has had a rabies shot, should i be conserned about anything else? Groundhogs hibernate from late fall for roughly three months, then wake up when it's still quite cold. Dogs have not always been domesticated animals. The Ides of March. My almost two year old lab has recently become aggressive with my 5 year old dog.other than with that dog, she is sweet and submissive. This is the same thing that happened (without any biting, though) when he met my grandmothers cat, which is why Im concerned. They are a medium-sized stocky rodent, a little smaller than a raccoon. Glory. Since groundhogs are part of the squirrel family, you can use pesticides designed for similar rodents to keep them away from your home. Hitman. What should you do if your dog attacks a groundhog? There was nothing Briar could do to escape, he hunkered down an even rolled over in submission. Unprovoked aggression is scary to witness in dogs. While rare, the effects of this disease can be serious. It took us what seemed forever to get the 2 dogs distracted enough to get Briar to safety. I don't remember much of the conversation but I'm pretty sure she said it was okay but their other dog wasn't as easygoing or friendly (something to that effect), and around that time is when my eldest, Archie (11yo), approached the other dog and was viciously attacked. If the dog killed the groundhog and was bitten in the process, its possible he could be infected with rabies. These rodents can weigh between 6-12 lbs, making them the same size as a small dog! They all involve a level of risk. These rodents usually dig burrows in grassy areas and eat through gardens causing a lot of damage. After wrapping the bite, seek medical attention. Theyre often spotted in backyards and parks, diving into their underground burrows to avoid confrontation with predators and other curious animals. If your dog gets in contact with these microbes, it can prove to be harmful to your dogs health. However, letting your dog run free always harbors risk that's why I never do it with other dogs around, wouldn't want to do that with three dogs, one of them being a foster. Try firmly telling the approaching dog a familiar cue, such as "sit" or "stay.". 17) "Pop" your dog's leash or hang him by his collar. Knowing how to stop a dog attack on the spot is extremely important in securing the best outcome possible for the dogs. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. While fighting with the groundhog, these parasites can jump onto the dogs body. I made my way out of the water and up to them as quick as I could and apologised for Megs. It's always when he is laying down/asleep, I believe it's scaring him not knowing who is close and he is afraid. The dirt present on the body of a groundhog often attracts parasites like ticks and fleas. Sometimes, your dog can be the problem too: Why Do Dogs Kill Kittens? Are you worried the groundhog could make your dog sick? Continue to avoid making eye contact. How Big Will My Puppy Be Height, Weight Chart & Calculator, Best Shark Vacuum for Pet Hair and Hardwood Floors, 5 Best Foods For Huskies: Top Siberian Husky Foods. Theyre active during summer and fall and hibernate during winter and early spring. This is why we went tonthe expense of making what was supposed to be a secure kennel ( it's the length of our house). 10. Its always important to stay calm and assertive in an adrenaline-soaked stand-off. groundhog tracks: five toes on the front foot and four on the back; generally profound claw markings; Fun Facts. Doesnt matter to me if Id spot the attack early on or if its already happening and I have to risk being bitten. Fortunately, dogs will often encourage groundhogs to stay away. In this article, we will discuss what can happen and what you should do if your dog killed a groundhog.. If your dog was attacked by another dog, its also important to get that owners information in case you need to speak with them about paying medical bills or filing a report in the future. However, since they were able to warn you, they perhaps should've been more proactive but it's hard to say whether the dog was known to be aggressive or just reactive and this was the first attack. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thepupcrawl_com-box-3','ezslot_1',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thepupcrawl_com-box-3-0');One of our regulars asked us: my dog killed a groundhog should I be worried? We asked him to immediately take the dog to his vet for a checkup, and heres why. How Do I Know I Have Groundhogs In My Yard? Groundhog tunnels also lead to loose soil, which can harm large dog breeds as they may fall through the ground if the tunnels are close enough to the surface. A groundhog is a rodent but is much larger than a mouse or even some rats. Woodchucks occasionally eat meat in the form of birds' eggs, grubs, grasshoppers, crickets, june bugs, and larvae (immature form of insect . Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, usually are viewed as nuisance animals for homeowners and farmers. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'thepupcrawl_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_7',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thepupcrawl_com-medrectangle-3-0'); For the first few weeks, you have to monitor every single movement of your dog. Most of the time, groundhogs like to stay in their burrows and only come out to eat. So, if you have a large-sized aggressive dog, then it is completely natural for your dog to kill a groundhog. 7 Of The Largest Pet Lizards The Biggest Lizards You Can Own. However, its the unfortunate reality that not everyone takes dog aggression seriously and will turn a blind eye to their dogs behavior. Chat With a Veterinarian For Personalized Help. 8. Groundhogs are extremely prevalent in the north-central and eastern parts of the United States. Some of the common signs of groundhog activity are: Groundhogs use their sharp claws to dig their burrows. Once your pet calms down, take your pet far away from the dead groundhog. Dead or discolored areas of your yard that follow a specific path (this is most likely the site of the groundhogs tunnel system). But it turns out they have a very good reason to drag . Groundhogs are also known as woodchucks or "whistle-pigs." The familiar name woodchuck actually has nothing to do with wood, and stems from the Native American names for them: wuchak, wejack, and possibly otchek, which is a name for fishers. Review symptoms, medications & behavior to keep your pets healthy with a Vet Online in just minutes. All opinions remain our own. Additionally, groundhogs have sharp claws, and your dog might sustain injuries in the process. If you are not physically able to break up the dog fight, or if getting involved would put you at risk of injury, it may be a tough call for you and its true that these fights often sound worse than they are. Their huge, hardy claws and sharp teeth make for excellent weapons when fighting for their life. As ever, prevention is the best way to stop groundhog attacks, so stay vigilant while your kitty is outside. I just dont if I can excuse this by saying, well, its that prey drive that dogs have. Has your dog eaten a groundhog? It can also use its big, powerful paws to strike and potentially break an animal's back. However, they can carry parasites and some infections, including: Ticks & fleas: like other wild animals, woodchucks do carry ticks & fleas. In addition, these months are where youll see damage to your yard as the groundhogs consume your grass and build more tunnels. Dont just choke the dog since thatll only cut off the air supply but instead twist the collar while lifting it to quickly end the fight and avoid damage to the dogs throat if possible. I posted about it in a local FB discussion group, hoping to reach the attacking dog's owner to ask that they contribute to the vet bill and all I got was criticism from all sides and people telling me to "suck it up princess", "you're at fault", "you're to blame", "your dogs were the aggressors" and only sparing sympathy. Similarly, if you often have your friendly dog off-leash, you might want to reevaluate. Watching your dogs body language and especially the tail position closely will help you determine their state of mind. Stay calm. Depending on your local law, you shouldnt count on that though, especially if you have a breed thats affected by breed-specific legislation. The following are some of the ways in which you can keep all the groundhogs away from your home as well as your dogs. While these animals aren't likely to go out of their way to attack a cat, their sharp teeth and claws can do damage. The boards can be painted or stained to match your fence and they make it a bit harder for groundhogs to get a footing and climb. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'thepupcrawl_com-box-4','ezslot_6',133,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thepupcrawl_com-box-4-0'); If your pet dog attacks the groundhog, the woodchuck can bite your dog anywhere in the body. I figure if he could do this to a groundhog, he could do it too a cat as well. Although related to ground squirrels, they grow to be much larger about 2 feet in length and 10 pounds in weight. Urination or defecation. Unfortunately by the time we hit $850 we couldn't afford more ( quoted 1800-2500). Some terrific groundhog repellents include epsom salt, ammonia, talcum powder, red pepper flakes, and garlic. The contents of the OurFitPets.com website, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this site (Content) are for informational purposes only. I have one dog,4 year old female unaltered female Dobe.Gets upset every time my husband puts shoes on and tries to go out the door.Bites his shoes,pants,and makes these god awful noises i have never heard coming from a dog before.Other than that,she is a perfect lady,minds perfectly,gets along great . And yes, you should be worried if your dog has killed a groundhog. Cookie Notice Severity of the symptoms will depend on how much poison your dog ate, with larger amounts leading to faster onset and more severe symptoms. If your pet dog attacks the groundhog, the woodchuck can bite your dog anywhere in the body. My Dog Chewed a Lidocaine Patch. A lawyer will be able to best advise if its worth suing for medical bills because of court costs, and the differences between each case, it may not be financially wise to spend the money in court and risk not having money to pay your dogs veterinary bills in return. While fighting with a dog, a groundhog can become aggressive, and bite back with these incisors. While it often feels like forever, many dog fights last only a matter of seconds with proper intervention. Your dog could be infected with a disease or parasite that was carried by the groundhog. Signs to watch out for include unsteadiness, weakness, muscle tremors, over-excitability, paddling motions of the limbs, depression, vomiting, high fever, leg stiffness, and seizures. If you become agitated, this may make your dog feel more worried. Yes, a groundhog can attack a dog if they feel threatened and cornered. You can use shrubs and trees to prevent early nesters from moving in. While these tactics can work, you may be directing your groundhogs into your neighbors yard, which ultimately isnt the goal. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Knowing a groundhog's instincts can help you as the dog owner make predictions about how your dog might react if he sees one. Use a hose to flood their tunnels, leaving them no choice but to find drier land. It can, however, be beneficial if you have a little dog and are raising it. groundhogs possess large incisors to bite through hard surfaces in front of the mouth, Tularemia is a contagious disease known to be a bacterial infection. If a groundhog feels cornered or trapped, they are most likely to attack when threatened by a larger animal like a dog. The severity of the dog fight plays a role in the outcome as well. Some woodchucks are also aggressive. In Her Shoes. It's essential to document everything, so take pictures of the dog and the area. If your dog has been vaccinated with the rabies vaccine, then your dog will not have any problem even if a groundhog bites it. If bitten by a groundhog, gently wash and disinfect the bite site. Groundhog Day. Therefore, it's very important to get vaccinated after any groundhog bite. Get a squeaky toy that looks like a rat or a stuffed animal that resembles the animal your dog loves to chase. The local authorities will need to contact the pet owner to determine if the dog has been vaccinated. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Groundhogs fall in the category of prey. If the handbag doesn't keep the dog from attacking, use pepper spray, if you have it on hand during an attack to avoid injury. Groundhogs will only become aggressive if they feel the need to defend themselves. Some animals get along despite their species differences. Wanna boost your dog's superpowers? He is not that big or strong but he is definitely stronger than me Im pretty weak and so I always walk him with a choker and a harness. The good news is that groundhogs dont carry as many diseases as other rodents. Use of Epsom Salt: Groundhogs usually reside inside the ground by making holes in the ground. As well as training, feeding and caring for your four-legged family member, dog ownership involves much more than handling their day to day needs . From head to rump, groundhogs are 17.75 to 24 inches (45 to 61 centimeters) long, according to National Geographic. In many cases, it doesnt matter if the other dog escaped out a door, broke the leash, or was purposefully running off-leash. As we have already mentioned, groundhogs can transmit diseases such as rabies tularemia, and symptoms like insomnia, and hallucination can develop in your dog. It is ideal for taking your dog to the nearest veterinary clinic as you might be harmed while attacking the groundhog. A Guide to Pet-Friendly Retailers (2022). Some of the breeds are small, whereas some others are quite large. Sometimes a dog can be put down after a dog fight, depending on local law and the nature of the attack (injuries, viciousness, human-directed aggression), and sadly it depends on the breed and the owners means to fight in court. I'd be more concerned with the maintenance guy who thought he had to intervene in that way. Had their dog been muzzled, this wouldn't have happened, yet somehow I was the only one at fault in their eyes. If your dog attacks a guest or stranger, homeowners insurance can potentially cover legal and medical expenses arising from the attack, but coverage is generally going to depend on the specifics of your policy . When your dog is allowed the opportunity to attack another dog, not only do you risk serious injuries or death to the other dog, but the outcome can be devastating for your dog too, if you face legal action. Megs ran up to a couple who were walking their two boxers on leads (the woman in front, the man trailing behind) and was excitedly bouncing around the one the woman was leading. Dogs have a natural killing instinct when they see something they can prey on. Groundhogs can and do contract rabies and it is a concern. Not only is it important for your own dog, so that they never have to suffer the trauma of an attack by that dog again, but its important to keep other dogs and their owners safe as well. An upward leash pop or all out hanging by lifting your dog's front feet off the ground needs to be outlawed. If the attacking dog is already listed as a "dangerous dog," the owner may be responsible for harboring an aggressive or violent animal and held liable for any damages or veterinary bills. My Dog Ate Kong Rubber What Should I Do? Sealing the exits to the burrow won't work as these animals are natural burrowers that will dig out another exit without any fuss at all . If you plan on using repellents, ensure there is an exit route for the groundhogs to follow out of your yard. It's debatable whether or not a 1 bite law is good, but it sure is sad that your neighbor did not heed the warning and has failed to take precautions. Answer (1 of 49): A groundhog is a wild animal, a dog is a predatory specie, my dogs and cats live together inside without trouble. Multiple raised dirt mounds in your yard. Drooling. He lives around neighborhood cats and I really dont want to risk it. There's no right way to feel when one loses a dog. If trapped or cornered, a beaver will attack a human. It can be very disturbing if your dog gets bitten by another dog. Another thing is possible disease. How Do Groundhogs Dig Holes In The Ground? Rather than reaching for a dogs collar, which is often our instinct, many experts suggest that its safer to grab the rear legs of a dog to pull them away from a fight. Groundhogs may be attracted to your yard if there are wood piles, leaf piles, or garbage cans/litter around the area. Distract your dog from a distance. If that is not the case, take your dog immediately to a veterinary clinic for vaccination and all the necessary treatments your dog needs after the fight. Document the dog's character and the location of the attack if the owner can't be found. My Dog Was Bitten By Another Dog: What Do I Do? Connect with a verified veterinarian in minutes. If not, just let your dog do what it wants to do. Groundhogs hate the smell of ammonia, which dog pee (and most pee) is full of. I was walking my dog, around 4-5 year old German Shepherd, and he ran off after a groundhog in the distance. Watch: German Shepherd Vs. 5. His tongue was bleeding, and he was definitely in contact with some of the groundhogs blood unfortunately. If your dog needed veterinary attention, its possible in many cases to request that the owner of the dog who attacked yours pay the vet bills. If a groundhog manages to bite or scratch your dog, your first move is to get your dog away from the groundhog. Was it an appropriate and measured response? That being said, how lapsed is lapsed? Milder scuffles, which often result in a lot of noise but not necessarily injury to another dog, can be broken up in various ways. Having a pet in the house will make your life full of joy and happiness. It is easy to say and very hard to do, but the most important thing to do if you are attacked is to stay calm. He would try to smell it while it was nipping at him, and when it did he would bite it badly. Tularemia: this is an infectious disease caused by bacteria; symptoms of this infection can include lethargy, chills, headaches, fever, skin ulcers, swollen, painful lymph nodes, and more. What should you do if your dog attacks a groundhog? The type of muzzle you should strongly consider in this case is a basket-type muzzle, that allows your dog to fully open their mouth to pant, take treats, and drink while preventing them from grabbing a hold of something with their mouth. This means if you click on the link and purchase this item or service, we will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. These rodents carry diseases, and the diseases are mentioned below. Groundhog bites can be deep enough to require stitches, and groundhogs often carry the rabies virus, so your dog will need a vaccination to prevent the spread. Yesterday I was at an off-leash beach with my two jack Russells and my foster pup (an Arab cross - Megs). Dog fights are always heart-breaking to watch but these situations can happen and its important to stay level-headed and do our companions justice by resolving them quickly. Hope you'll be able to recover the cost and get your neighbor to take precautions from now on. as they live in the house it only seems to be in house the trouble flairs the griff had been living in spain came to gb 3 yrs ago the old boy died hence we took him on. Release the Leash Many times when dogs are being attacked by other dogs, the leash helps to keep the other dog which is being attacked in a useless position. Groundhogs are also known as rabies carriers which can be transmitted to your dog through a bite. In short, they eat money. Whether or not your dog has been involved in other fights, if both owners were following local laws, and other aspects of the situation do play a role, though. He would try to smell it while it was nipping at him, and when it did he would bite it badly. This question typically depends on your dogs temperament. Its always wise to leash your own dog. Dogs are extremely faithful animals, and they never attack their owners, but when a dog is fighting with a groundhog or any other animal, you should never get in the middle of that fight. While fighting with a dog, a groundhog can become aggressive, and bite back with these incisors. If a dog that is already declared dangerous ends up in another dog fight, the consequence from the government and legal system is likely to be harsher, which sometimes includes euthanasia. Regarding your dog's behavior: This might require the help of a professional behaviorist. They dig burrows in grassy areas and are known to eat through gardens. Dangers of Groundhog Bites One of the biggest risks associated with groundhog bites is the transmission of rabies. Rabies can prove to be harmful to all mammals. One simple way of stopping your dog from chasing groundhogs is to keep this animal far away from your pet dog. Groundhogs most commonly live along forest edges near open fields, streams, and meadows. Rottweiler Growth Chart When Are Rottweilers Fully Grown? What To Do If a Dog Bites You: Steps To Take Immediately. Then join our exclusive club! This animal creates two, sometimes three holes, with a large tunnel system that runs from . Also, even if you manage to safely pick your small dog up, the big dog can still hurt you. Since your vaccinations are fine, I would just watch for gastrointestinal distress (if he ate any of the groundhog, he may have vomiting or diarrhea) and would probably ask your vet if he should be dewormed as well just in case the groundhog had any intestinal parasites (if he ate any of it, he potentially could get worms from the groundhog). These babies stay with their mother for around 2-3 months before leaving the burrow to find their own lawn to destroy. Or he was bitten by a small dog and inflicted more harm in defense? Evaluate the incident again but keep in mind that it may be possible that the other dog owner is legally in the clear here. It will attack a dog only when it does not see a way out of the confrontation and fears for its life. Unfortunately the state of WV has a 1 bite law ( humans) that gives the dogs another chance. ), not to mention that it might not have been legal but as I said, I'm not familiar with Indiana law at all. Make sure your yard is groundhog clear before installing fencing. I would not give any guarentees what a Chihuahua would do. Once the fight is over, do a health inspection of your dog and if you notice something unusual, take your dog to the nearest veterinary clinic. The holes they dig can be hard to spot, so if your dog is running in the backyard and doesnt see one, they may catch a paw in the hole. The chances of the groundhog even having rabies to begin with are quite low. Take your time and evaluate if its really necessary to report. Shouldn't the owner, knowing their dog is reactive have taken more precautions than just having it leashed? Without prompting, the dog started snatching up rats attracted by his birds. They build extensive burrows similar to prairie dogs. Yes, groundhogs might be carrying ticks, fleas, rabies, tularemia, and the plague. There are no breeds inherently predisposed to biting. We look at the steps you should take if a dog bites your dog. Beavers are not dangerous if left alone. When the dog that attacked you is with an owner, make sure to acquire their contact details. Symptoms of this disease are lack of energy, headache, fever, body aches, swollen lymph nodes, and a few others. He seems shaken up, but okay, and with the current money situation I just dont want to take him unless I have too. They also use their long claws for digging burrows and holes in grassy areas. There are different breeds of dogs that you can have in your home as a pet. My Dog Killed A Rabbit Should I Be Concerned? Stand tall and shield your dog if you dont want other dogs to approach (especially if your dog is the one having a problem in which case a muzzle and training are advisable). How did your dog behave? A groundhog usually won't win a fight with a dog, but this outcome can depend on the size of your dog. Our 2yr old Texas Heeler ( Australian Shepherd/blue heeler) was attacked about 2 weeks ago by neighbors 2 pit bulls. It was a lightbulb moment: Reed encouraged the pup, and then eventually got more terriers and encouraged them, too. Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks or "whistle-pigs," are a type of mammal called a marmot, a member of the squirrel family. Don't kick the dogs or put yourself at high risk or otherwise encourage them to bite harder 3. You should install adequate fencing 12 inches into the ground and at least 3 feet high. If your dog is not properly trained or is aggressive, it can kill rodents and groundhogs for prey. We also have an 11 year old lab mix and there are no issues with her with any of dogs. Then, your pet will have no sense of who its enemy or friend is and can even cause harm to you. When this animal has gone searching for food, pour castor oil inside the groundhogs burrows. Rather than risk your dog being taken away from you or euthanized due to their aggression, its extremely important to be a responsible dog owner and manage your dogs behavior upfront by consulting an expert and wearing a muzzle. Tularemia is a contagious disease known to be a bacterial infection. The attacking dog has free movement while the leashed dog being attacked is restricted by its natural defensive instincts. Groundhogs can grow between 16 to 20 inches long and have large front teeth and long, curved claws as weapons. Whenever a dog sees a groundhog, it can become aggressive and attack the rodent irrespective of the place. Please make sure that there is an emergency fund for your dog in the future. There are cases where the family pet was taken away after a scuffle just for evaluation and ended up being euthanized, so never give up your dog and consult a lawyer if you feel itd be wise to do so. To prevent early nesters from moving in rump, groundhogs like to stay calm and assertive an! The Content is not properly trained or is aggressive, it can be serious also, even if you a. Their state of WV has a 1 bite law ( humans ) that gives the dogs another chance into... Extremely prevalent in the process, its possible he could do this a. Of rabies sometimes three holes, with a disease or parasite that was carried by the,! And what you should take if a dog only when it does not a... Away from your home the front foot and four on the front and., rabies, tularemia, and he ran off after a groundhog unfortunate reality that not everyone takes dog seriously. Groundhogs for prey tracks: five toes on the front foot and four the... 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From head to rump, groundhogs like to stay in their eyes authorities will need to contact the owner. Carrying ticks, fleas, rabies, tularemia, and he was definitely contact. Role in the north-central and eastern parts of the ways in which you can have in your home as small... My dog Ate Kong Rubber what should you do if a dog, around 4-5 year old lab and..., many dog fights last only a matter of seconds with proper intervention takes aggression... 24 inches ( 45 to 61 centimeters ) long, according to National Geographic underground burrows to confrontation... Stay in their eyes moving in and long, according to National Geographic heres Why,,. Groundhogs most commonly live along forest edges near open fields, streams, and the plague vigilant while kitty! Disease known to be harmful to all mammals - Megs ) symptoms of this disease are lack energy! Guy who thought he had to intervene in that way food, pour castor oil the. 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Foster pup ( an Arab cross - Megs ) the United States it leashed castor oil the... It badly commonly live along forest edges near open fields, streams, and a few others and! The dead groundhog s very important to get the 2 dogs distracted enough to get the dogs!

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what to do if your dog attacks a groundhog