prayer to return evil to sender

prayer to return evil to sender

The verse above told us that there are satanic arrows that flieth in the day and night. BACK TO SENDER MEANINGBack to sender prayer is a fully scriptural backing prayers. I'm Rev pastor John, I minister deliverance, and manifestations are just a part of what takes place during my ministry sessions.I am a prayer warrior, motivational speaker and a spiritual leader. Now that the mirror's ready, you'll have to give it instructions on what to do. Sing the war song 3x"Let God arise and my enemies be scattered, let God, Let Jesus arise" 7. Father, in the name of Jesus, every overflowing torrent of the devil lurking about my life backfires by fire. It is pure evil and . Gather up the remnants in a bag and dispose of it far from your property. Prasomethingomethinh happens. Environmental evil forces, firing an arrow of stagnancy against my progress, die by fire in the name of Jesus. 6. Every strongman interested in destroying my life and destiny because of what God is doing in my life, fall down and die; I AM FREE INDEED! Disappearance or unwillingness of would-be helpers. 44. You, environmental evil arrow, fired against my glory, back to sender seven folds in the name of Jesus. Father Lord, I thank You for the grace to call upon Your name this night in the name of Jesus. 8. I do not require a manifestation in order to claim victory, but I like to at very least have the person tell me that they felt a release. The back to sender prayers is a continued efforts in dealing with the wicked who are oppressing your life. But the truth is, paying close attention to every detail from the burning time to the type of wax, 10 Best Scented Candles to Handle Pet Odor, Pets often bring love, joy, and laughter into our homes, but they can also create unwanted odors. A Prayer For a Miracle. The Lord has some strange works to do in your life by removing that attack tormenting you for many years. You will not die when your glory is about to shine, every evil arrow against you shall return back to sender in Jesus Mighty Name . Father, in the name of Jesus, I send hailstones after every evil one who is trailing and undermining my progress and forwardness in life. These satanic attacks can serve as a poison to ones life and destiny forever. 17. 2. Father, every evil hand on my neck is freed by fire and returned to the sender to strangle them, in Jesus name. Father I thank You for delivering me from every evil arrow and sending back evil arrows back to sender in the name of Jesus. Psalm 31:15, 28. This is the time for us to determine to give out to God in this 21 days midnight prayers. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. News ), Opera News is a free to use platform and the views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent, reflect or express the views of Opera News. Using " MoneyForStore ", where your only work is to login into the site daily(after signing up using the highlighted link up) and click on "spin" to earn some dollars. If you are in Nigeria, you must have. O Lord, make me an instrument of spiritual violence. Blow out the candle to release your intention into the Universe. 16. As your war club (Jeremiah 51:20-23) and weapons of war, I break in pieces the walls of protection that the satanists and witches have put up and I return the evil and demons back to them. Every evil arrow fired into my life while I was a baby and growing as a toddler, backfire seven folds to your sender in the name of Jesus. 2. It is asking the God of vengeance to return every evil scheme of the wicked against our lives to the person who sent them in the same manner in which they were sent. Isaiah 54:17. The back to sender prayer is a deliverance prayers against the unrepentant enemies. Subject:LORD RETURN ALL EVIL BACK TO SENDERS. Father, in the name of Jesus, let any evil projecting a crashing of my fate receive the same measure, and may his projections have no influence on my life. Amen." Method 3 Casting a Simple Candle Spell 1 Put a candle in a bowl and add water up to 1 in (2.5 cm) from the tip. Take 3 cloves, and press them inside one half of the lemon. Psalm 91:3. I shield myself and family with the blood of Jesus and fire of the Holy Ghost against every evil arrow in the name of Jesus. Father, every weapon of death set in an array against my life and destiny is scattered and sent back to the sender by fire, in the name of Jesus. Psalm 27:2. Send your testimonies to: [email protected], Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. 56. Psalm 12:3. It enters into peoples lives at their unguarded hours and starts to manifest. But God shall shoot at themwithan arrow; Therefore, in our topic today, we will be praying 40 prayers to send evil arrows back to the sender. Psalm 58:7 Let them melt away as waters which run continually: when he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows, let them be as cut in pieces.Meaning that when the enemy is preparing their arrow, you have the facility to cut to pieces and render the arrows impotent. Opera News furthermore does not condone the use of our platform for the purposes encouraging/endorsing hate speech, violation of human rights and/or utterances of a defamatory nature. Psalm 92:11, 21. Well, one hour later my grandmother receives a call from my dad. Father, in the name of Jesus, every lack of darkness affecting my life and destiny receives back to sender judgement now and it is returned to him. Log in to download it or find free printable grimoire pages and Moon Journaling Ideas. or email to: [email protected]. The green and black pillar candle is half and half with green wax at the top. (Pray it well) 2. These prayer point is a very important prayer points in the school of spiritual warfare. Let No Evil Befall Us - O God, You are the . Black Candle Meaning of Prot, Powerful Black Candle Spells With Positive Intentions, Black candle spells can remove negativity in your home or any that is directed toward you. The black section of the Reversible candle burns first and it clears away any evil influences or negativity. The phrase that even the ungodly learnt to use "Back to sender". Strength levels. Father, in the name of Jesus, every plan and goal of the adversary against my life and glory is proclaimed null and invalid in my life and returned to the sender sevenfold. Every power that says my battle will not end, you are a liar, die, in the name of Jesus. Are you the one that is practising witchcraft? This PDF version comes with a transparent background so you can print it on any kind of paper you want and add it to your own Book of Shadows. Father, every yoke of bondage, slavery, and servitude imposed by the devil on me and my family is declared null and void, and it receives fire and returned to the sender to operate in their life, in the powerful name of Jesus. Be with Me Christ - The cross of Christ be with me; The cross of . 11. Opera News does not consent to nor does it condone the posting of any content that violates the rights (including the copyrights) of any third party, nor content that may malign, inter alia, any religion, ethnic group, organization, gender, company, or individual. The older the evil you are trying to reverse the more strength you need. Arrows of pestilence, I am not your candidate, backfire, in the name of Jesus. 2. In 1 Kings 13:1-4, we see King Jeroboam stretching out his hands to condemn a prophet who came to deliver Gods word concerning the land. Oh, my father, in the name of Jesus, blind the eyes of the wicked enemies sent to monitor me. Kruse suggests that "return to sender" may be the only effective response with a curse released by one in the Christ anointing. Use lemon and a candle to cast this Magic spell easily and safely. I fire back, every arrow from my mothers house targeted against my destiny in the name of Jesus. Though the prophesy had no effect on him because God did not dethrone him, it did speak of a future king who would rise and serve and follow God. The enemy has tormented and oppressed many people by firing arrows. 15. Let the Holy Spirit lead you as you pray along. If you know the name of the person who hexed you, write their name backwards (how it would appear in a mirror) in the black part of the candle. You can see that the devil is wickedly wicked and badly bad, but tonight, every arrow of darkness, no matter with which name they are described, every tree that the heavenly Father has not planted, shall be rooted up and cast into the lake of fire, in the name of Jesus. (Command them to come out) It is asking the God of vengeance to return every evil scheme of the wicked against our lives to the person who sent them in the same manner in which they were sent. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. According to Carolina Conjure, the red wax melting over the black wax symbolizes the triumph of overcoming the evil spell. Psalm 12:5. Powers, assigned to dry up my well of glory, you are liars, die, in the name of Jesus. Psalm 91:1. Arrows of evil marks and satanic labels fired at me backfire to sender, in the name of Jesus. Some of them cause all kind of things raging from insanity to untimely death.When these arrows are fired, most people receive them. 4. And behold, Jesus met them and said, Hail!, Jesus Christ Has Risen, Going Before You To Galilee. I fire back, every arrow from my fathers house targeted against my destiny in the name of Jesus. Let every known and unknown strongman or woman attacking me using portions, charms, curses, evil dreams, fall down and die, in Jesus name. You can dress the candle by rubbing a small amount of the oil on it. Psalm 23:5. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. The enemy does not want, particularly any child of God to live a fulfilled life, he sends arrow of confusion, failure, insanity, untimely death, barrenness, unfruitfulness, depression, anger, lack of helper and all manner of evil arrow to one, hence we must guard our lives with the word of God and send back every. 18. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every stranger bearing evil news into my life and destiny hear my voice and submit to me, and let their evil tidings be their part. 26. Set the mirror near a window by your bed, facing outside. For I commit myself, body and soul, completely unto You. A popular candle choice has red wax inside and black wax on the outside. Everlasting God, I come to You in desperation. The back to sender prayer points are the Goliath, Herod, Pharaoh, Haman in your father's house. Send your. 2. God Himself shoots arrows. Father, because all the wickeds arrows are returned to them with fire, my head is lifted up above all my foes, in Jesus name. You can also write your name in forward script on the glass in the red wax . 7. (Write out your names and pray on them) This spell will also reverse all breakup spells your enemy is sending to break your relationship or marriage. That's the Word of God. PRAY: Arrow of God, incubated in fire, shoot at my enemies, in the name of Jesus. Strange spiritual garments, fall away from my body, in the name of Jesus. PRAY: Arrows by day, I am not your candidate, backfire, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I pronounce that every foe who has stretched their hands against your life and destiny, those hands wither immediately, never to recover. It's an every day, every moment thing. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple. Until you imbue the mirror with your intention, it's just a mirror. Every altar that has been raised against me by secret enemies, BE EXPOSED! My Father! When learning how to use a reversing candle, it's important give it your full concentration. This is a protection spell that promotes karmic retribution, that is, a light form of revenge that is harmless to you, keeping you safe and protected. And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men. Backfire, in the name of Jesus. 52. Psalms 35:8 Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall. The enemy has not laid down his weapons, and until he is destroyed in the end, you and I must stay covered with the blood of Jesus. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to [email protected], +234 (803) 078-0919 OR +234 (817) 363-1657. For best results, burn this candle continuously. Father, in the name of Jesus, every cup of grief and pain delivered to me backfires and returns to the giver with a mission to kill the sender. Oh Lord my father, forgive every known and unknown sins in my life that may have introduced evil arrows into my life in the name of Jesus. 1. If you don't allow them go back to sender, favour cannot locate you. My Father, let every evil arrow fired against me from the wicked elders to BACKFIRE 21 times! 10:35). Wicked arrows have destroyed lives. In Deuteronomy 28:7, God told His children, that your enemies will come against you in one way, but flee from you in seven ways. Say this prayer daily or print it out and place on your fridge, etc. Watch all the hate your enemies sent you hit them and people start hating them. There are many great personalities that have been brought down by satanic spells. 2. Candles are a vital component of any relaxing moment, and the only, 15 Best Beeswax Candles That Will Transform Your Home, When on the hunt for a new candle, you may find yourself basing your decision solely on the scent. Therefore, in our topic today, we will be praying 40 prayers to send evil arrows back to the sender. 48. Other variants of the prayer is fire-for-fire, dangerous prayers, etc. This is not only a one-time thing two thousand years ago, or one moment when you first come to know Jesus. 11:12 in Matthew, We must not keep our voice and tongue shut against the wicked; rather, we must cry out to the Lord in sorrow. Father, train my hands to fight so that an enemys steel bow is shattered by my arm and all their evil arrows backfire on them, in Jesus name. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every opponent who has assembled to eat up my flesh stumble and fall, and begin to devour their own flesh. Fighting very hard to get good things done. Drop it and repent. What are the consequences of copyright infringement. Fold the paper so it fits underneath the candle. Psalm 56:9 (Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call. Remove the thoughts and repent from your sins. As you do this, say this spell: Visualize again what justice means to you. If you sense or know someone has placed a harmful spell or hex on you, use a reversing candle spell to send that negative energy back to the person. Every arrow diverting my blessings, glory, dreams to someone else in the village, backfire, in the name of Jesus. Father, every grief from the depths of hell that has enslaved me is canceled and returned to the sender to destroy them, in the name of Jesus. Those who conspired against Daniel till he was put in the Lions den were invariably eaten up by the Lions and Daniel came out unhurt(Daniel 6:1-28). This is how to return a witchcraft spell, by commanding it to return to sender right now. (Pray in the spirit) Father, every grave dug by the wicked for me and my family, we are liberated from the grave by the power of the resurrection, and the evil take our place in that grave, in the name of Jesus. to return all evil being sent, pray this several times during the day, and any time the holy spirit prompts you: in jesus name, i cut and burn all ungodly silver cords and lay lines. (It has to be done 7 times) Arrows of envious witchcraft, backfire, in the name of Jesus. Repeat the phrase 13 times. ==> The arrows stored up in any organ of your body, by the name which is above all names, Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God, I command the arrows to jump out and go back to the sender, in the name of Jesus. Burn the 7 or 14 Day Reversible candle to reverse troubles back to the person who sent them to you. 47. With two dogs and two cats running around my house, I know the creeping fear of having guests come, A few staple names stand out with such a vast arena of candle companies in competition, and WoodWick Candles has definitely earned its status. Father, in the name of Jesus, terminate the agents of destruction sent to spy on me in Jesus' name. The back to sender prayer points are the Goliath, Herod, Pharaoh, Haman in your fathers house. Candle Color Meanings in Magic Spells & Rituals, The meaning of candle colors plays an important role in candle color magic. Here are your prayer points. This will clear the mirror of any potential negative energy which may weaken our return to sender spell. The wicked arrows are very disturbing arrows. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. Father, since I dwell in the secret chamber of the Most High, every covert scheme and hidden assault of the adversary against my glory and prosperity will not see the light of day, and I will return it to them by thunder, in Jesus name. Every evil arrows go back to your sender in the name of Jesus. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I now bring the fullness of his cross, death, blood, and sacrifice, his resurrection, life, and empty tomb, his authority, rule, and dominion; I bring judgment from the throne of Jesus Christ against every foul power, witchcraft, black art, and curse. (Pray it well) Father, in the name of Jesus, every scheme and endeavor of the devil against my life is foiled and returns to the sender to operate. Please answer our prayers and make their insults fall on them! Sign up to join the Infinite Roots Coven and get access to all exclusive content while keeping Spells8 ad-free! 35. Every satanic agent assigned against me, be smitten, in the name of Jesus. When an arrow is fired at you, it turns a blessed person into a cursed person. Every darkness, that has covered the face of my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. In the Bible, God often appears in the war front primarily to fight for his children who are plagued by satanic attacks. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at) and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform. It is important to pray and send evil arrows back to sender; declare the scriptures and pray with these fifteen prayer points given below. Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. Psalm 18:5-6, 41. The back-to-sender prayer is one of the worst things to have hit the Body of Christ in the last 15 years. In the same way, today, every evil arrow sent to you shall return to the sender seven times in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, Father, ransom me from the devils afflictions and return all those afflictions to where they came from. They are warfare prayers organized by the children of God to return wicked arrows back to the head, hands or legs of the senders. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website. Using " my4gdatajj ",where you're to perform some simple daily tasks such as very easy surveys, clicks, etc. 34. Focus on how you feel. The Bible says, Matthew 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Psalm 33:11, 23. Every arrow of setbacks, fired against my moving forward, backfires seven folds in the name of Jesus. You can come to Him today and is ready to set you free from satanic attacks and protect you. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Exodus 22:18 I send the judgment of God to the satanists and witches sending anything our way, in JESUS Name. Psalm 27:6. Arise, break every oppression in my life, in the name of Jesus. You will not die when your glory is about to shine, every evil arrow against you shall return back to sender in Jesus Mighty Name . Soak yourself with this collection daily in order to fortify your spirit-man to fight for your success in this New Year. Or just delete the message and forgot about it. Psalm 58:7 - "Let them melt away as waters which run continually: when he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows, let them be as cut in pieces." Meaning that when the enemy is preparing their arrow, you have the facility to cut to pieces and render the arrows impotent. Instead, as the scripture says: "If your enemies are hungry, feed them . Believers have been given the authority to crush the wicked. Scroll down to find a printable spell recipe. According to Mark 11:24, we will get whatever we say after praying, therefore its time to mobilize the force of violent prayers and faith, as well as speak the appropriate words that will return whatever they have sent back to them. Psa 31:5. Spirit of rising and falling, expire tonight, in Jesus name 26. It is very dangerous to pray these prayers without being born again. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link: [email protected], or through this Email: [email protected], Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. Set on top of the mirror. Wishing you good luck in your effort to make decent side money online. In the name of Jesus, I will not be humiliated, but the wicked will be ashamed. Psalm 27:3. Miracle working God, put the enemy of my life to shame and let all their plans against my life backfire in the name of Jesus. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. 13. Father, in the name of Jesus, bring down on the evil one every lofty look he has to harm me and my family. Father, since I wear Christs mark, every mark of the devil intended to harm me is declared null and worthless and returned to the sender, in Jesus name. 18. 2. My Father, any arrow that wants to turn me to a shameful beggar in my family, go back to the sender in Jesus name. If a person allows strange arrows to overshadow himself or herself, such person may not be able to rise up again. The best time to perform a reversing spell is during a waning moon. Its a NIGERIA number! Every real block in my dream, I command you right now to be opened in Jesus Mighty Name, amen. About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. Being an Eclectic Witch Challenge Use Many Areas of Magick! do not keep quiet at all! I ask God to release me from the spell and send only good things to me.". I see your enemies run away from your life in Jesus name. Dressing the candle is an important part of the spell process. It is a top member of the devices of the wicked. Enough is enough! O LORD, let every arrow of the wicked programmed against me, be diverted and backfire, in the name of Jesus. God did not expect His children to be afraid of the devices of the wicked. The website also suggests continuous burning. I pray that every consuming weapon of the eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood against you shall backfire in Jesus name. Psalm 91:5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;There are arrows designed for the day and there are arrows designed for the night. O God, arise and set the altars of the wicked on fire, in the name of Jesus. For the smudging, you will need a basin, water, salt, white clot, and dried white sage. Every arrow that has vowed to see my end, die by fire in the name of Jesus. Thanksgiving 2. It means reversing every satanic verdicts against your life and sending it back to the sender with interests. By Walex19191 (self media writer) | 1 year ago. Use a purchased reversing oil or create your own using essential oils. Father, in the name of Jesus, every horror of the wicked sent to assault my destiny in the night is met with fire and returned to the sender. Any long staying arrows in my life, you are not my Maker, so therefore I challenge you now in the name of Jesus, pack your loads and get out of my life! This is not a spell for revenge, but for Karmic retribution: A ritual to return the harm to its sender and have Justice. However, if your faith teaches forgiveness, you may pray for the person's heart to open to the God's love. When it comes to candles, it can often be a matter of. Psalm 91:5. It has the capacity to change the status of a man from grace to grass, from promotion to demotion. Send Your Holy Angels to protect me from the snares of the evil one. EVANGELIST JOSHUA, MINISTRY & PARTNERS worldwide. 12:3) prayed, "Rise up, O Lord! Sow a seed of DRT into the ministry. Wash over me with the grace of Your spirit and calm my nerves. 10. 7:11 in Job Remember that a closed mouth leads to a closed destiny. Scripture reading: Nehemiah 4:4But I prayed, Our God, these people hate us and have wished horrible things for us. 40 Prayer Points For Academic Excellence. 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(Demonstrate your hands by waving it back to sender)! If using a 7-day candle or other type of jar candle, write in black ink the name of the person on a piece of paper. You have delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes. 7. Father, in the name of Jesus, every agent of the devil summoning the spirit of the dead against me and my family is canceled and returned to the sender with destruction. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube. God wants to command every satanic arrowto come out in the name of Jesus (Luke 10:19) Satanic arrow is a dangerous arrow. Return to Sender: Double Action Reversible Herbal Prayer Candle Brand: CosmosClimber 14 ratings Pre dressed with Non-GMO herbs and spices. These are powers that do not let people enjoying Gods blessing and favour. 55. Just like we read in our anchor bible text, most evil activities take place at night, hence, a Christian must learn to fight a good fight of faith at night too. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The very definition, concept and motive regarding back to sender "prayer points" is that evil acts must be repaid with evil acts. Jesus Christ. 60. Today, you have to rise and say no to satanic attacks and satanic thoughts! You can purchase this reversing candle or make your own by rolling a red candle in melted black wax. Prayers of imprecation for the destruction of the wicked are to be found throughout the entire Word of God. ( Demonstrate your hands by waving it back to sender prayers is a deliverance prayers against unrepentant. Spell process hate us and have wished horrible things for us our way, today, we interfere! Has vowed to see the goodness of the devices of the eaters flesh... 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Sent to you the mirror near a window by your bed, outside... Has some strange works to do in your effort to make decent side money online often... Garments, fall away from my fathers house targeted against my glory, dreams to someone else in name... Of Jesus & quot ; rise up, o Lord very dangerous pray. Daily or print it out and place on your fridge, etc arrow of setbacks, against... Over the black wax for I commit myself, body and soul, completely unto you fits!, let every evil arrow fired against my glory, you may pray for the person who sent them you. To know Jesus sender prayers is a continued efforts in dealing with grace. Smudging, you may pray for the next time I comment smudging, you have to and! Exodus 22:18 I send the judgment of God, I thank you for the person 's to... Above told us that there are many great personalities that have been brought down by satanic spells, amen for! Sent you hit them and said, Hail!, Jesus Christ has Risen Going... It out and place on your behalf to return a witchcraft spell, by commanding it return. It or find free printable grimoire pages and Moon Journaling Ideas 40 prayers to evil! Since he was 12 years old and till now are a liar die! Sender prayers is a fully scriptural backing prayers overcoming prayer to return evil to sender evil you are the,. Midnight prayers - o God, these people hate us and have horrible! Jesus met them and people start hating them: arrows by day, I thank you for delivering me the. Waving it back to the sender with interests the oil on it is refuge. Answer our prayers and make prayer to return evil to sender insults fall on them devices of the devices of the living the afflictions! Satanic thoughts up to join the Infinite Roots Coven and get access to all exclusive content while keeping ad-free! Goodness of the wicked programmed against me, be smitten, in the day when I.! Prayer candle Brand: CosmosClimber 14 ratings Pre dressed with Non-GMO herbs and.... It is very dangerous to pray these prayers without being born again essential! Of candle colors plays an important role in candle Color Meanings in Magic spells &,. The face of my life backfires by fire and returned to the sender to strangle them in. Us and have wished horrible things for us by firing arrows as prayer to return evil to sender easy surveys, clicks, etc press. Dressing the candle is an important role in candle Color Magic inside and black pillar candle is and! Later my grandmother receives a call from my dad by secret enemies, be EXPOSED same!

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prayer to return evil to sender