goatman's bridge disappearances

goatman's bridge disappearances

(, from his website: November 15th 1967: police discover an abandoned car beside Old Alton Bridge, five miles south of Denton, Texas. In February 2022, a "six-foot goat man" was supposedly seen near a village called Staverton, in Northamptonshire. The story of the Goat Man himself can't be factually confirmed, but there have been several disappearances and tales of abandoned cars found in the area going back to at least the 50's, and documented by the local police departments. Join the discussion on our new social platform Texjas.com! It hasnt been proofread, so please excuse typos. Id like to loop back to some of the trickster stories I mentioned in the first episode of this series. Due to the great number of unexplained happenings at the Old Alton, the bridge has been the subject of a number of investigative paranormal shows. document.write(theYear) On a dark night in the late 1930s, a lynch mob of Kluxers stormed Washburn's shack and dragged the screaming Goatman to their noose waiting on the bridge, tightened the rope around the begging Oscar's neck, then mercilessly flung him over the side. \r\rSince the disappearance of the Goatman there have been many strange sightings on and near Old Alton Bridge. They would pull into the parking lot, get out, turn on all the flashlights and slowly walk towards this bridge to see what this was all about. Highlights include: Thoughts about how the internet transforms and changes urban legends A little digital gumshoeing Some Mothman easter eggs. After his second marriage, Harrod asked to be repaid. If youre interested in the moth man at all, youre probably familiar with silver bridge collapse. There are no definitive records of Washburn or Kendall, but as a Denton local said, that doesnt mean its not haunted.The bridge is seven miles south of Denton, if you ever get the urge to visit just keep your headlights on and dont knock on the bridge, unless you want to visit with the Goatman. I bet youre excited to find out what happened next! The slavers then watched in horror as the headless body raised itself from the creekbed mud, animated by voodoo, and ripped off the head of a nearby goat to replace his own, still dangling in the noose! As a mentor once wisely advised, never let the facts of a story obscure the truths in the tale. The bridge takes its name from the abandoned community of Alton, which between 1850 and 1856 was the seat of Denton County. Locals warn that if you cross the bridge at night without headlights (as the Klansmen are said to have done), you will be met on the other side by the Goatman. Some folks online have given a name for the person who supposedly uploaded this video. places to stay, tourism, events, lodging, and we feature Texas Hill Country info And its not lost on me that theres a connection between the two legends: both involve a animal man hybrid as well as a bridge. The bridge was built in 1884, by the King Iron Manufacturing Bridge Company. The bridge was built in 1884, by the King Iron Manufacturing Bridge Company. Ironically, if you search Bobs username on youtube, the cached metadata on Duckduckgo says USERNAME is resurrected from the digital grave. which is really ironic. Whenever a sighting of this ghastly figure occurs, a string of mysterious disappearances is sure to follow. Hed had the account since 2018, but the only other visible thing that hed posted was something on a World of Warcraft subreddit. A rash of mysterious disappearances are becoming alarmingly routine on a. day! The Old Alton Bridge is a historic iron bridge that spans over the muddy waters of Hickory Creek and connects the city of Denton to the city of Copper Canyon, a little less than an hours drive from Dallas. I want to know what happened to my son." Importantly, he has a tattoo on his belly button that looks a lot like the tattoo that Sully Erna, the lead singer of the nu metal band Godsmack has. In April 2019, two persons of interests were arrested in connection to Robert Harrod's disappearance. But the success of a black man was still unwelcome to many, and, in August 1938, Klansmen in the local government crossed the bridge and kidnapped Washburn from his family. Alton, now Cooper City, has long been abandoned. There have been four known lynching events of white people in Denton County since its founding, and the reason for white lynchings was typically horse theft. Other strange happenings recorded at the bridge include strange lights appearing in the surrounding woods, along with reports of visitors feeling hands grab at them in the dark, o a rain of rocks pelting them as they cross the bridge. By August 27, 2008, a commentor on the website pbase.com mentioned Oscar Washburn and the specific date, November 15, 1967, that was mentioned in the YouTube video: By 2009, people had posted the youtube video to the same forum thread that Leland had originally posted on a handful of times, and by the last page of the thread, people were mentioning Oscar Washburn by name. Earning his living raising goats, he was soon called the Goatman by the locals. However, it wasnt so well-known for a long time. The turn of the century brought a black goat farmer and his family to a residence just North of the bridge, and a few short years later, Oscar Washburn was known as a dependable, honest businessman. The Denton newspaper at the time did an article on a car found abandoned on the bridge." Some people have seen a half-man, half-goat figure, similar to a satyr; this odd account of after-death transformation (if this is indeed the Goatman) bears some semblance to the tale of the Donkey Lady Bridge or La Llorona. But, unfortunately, some did not welcome a successful black man within their midst. Though Commissioners were appointed and directed to lay out a town and sell lots, no records were ever done, and no public buildings were ever erected. However, given the condition of remains, the deaths may more likely have been the result of passing trains. But heres what I can tell you: I just searched for him again and I have discovered that he made a Tiktok back in July and hes posted two videos, both of which show a shirtless man wearing a cow mask and hanging out in the woods. Local high schoolers often trek there at night, the. He and his son-and-law were getting Harrod's new wife's arrival that day. Placentia Police Department Other reports tell of a womans spirit who wanders the area, allegedly searching for her lost baby. While some bridges are inhabited by pesky creatures such trolls, the Old Alton Bridge harbors a monster of a much darker nature. Old Alton Bridge, AKA Goatman's Bridge, in the daylight. Passing over any bridge as antiquated and creaky as the Old Alton, its normal to feel a little unsettled. Old Alton Bridge was included in the National Register of Historic Places on July 8, 1988. There are also some other mentions of the bridge hauntings, which arent part of the popular legends now: Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, the secondary visits have raised more questions than they might otherwise have answered, including additional photographic anomalies and cold spots on bright, sunny days where the physical environmental data would suggest it impossible. In a panic, the mob fled from the bridge. He's half-goat half-man. If history is the self-congratulatory narrative of a community written by its victorious elite, then our ghosts will often problematize and haunt such tidy romanticisms of back in the day. The video also links to the Association for the Study of Unexplained Phenomenon (ASUP) website (http://www.asup-inc.org/oldaltonbridgecase.htm); the original website is down, but you can still read it on the wayback machine. Oh, also, it seemed like he tweeted a lot in early-to-mid June 2022 and hasnt tweeted since, which also matches the pattern. The residents of what are now the cities of Argyle and Denton thought the man to be a bit of a loner and rather odd, but no one really knew all that much about him. Now, this person said that he didnt upload the video. His wallet and keys disappeared with him, but he left behind his gold 1997 Toyota Camry and his eyeglasses. Though it is called the Old Alton Bridge the community of Alton had already dispersed by 1884. Other than that, Bob made a twitter account in June and hes tweeted a lot about an invocation of Zalgo, which I guess is a creepypasta from 2004. However, the goatmans bridge is haunted. [2] This bridge is the subject of several ghostlore stories featuring a vengeful ghost. Harrod was last seen at his residence in the 500 block of Carnation Drive Placentia, California sometime between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on July 27, 2009. . Make a one-time donation today for as little as $1. When she found out, she threw herself from the bridge, and her spirit has haunted it ever since. I really get into it in this one! Goatman Bridge is a nickname for Old Alton Bridge in Argyle, Texas. And also, as far as Ive been able to tell, thats when the Goatman was given the name Oscar Washburn. Some say the two ghosts are connected, and that years ago, the Goatman stole the young womans baby. It is under surveillance by the Paranormal Investigators of North Texas and the Denton County Paranormal Investigators.\r\rOscar Washburn was never seen again and has been presumed dead since his attempted murder.\r\rhttp://www.asup-inc.org/oldaltonbridgecase.htm According to their reports, the Goatman stands eight feet tall, with the chest and arms of a man, the hindquarters and hooved feet of a goat, and a frightening goats head complete with huge curled horns and glowing eyes. Though it is called the "Old Alton Bridge" the community of Alton had already dispersed by 1884. Throughout the years multiple origins for the Goatman have spread but the one that remains consistent is the feeling that the demon is watching.<br /><br />Listen to all the origins and find . So this is a person who perhaps at one point in his life felt very inspired by Godsmack, see you can just use that to paint a mental picture in your mind palace of what this person might be like. In August 1938, masked Klansmen abducted Washburn and hung him from the bridge. The Charley Project is NOT a registered non-profit organization and any donations will NOT be tax-deductible. Some people have claimed to see the figure of Goatman, with glowing eyes and. Pearson relates that "bored teenagers" keep the Goatman legend alive by repeating the story and suggesting that the creature attacks couples, frequenting the local lover's lane, subsequently stirring interest in sites like Fletchertown Road. According to her autopsy report, she was stabbed dozens of times, with puncture wounds all over her head, face, and upper . November 15th 1967: police discover an abandoned car beside Old Alton Bridge, five miles south of Denton, Texas. local news and culture, I want answers. If his name is uttered during the day, he is awakened and is often even more vicious due to the disruption of his sleep cycle, or so the story goes. 714-993-8164. Washburn posted a sign on the bridge which read this way to the Goatmans. This action angered members of the Klan, and on a fateful night in August of 1938, they drove their cars across the bridge with their headlights off, took Washburn from his home and family, and dragged him to the bridge. The Old Alton Bridge's nickname, Goatman's Bridge, originated from at least two eerie local legends. You wont find the names of Oscar Washburn or Jack Kendall in any historical records. The original video was called The First Goatmans Bridge Video Ever Uploaded on Youtube 2011 YouTube.. They learn about Satanic worship underneath the bridge and hear stories from f. According to legend, a successful goat breeder named Oscar Washburn began to call himself the Goatman. The bridge and surrounding woods is said to be haunted by a demonic creature with the head of a goat and the body of a man as well as other reported . "It's like all urban legends because there are actually legends similar to it all over the country," Ghosts of Denton tour guide Shelly Tucker told Discover Denton. Texas Hill Country. According Driving into the city of Dallas, its stunning skyline immediately catches the eye. According to locals, Washburn's story is likely an urban legend. Another variation of the legend holds that Goatman himself was an old hermit who lived in the woods and often could be seen walking alone at night along Fletchertown Road. My sense is that this was the moment when one version of the story was codified into something resembling the truth, at least as far as the internet was concerned. Called the Old Alton Bridge, sometimes the Argyle bridge, and is better known amongst the locals as Goatmans Bridge, it was first built to carry horses but would later carry vehicles across the creek. Copyright 2008 - It isn't clear whether this woman or the debt had anything to do with his disappearance. He did reply to a paranormal investigation show with: Anyway, thats what Ive got for this timethe way that Ive traced this story back as close to its source as I can, and the weird twists and turns the story has taken. Though the community is no more, the name remains. Others report seeing a ghostly man herding goats over the bridge, while others say they have seen an apparition staring at them, holding a goat head under each arm. Around 2:30 p.m, his son in-law drove off to Home Depot to pick up supplies. The 33-year-old college graduate an accomplished traditional dancer with ancestry from three area tribes was last seen soon after, walking across a bridge near a place marked End of Road . Built in 1884 by the King Iron Bridge Manufacturing Company, it originally carried horses and later automobiles over Hickory Creek at a location that once was a popular ford for crossing cattle. Washburn was gone and was never seen again. Along with hikers, bikers, and horseback riders, the Old Alton Bridge and surrounding wooded areas have become a popular destination for bird watchers and nature photographers. [6] The 16-minute, $6,000 film premiered on December 29, 1988 at the Uptown Theater. My paranormal experiences became a local sensation in Denton, TX and remained the most viewed videos for awhile , even after others began to upload their own experiences. theYear=now.getYear() Last time, I talked about the possibly apocryphal story of the murder of Oscar Washburn, a Black man who was supposedly lynched by the Klan in the 1930s. The person said: "There have been several disappearances on and around Old Alton Bridge. The church is located at 5724 Teasley Lane ( F.M. However, descriptions differed on whether Goatman greater resembled a hairy humanoid or a human with the lower portion of a goat similar to the fauns of Greek mythology. Regardless of which origin gets told, old timers warn that knocking three times on the trusses of the bridge is an invitation to judgment, since the ghastly Goatman only spirits away those with the bloodlines of Klansmen or slaveowners into the woods for his terrible revenge. He never answered. In addition to Washburn's story, the Ghost Adventures crew investigated reports of demonic activity on and around the bridge. Rewriting Urban Legends: An attempt to trace the current tales of the Goatmans Bridge to their source: a 2008 YouTube video that contained seemingly new information about the urban legend, including some information that linked the story to the Mothman legends. In a panic, the Klansman returned to the Washburn residence, and killed his family in cold blood. All there is is one single piece of information on the about page which is that he joined YouTube on July 15, 2022. I cannot fix what was done AGAIN. A rash of mysterious disappearances are becoming alarmingly routine on a chilling stretch of road that is known by locals as "the Goatman's bridge." Constructed in 1884, the bridge connected Lewisville to Alton. Townsite lots began to be auctioned in January 1857. Join the Observer community and help support He also mentioned the bridge in a handful of his tweets, but the tweets werent coherent enough for me to glean anything from or for them to be worth reading from here. Washburn was never seen or heard from again or was he? At night, the Goatman by the King Iron Manufacturing Bridge Company occurs a. Say the two ghosts are connected, and her spirit has haunted it ever since discover... Username on YouTube 2011 YouTube out, she threw herself from the community! Driving into the City of Dallas, its normal to feel a little.... $ 1 whether this woman or the debt had anything to do with his.! Is a nickname for Old Alton Bridge the community is no more the... 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goatman's bridge disappearances