gp with special interest in minor surgery

gp with special interest in minor surgery

Minor surgery has long been an important element of the service provided by many GPs, and it is something that is re warded in the current GP contract. Free-text responses to open-ended questions were thematically analysed by a multidisciplinary group involving practising and academic GPs, a health services manager, and a qualitative researcher. Thorax. Department of Health guidelines exist for the clinical specialties shown in the box.4, Ashraf Khan, from Ashcroft Surgery in Bradford, is one of three north Bradford GPs who run ear, nose, and throat (ENT) clinics as GPwSIs in ENT. The vast majority of services use disposable instruments. Please contact reception and book an appointment if you are eligible for a free vaccination. The same applies to training. Other highly correlated priorities were appropriate usage of home nebulisers and oxygen (r = 0.9), strategic planning of respiratory services and development of management templates/coordinated data collection and extraction (r = 0.8). Outside of medicine enjoy spending . The specification is for minor surgery not for anything involving grafts or flaps. The key issues to address are consent, training, and infection control. Furthermore, I had the chance to put my training into practice at our minor operations list in our GP surgery by doing procedures, supervised at first, and finally alone (see box 2). Important issues such as patient safety, accreditation . []. Primary care organisations (PCOs) need a framework for addressing the quality and standards issues raisedby the design of new services delivered by GPwSIs. The range of lesions treated in primary care is extensive. Doctors undertaking suturing at sports events, remote from the GP premises, must have ready access to normal resuscitation facilities. Graduated from London in 1996. minor surgery. They must be up to date with their basic life support and preferably not squeamish about toenails it is amazing how common this is. Thorax. Dr Burrows has been working with GP Care since 2019 and has a special interest in minor surgery, working in plastic surgery and ENT. However, the PCTs in charge of . The term 'general practitioner with special interest (GPwSI)' refers to a GP who functions as a clinical intermediary between primary, secondary and tertiary care. . You can be a generalist and specialist combined. Special interest in minor surgery, cardiology and elderly care. Dr. Peter Kilmartin. 10.1136/bmj.38159.650347.55. I also took refresher courses and did a lot of reading. HP and AS are study guarantors. The surgeon can be a GP from the practice, or the practice can employ or sub-contract a GP from outside the practice. Dr S removed the cyst using a disposable minor surgical kit and a vertical incision. Each question, therefore, offered the opportunity to add additional responses. Minor surgery provides wonderful opportunities for audit, as highlighted in April 2013sForum.4Consider an audit of infection rates, concordance of clinical diagnosis and histology reports, adequacy of consent or patient satisfaction. This extra period spent in the acquisition of special skills allows you to recognise and manage common and life threatening skin diseases, gain insight into your own limitations, and know the indications for referral (see box 1). Emergency Hospital admissions in London 19972001. Improving quality of care, including strategic planning of respiratory services, raising standards of respiratory care in practice, coordination of GMS quality framework for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and development of management templates/coordinated data collection and extraction. My impression, though, is that it is a lot more challenging than most . Our data suggest that, although only 6% of PCOs currently have a respiratory GPwSI in post, there may be welcome interest in respiratory disease with nearly a third of PCOs considering a respiratory GPwSI service. They must have carried out an accredited minor surgery course either run by the RCGP or another accredited provider such as FourteenFish. Principally the NHS [National Health Service] plan, cancer plan + NSFs [National Service Frameworks]" (PCO-119: no plans for a respiratory GPwSI service). Below are the links to the authors original submitted files for images. Guidelines for the appointment of general practitioners with special interests in the delivery of clinical servicesdermatology. UK primary care organisations (PCOs) which manage care for populations of approximately 100,000, are charged with meeting the competing healthcare demands of their local community against a background of political pressures imposed by national policies and service frameworks. 2002, 52: 838-843. As long as it isn't libellous or offensive, we'll post it. Although there are Department of Health guidelines for GPwSIs in child protection, there are none for paediatrics, and GPwSIs in paediatrics are surprisingly rare. The RCGP Guide to GP Clinical Extended Roles will guide external organisations in the development of specialty-specific frameworks against a common RCGP standard. Monday to Friday + 1. The costs are modest, especially compared to similar procedures undertaken in secondary care. General Practitioners with Special Interests(GPwSI) Generate PDF. Infection control - time for a clean sweep? Im aware that one indemnity provider has historically advised that verbal consent is adequate for minor surgery. Dr Pai joined the Practice in May 2019 having moved . She is now commissioned by north Bradford PCT after applying to them to become a GPwSI in paediatrics. I completed my GP training in Glasgow and South Wales. They are satisfying, allow for diversity workload and are fun! Dr Natalie Jesshop - Female, GP. 10.1136/thorax.57.8.659. We found that some priorities tended to be highly correlated; for example PCOs prioritising reduction in the number of outpatient referrals also tended to prioritise reduction in outpatient waiting times (r = 0.8). Primary care interest societies have broadened the potential remit of GPwSIs, delineating roles in a wider range of clinical areas and involving a more strategic role than was originally envisaged [10, 11]. Cookies policy. 2002. Ever gone the extra mile and the patient complained? van der Molen T, Price D: The Founding of the International Primary Care Respiratory Group. Minor surgery does not generally require hospitalisation and may be performed electively, usually by a . Obviously, there is a long list of special interests a GP could have, and they can be clinical or managerial. Special Interests: Sports Medicine; Mental Health . There were no exams but I already hold a diploma in child health, which I think is recommended but not essential. Dr Dickson started work as a GPwSI in paediatrics with formal clinics six months ago. Those offered most frequently have been included in Figure 1, though the frequency cannot be directly compared with those specialities for which a prompt was given. It is not known how many view positively the potential of respiratory GPwSIs. Boynton PM, Greenhalgh T: Selecting, designing and developing your questionnaire. 18 years of experience as a doctor with a wide spectrum of qualifications, skills and experiences: General Practice (MRCGP) Doctor Online Service & Medical Artificial Intelligence TeleMedicine and Pharma Consultant Media Doctor - Podcasts/Radio/Written Media Men's Health and Dermatology Interest GP Trainer - Postgraduate Certificate in Strategic Leadership and Medical Education<br>Minor Skin . 100,000 - 110,000 a year. Healthcare organisations in the UK are responding positively to the challenge of reconfiguring the workforce to meet local needs. She is a strong advocate of holistic care for our patients. These concepts, now embodied in a guideline [18], establish the potential of a respiratory GPwSI service to address many of the recognised unmet needs of people with respiratory and allergic conditions [19, 20]. Hemel Hempstead, Menlo Park Recruitment 2001, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 381-403. Michelle trained in General Practice on the RCSI GP scheme in Dublin and after gaining experience in a city centre practice, joined the Park Clinic in 2000. (April 2003), Department of Health/Royal College of General Practitioners. Springer Nature. Br J Gen Pract. 2001, Department of Health and Royal College of General Practitioners: Implementing a scheme for General Practitioners with Special Interests. Google Scholar. He aims to team up with his patients in order to mutually develop treatment plans. Special interest in minor procedures, chronic disease and palliative care. General Practitioners with a Special Interest (GPwSIs), a key component of the UK National Health Service modernisation agenda [6], challenge traditional models of specialist care. Dr Mesiha on his own and he had only one staff member with him. There is much merit in this enhanced patient safety system. London. Despite being responsible for nearly a third of general practice consultations [12], one in eight emergency hospital admissions [13], and the major contributory factor in the winter bed crises [14], respiratory disease did not feature in any of the official documents [69]. I completed my training in 1999 and worked for 5 years in hospital medicine (emergency and psychiatry). There are currently 16 doctors working different shifts, 17 . This includes focusing on preventive medicine as well as caring for acute and chronic conditions as they arise. We used an integrated quantitative and qualitative analytical paradigm, thus increasing the validity of our findings [26]. We achieved our anticipated response rate and therefore exceeded our intended sample size. There should be no extraneous equipment in the room. 10.1016/S0140-6736(96)07492-2. There was no safety-netting in place. The room must be of at least 16m2 with a sink that has elbow-operated taps. General practice is fiendishly busy, so it doesnt make sense to be preparing a room and getting equipment out for one or two cases. Williams S, Ryan D, Price D, Langley C, Fletcher M, Everden P: General Practitioners with a special clinical interest: a model for improving respiratory disease management. I graduated from Dhaka University in 2003. to be able to work closely together with her patients and aims to integrate the best of her Australian and Dutch GP training. Design and setting: A community-based surgery audit of GP minor surgery cases and outcomes from three settings: GPs who carried out minor surgery in their practice funded as . Special interest in Minor Surgery, Sports Medicine & Joint Injections. BMJ. Our random sampling strategy should ensure national generalisability across England and Wales. Rafferty S, Elborn JS: Do nurses do it better?. The standards of yesteryear may no longer be adequate. RCGP guide to GP clinical extended roles (PDF file, 440 KB). He will soon be involved in the training of GP Registrars at the practice. 10.1136/thorax.56.10.744. London. In my opinion, the best way to run a minor surgery service is to have a dedicated session to it at least once per month. We achieved a response rate of 69% and our results may not reflect the situation in the non-responding PCOs. Special Interests: Paediatrics Immunisation Allergies Primary Care Research . You will also need to check your indemnity covers you, in particular regarding toenails. She has been a GP for 15 years and has always run child health clinics. Different PCTs refer to different documents or publications for audit and accreditation of their GPwSIs, or they may even develop their own criteria. Trainees with special interests may consider doing a diploma or other training during their vocational training scheme, although this is not essential. Principal GP. The management of a low risk basal cell carcinoma in a housebound elderly patient is clearly different to urgent management of a younger person with a suspected melanoma. A scarring problem Dr S was a city centre GP with a special interest in minor cosmetic surgery. It is up to them to decide which specialties are needed and where. technical support for your product directly (links go to external sites): Thank you for your interest in spreading the word about The BMJ. All the minutiae of infection control, from the Hepatitis B titre of the surgeon, to safe disposal of clinical waste, must be actively managed. We offer a well-established private minor skin surgery service for the removal of various inconvenient or unsightly skin lesions for over 16s. Dr Johari, who holds a diploma in diabetes, says: Most GPs could do what I do by reading up about a topicin my case diabetesby attending short courses like the three day diabetes diploma course at the University of Coventry, and building up patient experiencefor example, by seeing all the diabetes patients in the practice., More and more GPs, however, are choosing to become involved in recognised PCT led GPwSI schemes. However, minor surgical services in general practice are appreciated by patients, give cost effective service and have good results. No. This verifies quality, while satisfying our Medical Council audit requirements. Lesions thought to be malignant must be referred via cancer network services and are not included in the enhanced service. Closed questions included an option for adding additional responses; free-text comments were invited throughout. Graduated from Bristol in 1988. Phase 3 of this initiative includes a focus on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Harry is an experienced GP with a general interest in all modalities of GP practice., The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of GlasgowDiploma in dermatology. I know that some indemnity providers have clauses regarding this. Helen no longer holds a patient list but instead works solely at our Marae based clinic and in a Palliative role. 1998, California: Sage Publications. Alternatively, you can search our medical centres. It is even better if run by your admin team, with you getting flagged for any problems. General Practitioners with a Special Interest. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. They are recommended to retake this course every three years. ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Your comment must be approved first, You've already submitted a review for this item, Thank you! First impressions count - triage in reception, Example triage protocol for non-clinical staff, How to encourage professionalism in your trainees, Checklist: Using chaperones to reduce risk, Careers - Core skills series: Communication, Virtual Workshop: Navigating adverse outcomes. "Local need.. plus local GP with an interest" (PCO-105: existing respiratory GPwSI service), "GP with expertise moved into area" (PCO-85: considering a respiratory GPwSI service). Like all medical undertakings it has inherent risks. It is also important to let your medical defence organisation know to ensure that you are adequately covered. We phoned non-responding PCOs to identify the contact details of the person responsible for developing GPwSI services, to whom we e-mailed an electronic version of the questionnaire. Any surgical procedure that can be performed in a brief period of time (usually < 1 hour under local anaesthesia) and does not under normal circumstances constitute a major hazard to life or function of organs or body parts. Trainee GPs with special interests they want to pursue when they have finished training may consider doing a diploma or other training while on their vocational training scheme, although this is not essential as it is often not officially required by PCTs. Reassuringly, for most questions the space was used to clarify the closed responses rather than add new options. London. GP Care UK Limited 160 Aztec West, Bristol BS32 4TU. He is also a middle grade emergency department doctor and a dermatology surgeon at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Reg. [], The Respiratory Alliance: Bridging the Gap. Department of Health: National Service Frameworks. A special interest is good for your personal development and the practice as you bring a new skill, which may reduce referrals outside. We are especially interested in upbeat ideas from which other doctors can benefit. Dr Gabriella Cichonska . His other clinical interests include Joint Injections and Minor Surgery. Consider developing a standard minor surgery pro-forma. A complication such as a keloid scar, for example, can have significant ramifications for patients. Our survey focused specifically on the recently defined GPwSI initiative. Vasectomy services, carpal tunnel services, basal cell carcinoma services and dermatology services are all examples of how the role can be expanded. Status. The 69 PCOs not planning a respiratory GPwSI service at this time cited local workforce issues as the main barrier [Table 1]: 24/69 (35%) felt that local GPs did not have the interest or necessary expertise to undertake the role whilst 24/69 (35%) already had a specialist respiratory nurse who was addressing the local needs appropriately. This could be as a vocational training scheme course organiser now called training programme director or a post as an area director overseeing such schemes. Expert opinion was also critical of the fact that Dr S did not chase Mr A when he failed to return for follow-up after seven days. BMJ. Lesions must be significantly symptomatic or of diagnostic uncertainty and they must not be removed for purely cosmetic reasons. With a 40-year career the world is your oyster. The prime motives for considering appointing a respiratory GPwSI are given in Table 1. Official guidance should be personalised to your practice. Local factors, such as availability of GP or nurse expertise, were important in determining the planned workforce configuration. Please note: your email address is provided to the journal, which may use this information for marketing purposes. Jeroen has a special interest in minor surgery, emergency medicine and child psychiatry. Neither was any record made of the verbal consent taken. 10.1136/bmj.328.7451.1312. There should be availability of electrocautery or hyfrecation. The General Practice Airways Group (a UK charity focusing on delivering optimal respiratory care in community settings) considered this issue in a discussion paper outlining a number of potential roles for a respiratory GPwSI: leading the strategic planning from a primary care perspective, setting quality standards for respiratory care and providing clinical expertise for conditions most common in general practice [10]. Many doctors have completely discontinued in house autoclaving of surgical instruments. GP practices can offer a range of minor surgery procedures. 2005, 14: 13-20. If you are interested in doing minor surgery but feel your practice doesnt have enough minor surgery patients to make it worthwhile then it may be worth contacting other practices in your area and asking if they have the same issue. Special Interests Minor Surgery (eg Excision of cysts/skin tags, Family Planning including Coil Fitting(Family Planning Certificate 1987) Joint Injections/Soft Tissue Injections Sexual Health Medicine Paediatrics Additional Notes FEMALE GP -Works at both Balsall Common and Meriden surgeries. Mr A was unhappy with the outcome and was increasingly worried that the scar might have affected his vision. PubMed Central Dr Javier Montero Practice: The Willow Surgery, Bristol Working with GP Care since 2017 Dr Montero qualified as a doctor in Spain and has been working in Bristol since 2005 following GP training in Warwickshire. Mr A attended Dr S's clinic for the removal of a small sebaceous cyst at the corner of his left eye. The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here: In contrast, allergy services were rarely prioritised [Table 2]. Br J Gen Pract. In line with the factors motivating PCOs to develop respiratory GPwSI services, reducing hospital admissions was the top priority, with raising standards of respiratory care also highlighted. He then went on to become an Orthopaedic surgeon in 2010 in Finland. Dermatology for general practice trainees. Dr Walker has a special interest in minor surgery and performs a weekly minor surgery list at the practice as well as joint injections. He is a full-time general practitioner at the medical centre and deals with all aspects of general practice with a special interest in skin cancer and cosmetic medicine. This proportion is considerably lower than in specialities linked to National Health Service clinical priorities. Open Access Comprehensive and practical advice,Infection Preventionand Control Guidelines for Primary Care, has been produced by the National Clinical Programme for HCAI and AMR (antimicrobial resistance) prevention, in collaboration with the ICGP.3 Read it today. Physicians and Surgeons of GlasgowDiploma in dermatology a palliative role verbal consent taken workforce to meet needs... To address are consent, training, and infection control adequately covered there is much in. Is your oyster testing whether or not you are adequately covered hospital medicine ( and. Designing and developing your questionnaire and psychiatry ) of Respiratory GPwSIs service and have good.. No extraneous equipment in the non-responding PCOs the range of minor surgery, sports medicine amp... Purely cosmetic reasons rarely prioritised [ Table 2 ] cardiology and elderly care the room and hospital. 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gp with special interest in minor surgery