a judicial order asking correctional officers to produce

a judicial order asking correctional officers to produce

the carrying out of retributive punishments to deter future criminal acts. b. administrative control theory. Whenever practicable, pretrial detainees should also be offered opportunities to work. (c) Prisoners should work under health and safety conditions substantially the same as those that prevail in similar types of employment in the free community, except to the extent that security requires otherwise. Governmental authorities should strive to locate correctional facilities near the population centers from which the bulk of their prisoners are drawn, and in communities where there are resources to supplement treatment programs for prisoners and to provide staff for security, programming, and treatment. (c) Correctional authorities should provide each prisoner released to the community with a written health care discharge plan that identifies medical and mental health services available to the prisoner in the community. ], Standard 23-1.1 General principles governing imprisonment, Standard 23-2.3 Classification procedures, Standard 23-2.4 Special classification issues, Standard 23-2.6 Rationales for segregated housing, Standard 23-2.7 Rationales for long-term segregated housing, Standard 23-2.8 Segregated housing and mental health, Standard 23-2.9 Procedures for placement and retention in long-term segregated housing, Standard 23-3.1 Physical plant and environmental conditions, Standard 23-3.2 Conditions for special types of prisoners, Standard 23-3.6 Recreation and out-of-cell time, Standard 23-3.7 Restrictions relating to programming and privileges, Standard 23-3.9 Conditions during lockdown, Standard 23-4.1 Rules of conduct and informational handbook, Standard 23-4.2 Disciplinary hearing procedures, Standard 23-5.1 Personal security and protection from harm, Standard 23-5.2 Prevention and investigation of violence, Standard 23-5.4 Self-harm and suicide prevention, Standard 23-5.5 Protection of vulnerable prisoners, Standard 23-5.8 Use of chemical agents, electronic weaponry, and canines, Standard 23-5.9 Use of restraint mechanisms and techniques, Standard 23-6.1 General principles governing health care, Standard 23-6.2 Response to prisoner health care needs, Standard 23-6.3 Control and distribution of prescription drugs, Standard 23-6.4 Qualified health care staff, Standard 23-6.6 Adequate facilities, equipment, and resources, Standard 23-6.8 Health care records and confidentiality, Standard 23-6.9 Pregnant prisoners and new mothers, Standard 23-6.11 Services for prisoners with mental disabilities, Standard 23-6.12 Prisoners with chronic or communicable diseases, Standard 23-6.13 Prisoners with gender identity disorder, Standard 23-6.14 Voluntary and informed consent to treatment, Standard 23-6.15 Involuntary mental health treatment and transfer, Standard 23-7.2 Prisoners with disabilities and other special needs, Standard 23-7.5 Communication and expression, Standard 23-7.7 Records and confidentiality, Standard 23-7.9 Searches of prisoners bodies, Standard 23-7.10 Cross-gender supervision, Standard 23-7.11 Prisoners as subjects of behavioral or biomedical research, Standard 23-8.8 Fees and financial obligations, Standard 23-8.9 Transition to the community, Standard 23-9.2 Access to the judicial process, Standard 23-9.3 Judicial review of prisoner complaints, Standard 23-9.4 Access to legal and consular services, Standard 23-9.5 Access to legal materials and information, Standard 23-10.2 Personnel policy and practice, Standard 23-10.5 Privately operated correctional facilities, Standard 23-11.2 External regulation and investigation, Standard 23-11.3 External monitoring and inspection, Standard 23-11.4 Legislative oversight and accountability, Standard 23-11.5 Media access to correctional facilities and prisoners, ABA Criminal Justice Standards on Treatment of Prisoners (Approved by ABA House of Delegates, Feb. 2010), Correctional agencies, facilities, staff, and prisoners. Officials should provide a clear rationale in writing for any censorship decision, and should afford prisoners a timely opportunity to appeal the decision to a correctional administrator. (d) At intervals not to exceed [90 days], a full classification review involving a meeting of the prisoner and the specialized classification committee should occur to determine whether the prisoners progress toward compliance with the individual plan required by subdivision (b) of this Standard or other circumstances warrant a reduction of restrictions, increased programming, or a return to a lower level of custody. (c) ensure that classification and housing decisions, including assignment to particular cells and cellmates, take account of a prisoners gender, age, offense, criminal history, institutional behavior, escape history, vulnerability, mental health, and special needs, and whether the prisoner is a pretrial detainee. Correctional authorities should evaluate reports of sexual assault or threats of sexual assault without regard to a prisoners sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity and should not be permitted to retaliate formally or informally against prisoners who make such reports. (ix) an appropriate individual and, when appropriate, systemic remedy if the grievance is determined to be well-founded. Placement and programming assignments for such a prisoner should be reassessed at least twice each year to review any threats to safety experienced by the prisoner. (c) Any accommodation made to address the special needs or risks of a prisoner with a communicable disease should not unnecessarily reveal that prisoners health condition. more than half of the inmates on death row are _____________, in ______ the supreme court ruled that offenders cannot be sentenced to death for a crime they committed before they reached the age of 18, an ________________is a public official with full authority to investigate citizens complaints against government officials, with respect to inmate grievances, it is believed that the most difficult type of situation to resolve is _______. (e) Core correctional functions of determining the length and location of a prisoners confinement, including decisions relating to prisoner discipline, transfer, length of imprisonment, and temporary or permanent release, should never be delegated to a private entity. Before staff use a firearm to prevent an escape, they should shout a warning and, if time and circumstances allow, summon other staff to regain control without shooting. Correctional officials should be permitted to withhold: (i) information that constitutes diagnostic opinion that might disrupt the prisoners rehabilitation; (ii) sources of information obtained upon a promise of confidentiality, including as much of the information itself as risks disclosing the source; (iii) information that, if disclosed, might result in harm, physical or otherwise, to any person; and. (e) At intervals not to exceed three months, correctional authorities should afford a p risoner placed in protective custody a review to determine whether there is a continuing need for separation from the general population. (b) implement effective policies and procedures for: (i) investigation and resolution of complaints and problems; (ii) fair and rational decision-making; and. (c) Instead of isolating prisoners at risk of suicide, correctional authorities should ordinarily place such prisoners in housing areas that are designed to be suicide resistant and that allow staff a full and unobstructed view of the prisoners inside. (f) If long-term imprisonment is anticipated, a prisoner with an infant should be helped to develop necessary plans for alternative care for the infant following the period described in subdivision (e) of this Standard, in coordination with social service agencies. Prisoners whose health or institutional adjustment would otherwise be adversely affected should be provided with medical prosthetic devices or other impairment-related aids, such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, or wheelchairs, except when there has been an individualized finding that such an aid would be inconsistent with security or safety. (h) Following any incident in which a prisoner is subjected to use of either chemical agents or any kind of weapon or is injured during a use of force, the prisoner should receive an immediate health care examination and appropriate treatment, including decontamination. Grievances should be rejected as procedurally improper only for a reason stated in the written grievance policy made available to prisoners. (h) Governmental authorities should implement policies that allow government benefits, including health benefits, to be restored to prisoners immediately upon release, and correctional officials should ensure that correctional authorities or community service providers assist prisonersespecially prisoners with mental disabilities or significant health care needsin preparing and submitting appropriate benefits applications sufficiently in advance of their anticipated release date to meet this objective and facilitate continuity of care. (c) Correctional authorities should be permitted to monitor and restrict both outgoing and incoming written communications and materials to the extent necessary for maintenance of institutional order, safety, and security; prevention of criminal offenses; continuing criminal investigations; and protection of victims of crime. (f) Prisoners should be provided basic educational materials relating to disease prevention, good health, hygiene, and proper usage of medication. the first successful prisoners rights cases of the 1970s involved: In _______, the U.S. supreme court ruled that while the death penalty was constitutional, the way it was used constituted "cruel and unusual" punishment. (f) Rules governing attorneys fees and their recovery should be the same for prisoners as for non-prisoners. (d) A prisoner who files a lawsuit with respect to prison conditions but has not exhausted administrative remedies at the time the lawsuit is filed should be permitted to pursue the claim through the grievance process, with the lawsuit stayed for up to [90 days] pending the administrative processing of the claim, after which a prisoner who filed a grievance during the period of the stay should be allowed to proceed with the lawsuit without any procedural bar. If contact visits are precluded because of such an individualized determination, non-contact, in-person visiting opportunities should be allowed, absent an individualized determination that a non-contact visit between the prisoner and a particular visitor poses like dangers. (b) In imposing and enforcing financial obligations on prisoners, governmental authorities, including courts, should consider both the interest served by the imposition of the obligation and the cumulative effect of financial obligations on a prisoners successful and law-abiding re-entry. Conditions of extreme isolation generally include a combination of sensory deprivation, lack of contact with other persons, enforced idleness, minimal out-of-cell time, and lack of outdoor recreation. (g) Courts should be permitted to implement rules to protect defendants and courts from vexatious litigation, but governmental authorities should not retaliate against a prisoner who brings an action in court or otherwise exercises a legal right. (c) Correctional administrators and officials should provide specialized training to staff who work with specific types of prisoners to address the physical, social, and psychological needs of such prisoners, including female prisoners, prisoners who face language or communication barriers or have physical or mental disabilities, prisoners who are under the age of eighteen or geriatric, and prisoners who are serving long sentences or are assigned to segregated housing for extended periods of time. (b) Correctional agency policy should prohibit use of electronic or chemical weaponry for the following purposes: (iii) to rouse an unconscious, impaired, or intoxicated prisoner; (iv) against any prisoner using passive resistance when there is no immediate threat of bodily harm; or. (d) A correctional facility should have or provide adequate access to a library for the use of all prisoners, adequately stocked with a wide range of both recreational and educational resources, books, current newspapers, and other periodicals. (c) When appropriate, health care complaints should be evaluated and treated by specialists. Correctional authorities should allow legislators who sit on correctional oversight committees to speak privately with staff and prisoners. (b) Only the most severe disciplinary offenses, in which safety or security are seriously threatened, ordinarily warrant a sanction that exceeds [30 days] placement in disciplinary housing, and no placement in disciplinary housing should exceed one year. (ii) For meetings between counsel and a prisoner: A. absent an individualized finding that security requires otherwise, counsel should be allowed to have direct contact with a prisoner who is a client, prospective client, or witness, and should not be required to communicate with such a prisoner through a glass or other barrier; B. counsel should be allowed to meet with a prisoner in a setting where their conversation cannot be overheard by staff or other prisoners; C. meetings or conversations between counsel and a prisoner should not be audio recorded by correctional authorities; D. during a meeting with a prisoner, counsel should be allowed to pass previously searched papers to and from the prisoner without intermediate handling of those papers by correctional authorities; E. correctional authorities should be allowed to search a prisoner before and after such a meeting for physical contraband, including by performing a visual search of a prisoners private bodily areas that complies with Standard 23-7.9; F. rules governing counsel visits should be as flexible as practicable in allowing counsel adequate time to meet with a prisoner who is a client, prospective client, or witness, including such a prisoner who is for any reason in a segregated housing area, and should allow meetings to occur at any reasonable time of day or day of the week; and. Each prisoner, including those in segregated housing, should be offered the opportunity for at least one hour per day of exercise, in the open air if the weather permits. (b) When the initial screening pursuant to Standard 23-2.1 or any subsequent observation identifies a risk of suicide, the prisoner should be placed in a safe setting and promptly evaluated by a qualified mental health professional, who should determine the degree of risk, appropriate level of ongoing supervision, and appropriate course of mental health treatment. If necessary, housing should be designed for use by prisoners with disabilities; such housing should be in the most integrated setting appropriate for such prisoners. A decision to retain a prisoner in segregated housing following consideration by the classification review committee should be reviewed by a correctional administrator, and approved, rejected, or modified as appropriate. (a) Correctional authorities should not place prisoners in segregated housing except for reasons relating to: discipline, security, ongoing investigation of misconduct or crime, protection from harm, medical care, or mental health care. (h) Except in an emergency, such as a natural disaster, no prisoner of a state or local correctional agency should be sent out of state to a private facility pursuant to a contract unless there has been an individualized determination that security of the system or the prisoner requires it, or that the prisoner and the prisoners individualized programming plan and individualized re-entry plan will not be significantly adversely affected by the move. If a prisoner has met the terms of the individual plan, there should be a presumption in favor of releasing the prisoner from segregated housing. The agency should implement a system to monitor compliance with the contract, and to hold the contracted provider accountable for any deficiencies. (c) Hospitals and infirmaries operated by or within correctional facilities should meet the licensing standards applicable to similar, non-prison hospitals or infirmaries. (h) The term governmental authorities encompasses persons in all branches and levels of government whose conduct affects correctional policy or conditions, including members of the legislature, prosecutors, judges, governors, etc. A competent prisoner who refuses food should not be force-fed except pursuant to a court order. Prisoners should be entitled to observe special religious practices, including fasting and special dining hours. Prisoners should receive credit against any disciplinary sentence for time served in prehearing confinement if prehearing conditions were substantially similar to conditions in disciplinary segregation. B. (c) As required by subdivision (b) of this Standard, correctional authorities should provide prisoners with diets of nutritious food consistent with their sincerely held religious beliefs. Is there sufficient evidence to infer that alcohol and current depression are related? (a) Correctional authorities should afford prisoners a reasonable opportunity to maintain telephonic communication with people and organizations in the community, and a correctional facility should offer telephone services with an appropriate range of options at the lowest possible rate, taking into account security needs. Correctional authorities should make reasonable accommodations for religion and disability with respect to job requirements and sites. (b) Correctional authorities should not place a prisoner in long-term segregated housing based on the security risk the prisoner poses to others unless less restrictive alternatives are unsuitable in light of a continuing and serious threat to the security of the facility, staff, other prisoners, or the public as a result of the prisoners: (i) history of serious violent behavior in correctional facilities; (ii) acts such as escapes or attempted escapes from secure correctional settings; (iii) acts or threats of violence likely to destabilize the institutional environment to such a degree that the order and security of the facility is threatened; (iv) membership in a security threat group accompanied by a finding based on specific and reliable information that the prisoner either has engaged in dangerous or threatening behavior directed by the group or directs the dangerous or threatening behavior of others; or. (f) Four- or five-point restraints should be used only if a prisoner presents an immediate and extreme risk of serious self-injury or injury to others and only after less restrictive forms of restraint have been determined likely to be ineffective to control the prisoners risky behavior. (a) In no case should restrictions relating to a prisoners programming or other privileges, whether imposed as a disciplinary sanction or otherwise, detrimentally alter a prisoners: (i) exposure to sufficient light to permit reading in the prisoners housing area, and reasonable darkness during the sleeping hours; (iv) exposure to either unusual amounts of noise or to auditory isolation; (vi) access to medication or medical devices or other health care; (vii) nutrition, except as permitted by Standard 23-3.4(c); (ix) counsel or clergy visits, or written communication with family members, except as provided in subdivision (d) of this Standard. (f) Whenever possible, p risoners should be released from a correctional facility at a reasonable time of day. Where applicable law does not provide for all such prisoners to be transferred to the care and control of a juvenile justice agency, a correctional agency should provide specialized facilities and programs to meet the education, special education, and other needs of this population. Your membership has expired - last chance for uninterrupted access to free CLE and other benefits. Health care personnel should document any injuries sustained. (iv) assertions of a defense to any action brought against them. A prisoner diagnosed with gender identity disorder should be offered appropriate treatment. (b) Health care providers in a non-federal correctional facility should be fully licensed in the state in which the facility is located; health care providers in a federal correctional facility should be fully licensed in the United States. (c) Correctional authorities should be permitted to confine a prisoner in segregated housing pending the hearing required by subdivision (d) of this Standard, if necessary for individual safety or institutional security. Correctional authorities should be permitted to require prisoners able to perform cleaning tasks to do so, with necessary materials and equipment provided to them regularly and without charge. In no instance should a prisoner administer prescription drugs to another prisoner. (d) A correctional agency should implement reasonable policies and procedures governing staff use of force against prisoners; these policies should establish a range of force options and explicitly prohibit the use of premature, unnecessary, or excessive force. This requirement includes: (i) to the extent practicable, the translation of official documents typically provided to prisoners into a language understood by each prisoner who receives them; (ii) staff who can interpret at all times in any language understood by a significant number of non-English-speaking prisoners; and. Any such search should be conducted by a trained health care professional who does not have a provider-patient relationship with the prisoner, and should be conducted in a private area devoted to the provision of medical care and out of the sight of others, except that a prisoner should be permitted to request that more than one staff member be present. (a) A correctional agency and facility should be appropriately staffed to promote safety for all staff and prisoners and allow the full operation of all programs and services and a reasonable work schedule for each staff member. Any restraints used on a pregnant prisoner or one who has recently delivered a baby should be medically appropriate; correctional authorities should consult with health care staff to ensure that restraints do not compromise the pregnancy or the prisoners health. (b) Information about a prisoners health condition should not be disclosed to other prisoners. (d) Prisoners placed in segregated housing for reasons other than discipline should be allowed as much out-of-cell time and programming participation as practicable, consistent with security. (v) incitement or threats to incite group disturbances in a correctional facility. In an emergency, or when necessary in a facility in which health care staff are available only part-time, medically trained correctional staff should be permitted to administer prescription drugs at the direction of qualified health care professionals. Work assignments, housing placements, and diets for each prisoner should be consistent with any health care treatment plan developed for that prisoner. (a) Initial classification of a prisoner should take place within [48 hours] of the prisoners detention in a jail and within [30 days] of the prisoners confinement in a prison. Smaller facilities should be permitted to provide for prisoners health care needs by transferring them to other facilities or health care providers, but should have equipment that is reasonably necessary in light of its preexisting transfer arrangements. The contract should state its duration and scope positively and definitely; incorporate professional standards and require the provider to meet these Standards; incorporate terms governing the appropriate treatment of prisoners, conditions of facilities, and provisions for oversight; and provide a continuum of sanctions for noncompliance including immediate termination of the contract on terms with no financial detriment for the government agency. (a) To the extent practicable, a prisoner should be assigned to a facility located within a reasonable distance of the prisoners family or usual residence in order to promote regular visitation by family members and to enhance the likelihood of successful reintegration. (d) The handbook should specify the authorized means by which prisoners should seek information, make requests, obtain medical or mental health care, seek an accommodation relating to disability or religion, report an assault or threat, and seek protection. A facility that confines female prisoners should have on duty at all times adequate numbers of female staff to comply with Standard 23-7.10. The prisoners own views with respect to his or her own safety should be given serious consideration. (o) The term long-term segregated housing means segregated housing that is expected to extend or does extend for a period of time exceeding 30 days. (f) Consistent with such confidentiality as is required to prevent a significant risk of harm to other persons, a prisoner being evaluated for involuntary placement in protective custody should be permitted reasonable access to materials considered at both the initial and the periodic reviews, and should be allowed to meet with and submit written statements to persons reviewing the prisoners classification. (a) Correctional officials should provide for the voluntary medically appropriate testing of all prisoners for widespread chronic and serious communicable diseases and for appropriate treatment, without restricting the availability of treatment based on criteria not directly related to the prisoners health. (b) Correctional authorities should permit prisoners to pursue lawful religious practices consistent with their orderly confinement and the security of the facility. If the assessment indicates the presence of a serious mental illness, or a history of serious mental illness and decompensation in segregated settings, the prisoner should be placed in an environment where appropriate treatment can occur. a. the general view of the public that inmates should be given shorter sentences. (c) Each state legislature should establish an authority to promulgate and enforce standards applicable to jails and local detention facilities in the state. Except in the event of an emergency lockdown of less than [72 hours] in which security necessitates denial of such access, prisoners should be afforded access to showers, correspondence, delivery of legal materials, and grievance procedures. Correctional officials should not unreasonably delay the delivery of these legal documents. Prisoners should be allowed an adequate time to eat each meal. (a) For all staff, correctional administrators and officials should integrate training relating to the mission and core values of the correctional agency with technical training. Correctional officials and administrators should review and retain the file for purposes of management, staff discipline, training, and the identification of trends. Restrictions placed on prisoners should be necessary and proportionate to the legitimate objectives for which those restrictions are imposed. According to experts cited in the text, which of the following distinguishes a well-run . 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a judicial order asking correctional officers to produce