what happened to yellowpaco

what happened to yellowpaco

Yellowpaco was born on August 15, 1990, and he is currently 29 years of age. Because the whole narrative is that these women are being silenced so unless you have a mountain of proof you are doomed. The CSGO shit should have ended his career, I just hope that this shitbag isn't gonna get away with any more shit. launders, csgo caster accused of rape here. Love how half of them are 'committing to working on themselves.' God, sociopath attention whores like this ruin the case for real victims and reduce the impact of their word. It's a horrific situation, all around, and something that definitely shouldn't be scoffed at/dismissed out-of-hand. I'm surprised ProSyndicate even still has a career after the CSGO Gambling shit, https://twitter.com/Whiteboy7thst/status/1274810259673137152, Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. Nothing new, Paco did it to multiple girls associated with "OfflineTV/Just Friends" and that's why he was banned from the house. Comments range from calling her useless, pathetic, screaming at her, saying that she cant do anything for herself, saying she has a pitiful community, saying she literally has no idea how pathetic of a person she is, etc. cw// domestic abuse, self-harm, depression, narcissism. His statement here(mirror). How is this news? Blinky_Plz accused of exchanging nudes with a minor here, here, here and here. Id imagine JP will say nothing about this and wait for it to go away. iamlegos, a chat moderator for jasminabae, has been accused of rape by her here. I mean the Destiny video game community, not the streamer. I remember there were speculation videos about their break up for weeks before she more or less confirmed it and Syndicate never officially said anything. Videos on the channel are categorized into Action game, Entertainment, Video game culture. . https://imgur.com/a/ZQuLoch Below is PixelateToris TwitterLong thread. It seems like it all started in the Destiny game community with allegations against SayNoToRage. Damn that's slimy as fuck, i really hope people like this keep getting called out, don't want the streaming industry to turn as rotten as the music/movie industry. i was wondeirng this too. Yeah I don't get that one at all, the only thing she actually accuses him of is being kind of a douchebag to his GFs and touching her without consent specifically in this instance here: and when I saw him I ran up to give him a hug. It's fucking disgusting. All season long, Joe tried to protect Paco from his mother's abusive boyfriend Ron (Daniel Cosgrove) and in the finale ended up killing him in front of Paco's eyes. Allegations of rape next to allegations of Cheating by an ex from 5+ years ago on the same list with no digression. I didn't read every single one of them, but it feels like groupies with regret. Reading through a lot of these and some of them are just "shitty relationships" (cheating, manipulation, etc etc) but not sexual assault. It's been covering twitter for almost 2 days. Weird that she isn't calling for everyone to get law involved. ActaBunniFooFoo accused of sexual assault here. LilyPichu has deleted her tweet. BUZZR. I'm not saying they're innocent and the women are lying but until it's taken to court and proven these allegations are in fact real it should not even be looked at by the public eye. Sociopathic, predatory manchildren and deceitful harpies with princess syndrome are what you end up with when you haven't learned how to interact with real people, or take responsibility for your actions. Not only are you dragging innocent people's reputation through the mud, you are also making it harder for people who were indeed abused be taken more seriously and get their story out there . 28 years (August 11, 1993). Then when you throw in who he surrounds himself with its not too surprising. Knowing now what Jen Denise came out with and knowing Witwix's general attitude around that time period from watching him religiously for a couple years straight, I am inclined to believe these accusations unless he comes out with some very good evidence to the contrary. I haven't seen this on this thread. To those who are speaking out, you are incredibly brave, and I want to thank you. How sad is that? I was on my stomach, blindfolded and was told john was the one having sex with me while it was his friend i was performing oral sex on. I believe in transparency. just some incel behavior, nothing illegal from what i read. But why the hell are there two prominent gaming streamers who go by Sp00n? USA Saturday, July 4, 2020 7pm EDT, EU Sunday, July 5, 2020 12am BST. He protects them, he ignores all their wrong doings. Who did LaurDIY used to date? Method have made 2 statements here and here. She says later on that one of the Execs asked for her business card and she said she didn't have any nor does she do youtube. He has been banned from the Smite community here. We need to have that in the back of our mind - these are JUST ALLEGATIONS so far. Bingo. Some big streamers have to be sweating. just imagine how awful it would have been if she were a guy and miz were a girl. All of these allegations being roped into one list is VERY disingenuous and practically designed to encourage people to go after the named people and "cancel" them. He was 20+. I literally stopped reading mid way though, the guy was cringe, big fucking deal. So many people who shit where they eat and wrestle with pigs. I've been gaslit and catfished before, ive had micro levels of fame in a specific niche and been hit on and filtering is so important. Numerous important milestones in the development of our planet and the evolution of . I was contracted to do my first pro vanilla scene & he not only choked me unconscious twice, he bit me until blood, In Defense of Those Speaking Out, My History With Dmbrandon. Shame he couldnt be here to support her right now but Id say he probably would given his track record of calling out bullshit. AngryJoe's accusation is basically this. She was ranked 20th in terms of tonnage sunk with a total of 63,835 tons and 24th . We didn't get a new PotC movie because of some fucking liar. Edit: Removed a misunderstanding about Swifty - thanks to @Mrskliener. CohhCarnage, Dodger,Kitboga, sacriel, Towelliee, CobaltStreak, gassymexican, diction, Strippin, curvyllama, Bikeman, Ellohime, Penta, Dethridge, FauxFreedom, AvaGG, DanGheesling, BurkeBlack ,Classypax, Tigerwritertv, SilentSentryTV,Haylinic and many more. its weird that A LOT, if damn near not ALL, of these girls making these accusations havent gotten the police involved. ZaneKyber accused of harassing underage girls for nudes here and here. It's literally just a woman who can't tell Joe that she is taken. I remember a hand up my shirt, him trying to kiss me and trying to get me onto the bed. I remember saying a couple times that I wouldn't be able to make it, which he made me feel bad about. I'll be following that one for sure. Innocent before proven guilty is for anyone who has a sense of ethics, justice, fairness, and who isn't morally bankrupt. A lot of the time people use the few to defend the many and bring up a million ways to question things. I can already see dozens of post of people ostracizing the content creators without even reading the allegations. Its gonna be exhuasting for you to do that and even if you do some people will not believe you. WitWix has always been fairly open about his issues. Sep 23, 2021. Her story is so indulgent, it actually sounds like shes enjoying what shes writing. I liked the part where someone dropped $500 donation to say woman are fucked up. But the person in question asked for no one to say anything because they didnt want to ruin his career. . It is produced and created by Roi Fabito and Alex Burriss. Healthy adults don't engage with minors to the degree Cry did. His apology here. I will highlight the most important parts for you to look at in her TwitterLonger. The angryjoe accuser honestly doesnt belong here. We have serious allegations of rape, sexual harassment, assault And then allegations of a bad date. i want it now." And theres means motive and opportunity for people adored or in positions in power to use their power to get sex. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2CE3w_N8RbzPMtS0modqaQ, Mike ( SattelizerGames) wrote some things too if you wanna add, https://twitter.com/SattelizerGames/status/1274443262275665921. Fellas, this is just a reminder that before you raise pitchforks and torches and cancel culture really starts gaining in power, remember what happened with ProJared. He talked to a girl online, he never met her in real life, he never sent any dickpics or anything and she after years of silence from him tries to initiate again. I have no doubt it happens, when I worked as a bouncer I was sexually assaulted by women nightly but never made a fuss. The alternative could be violent and its not uncommon to for people to make the call to avoid that outcome. There's a huge, huge range of how people respond to trauma/stress/grief that are all legitimate. In 2010 he was accused of rape by a woman, with whom he had an affair for some years. One thing's clear - drama channels won't be lacking content for next 2 months. Cheating is to rape what shoplifting is to robbery. Swifty one is the same way. Yeah but it is weird that she knew exactly what happened before he went to the room and what she described as her being uncomfortable with him was him saying weird shit while having sex, not anything before that but she still doesn't know for sure what happened. They were a youtube couple about 7-8 years ago and their break up was kinda weird. Get real time updates on sponsorships and live campaigns. Not funny. No person deserves to be silenced for this long. A routine test at the power plant went horribly wrong, and two massive . Ryan Higa (born June 6, 1990), also known as nigahiga (/ n i h i / NEE--HEE-), is an American Internet personality.Best known for his comedy videos on YouTube, Higa began making YouTube videos in 2006 and was one of the most popular creators on the platform in its early years.His main YouTube channel, nigahiga, was the most subscribed channel on YouTube for 677 . you're trolling me? Chess is so last week, we on TLOU2 now bro. Kaitlin confronted AnneMunition about various things regarding her situation. As a good friend of Luminosity since before he even began streaming. commentary youtubers bout to have a field day. He has a sister. He groomed me. After what happened to f.e. He groomed underage fans. Fedmyster accused of sexual misconduct by yvonnie and LilyPichu here and here. Have some faith in your game. lmao when I saw the name prosyndicate I was confused. Everything is just allegations right now, so why state that he must be wrong? When I have read people's account of sexual violence, they usually just describe the mannerisms and physical force used to enact the sexual act. What a total piece of human shit. Bungie also knew about it, but didn't speak about it for the same reason. I have been contacted by some of the accusers and accused. His long response to the accusation here. Even worse is that there is a huge movement of "trust the accuser no matter what" on there, There's also posts like "I don't know you but I believe you".what kinda shit is that lmao, "it only damages the accuser, the person being accused is usually a rich white man and will be fine" apparently is the rhetoric as if false rape allegations don't ruin people's lives at all. These are empty words considering you, as a company, minimized and dismissed my sexual harassment and continued to let the predator attend your events and gave him live segments at E3 on your official channel. Hope it doesnt negatively impact him, "These are just allegations, not evidence! This is fucking stupid.. Imagine any ex gf you had can just cancel your career by writing that one time you were too pushy for sex. Second girl is coming forward agains reckful: https://twitter.com/DarthDomino/status/1276444128268746754, https://twitter.com/indiefoxxlive/status/1275349895541592065. Relationships, particularly ex relationships, get ugly. $118,120. He was born in Hawaii, but is half-Filipino and half-Japanese. I seen a lot of people drop contact with streamers in this post over the years. That isn't sexual assault at all. @pokket The entire story is assumptions of Joe's intents, coupled with her thoughts and doubts at the time which she never expresses. Public opinion matters more this days than actual truth, even if your case doesn't go into court you've basically branded the accused of being a sex offender. Kinda, sexual harassment is sexual content to include words, pictures and gestures. But i decided to post it after the slasher tweet. Next to the people saying how dare people in power attract people. I mean, one is illegal and one isn't, I'd say that's the opposite side of the line, but I guess that depends on your line. Never any specifics, as she mentioned, JP supposedly threatened some legal stuff. It's awful. I won't delete the post because some people have it bookmarked but it's not sticked anymore on the frontpage and I won't interact with it anymore. More information about Method here. It's so fucking sick because when you get a few real stories and you squeeze in a few fake ones, you are guilty until proven innocent. One of the cases where the backlash is completely deserved. I know HJTenchi is one of them. Thing is, you shouldn't have to sue. Being well groomed, clean-cut, and charming gives them easier access to victims, and said victims let their guard down because the person doesn't fit their preconceived notion of a "creep". Asmongold thoughts regarding streamers/Orgs and Sexual Misconduct here. At the very least he needs to chill with the drinking at events until he can stop getting drunk and trying to leverage his fame/power to attempt to coerce women. You cant be out grooming and raping if youre playing WoW 24/7. Edit: I forgot what subreddit I was on. bruh whats happening. How could he. Happened when all the accusations against Chris D'Elia (comedian, not a streamer) happened. Dota 2 subreddit post about it here. And it makes me look up to the good ones even more. Either way if they are true than yes, if they're false they should be treated as crimes for lying. The presence of a weapon). She's accusing him of Doxxing Chica because he's defending himself from rape allegations. yellowpaco allegations here. If I remember correctly his parents gave him the house when they passed. An update from Twitch on the investigations of recent allegations here. How does cease and desist work in this context? Some former employees have apparently said that some Method members were aware of this. That guy's lucky he can prove it, but most of the time it's hard to prove innocence. Now he can go on stream and deny it etc, but where are you getting the idea that accusations against witwix can't be conflated to accusations of sexual assault. Please keep the following people in mind: Johnny Depp & ProJared. I don't know why tf people are jumping to conclusions, i'm going to wait for evidence against these people, unless they come out themselves like what Cryaotic did. Damn, I thought that was Justin Wong the fighting game prodigy and got real confused for a second. If youre a streamer and you're reading this, and you have someone that wants to fuck you, you need to filter them through multiple layers of checking in consent, age verification, checking if theyre mentally stable or bipolar, if you can keep reciepts of everything about the interaction, I mean go full bore documenting everything. He has been banned from Twitch. Ive been afraid of this making it back to them but Im choosing to not live with that fear anymore. His 2nd statement here. Protect your Passwords or your account gets hacked, Make sure you save every social media interaction or else it can be used against you, Im sure more and more people do this after the recent years. I genuinely can't believe this dude, of all people, is getting away with this shit. Esfand, TipsOut, Zizaran, Payo, FanbyteMedia, Wowhead, darrie, venruki, CORSAIR, MSI, Snowmixy, Ziqoftw, cdew, djarii, Naowh, jdotb, Darrie, Pandatv, MightyMouse, Demuslim and others. proof: @itmejp, can you lift your Cease & Desist and threat to sue me so I can talk about my abuse and physical assault on twitch? They will argue any interaction where both people are 18+ consentinf adults but there is a age or power dynamic imbalance is creepy. An update from Twitch on the investigations of recent allegations here. Of course I believe the victims of sjin and turps, because they fucking well tried it on with me too. He lost $200 by .3 seconds. "He tried to rape me, I fought back, he gaslit me into thinking I overreacted and that this is normal in relationships". (updated), Spreadsheet by macaiyla here. Dude still hasn't recovered from it. TobiWan accused of initiating sexual activity with no consent here. And the followup by ChrisChanTO here. It's not confirmed yet. The angry Joe story is literally just a cringe date at worst, what the actual? mradder, former twitch staff, accused of grooming underage girls here and here. Based on his social media presence, Lewis is the owner of two Siberian Huskey and was previously in a relationship with Pentatonix singer Kirstin Maldonado. Since ending contact with you, Ive spent doubly long and more repairing my life and working with a therapist recovering from your abuse. Don't be blinded by your fandom. you have to be trolling. He doesn't even belong on this thread/list. This is probably only the tip of the iceberg. sleepyk accused of asking to have sex with minors here. Asmongold thoughts regarding streamers/Orgs and Sexual Misconduct here. I never knew it was a racist term. One of the dudes in the comment section is fucking insane:https://twitter.com/Fisstech/status/1275056082579267587. He was also a massive dick to me and anyone who spoke to Jen and wasn't in his "control" circle. I assume this is Sp00nerism, the former Creature? The iAmSp00n one is really weird. I have stopped updating the list, me and the mods agreed that while the post helped spread awareness, it did more bad than good and it shouldn't belong to this subreddit with the new rules implemented. So.. she was repeadetly dating and fucking with him and then realized that she was being raped over and over again after the guy didn't want a relationship? today Omeed has stepped down as CEO and over a dozen Twitch streamers and YouTubers including Dodger, CohhCarnage, Strippin, and Towelliee have now dropped OPG (Tweet). Smart move by syndicate to stfu, I forgot he existed. People and companies that have left Method : Esfand, TipsOut, Zizaran, darrie, CORSAIR, MSI, Snowmixy, Ziqoftw, cdew, djarii, Darrie, Pandatv, MightyMouse, Demuslim and others. A Law has to be set about fake allegations proven as lies, trying to ruin someone's life and taking away from the real victims and truth should be punished almost as harshly as the innocent accused person would have been if the allegations were true. (link) I will keep updating both. I think I need to speak with a lawyer. Personally that story looks too much like bad fan fiction to be taken seriously and the only "evidence" are a bunch of normal looking DMs from Joe and some obviously faked messages. Well Omeed married them in their fake wedding. I've been following a streamer theazninvasionx for months. Give these people power, add a sprinkle of the 2020 sociopolitical climate and you end up with hell on earth. Or she wants to talk about a case that he is somehow blocking her from speaking on? He also sued the yellow press for compensation (he won ~400k). Some people lie to destroy others, I would not want to be guilty until proven innocent. Lauren Riihimaki, Roi Fabito, and Alex Burriss were all featured in his video "JUST DANCE!". Spoilers ahead for Yellowstone Season 4, (if you weren . I'm sure me even just explaining this common sense stuff is going to have someone take it badly. https://twitter.com/_daaes/status/1274649803150946304?s=20. Y'all have gone fuckin insane. But, I think also you have a lot of people particularly women reading shit like 50 shades of grey and not understanding what the difference between bdsm, mental.dom, and genuine psychological abuse is. Share this article: 'Yellowstone' Season 3 Episode 6: Who was the missing girl Sila, what really happened to her? (cuts to clip of miz being molested on camera by a strong woman and receiving a ban for it a month later). sleepyk accused of asking to have sex with minors here. Cinnpie accused of sexual relationship with puppeh when he was 14 and she was 24 here. His statement here. About a year ago scarra was on Ryan's off the pill podcast. I literally stopped reading mid way though, the guy was cringe, big fucking deal how people... 'S accusing him of Doxxing Chica because he 's defending himself from rape allegations justice,,! When i saw the name prosyndicate i was confused it to go away one time you too... Former Twitch staff, accused of asking to have sex with minors to the good ones even more of... From rape allegations for this long but the person in question asked for no one to say because. Genuinely ca n't believe this dude, of these girls making these accusations havent gotten the police.. A age or power dynamic imbalance is creepy minors to the people saying how dare in... 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what happened to yellowpaco