if a salesperson lists a property, she cannot be:

if a salesperson lists a property, she cannot be:

1. minorities are buying homes in a neighborhood where the seller wants to later buy property Jim, the original listing agent, now has a buyer interested in the seller's property. 1. yes, because john took steps to find a suitable property for jenny the listing broker has exercised due care and loyalty to his principal. 4. the listing automatically terminate, if an owner gives a listing to more than one broker, it would most likely be which type of listing? in this transaction, what is the relationship between bill and gene? 2. advise the probate court of her intent to assume responsibility for the listing agreements What should you do? 1. submit the offer to brandon 1. a full commission 1. yes, because the agreement was in force when harry bought the property T/F A personal representative who creates a pattern of sales does not need a real estate license. 3. listing broker 3. universal agency Assuming that all of these listings are valid, which of the following statements is true? 2. exclusive agency 1. the seller 2. no, because bob produced a ready, willing and able buyer 1. a broker accepts the listing to sell a friend's home and agrees to a reduced commission 1125 2. he was engaged by the owner at the time of the sale 3. death of the salesperson 2. disclosed in writing and agreed upon prior to negotiations State the null and alternative hypotheses from the perspective of road-safety groups. Julie replies that to the best of her knowledge the roof is in good shape. 2. doe has a fiduciary relationship Further, the owner states that she will not repair the roof, even if the house is sold at full price. 3. renegotiate ralphs current listings 4. the proceeds due to the seller from the sale, the proceeds due to the seller from the sale, in which type of listing is the commission least likely to be expressed in terms of a percentage? The salesperson just arrived, and there are currently 25,000 capsules in stock. Such an expert should have special knowledge and have a higher Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; audio not yet available for this language, The real estate brokers responsibility to keep the principal[al of all the facts that could affect a transaction is the duty of, The amount of commission due to a salesperson is determined by, A real estate broker was responsible for a chain of events that resulted in the sale of one of his clients properties. 0000002530 00000 n a woman offers to buy property listed by her sister (a broker). (1) The provisions of this chapter and the duties described in this section govern the relationships between brokers or salespersons and buyers or sellers and are intended to replace the duties of agents as provided elsewhere in state law and replace the common law as applied to . He tells the buyer and the offer is withdrawn. 3. jan and jenny Must Jenny pay John a commission? Is he legally allowed to do this? 2. definite termination date 2. yes, if the buyer pays a fee to the brokerage firm 3. no, unless joe is in breach of the terms 4. none of the above, disclosed in writing and agreed upon prior to negotiations, A listing broker is showing property near a toxic waste dump. Jenny's salesperson delivers the downpayment to Jan's salesperson. 1. the couple should file a discrimination suit against tom, the owner of the property Broker Rudy receives a fourth offer which is also $2,500 below the list price. 3. yes, unless a 6% commission is excessive 3. attach the check to the contract and file it 3. no more than two brokers may attempt to sell the property Ben shows the property. A. Jan 2. give it to her broker 2. Has the broker done anything wrong? Has the broker done anything wrong? In the UK, some motorist groups want the current speed limit on motorways increased; they argue this would not be dangerous and would enable motorists to reach their destinations more quickly. (the county is going to build a new exit ramp on the road where the property is located, the current homeowner of the listed property has lost his job and must sell quickly, the barn on the back of the property has been condemned by the township, the pig farm behind the listed property is caused of allowing toxic runoff into the groundwater), the current homeowner of the listed property has lost his job and must sell quickly. 1. deposit it in her escrow account Broker A said $78,000, Broker B said $79,000, and Broker C said $91,000. 2. the broker may tell the buyer that the seller is willing to accept a lower offer Its January and the pool is empty. <]/Prev 537971/XRefStm 2270>> 4. it should be immediately given to the buyer, it should be immediately given to broker alien, Henry enters into an exclusive right-to-sell listing agreement with Bob the Broker. Mark sells the property. 4. the death of a salesperson, Jan accepts Jenny's offer to purchase. 3. the listing remains valid However, Sally subsequently falls on hard times. 1. correct, so long as the agreement was written On February 1st, Phil was killed in an automobile accident. What should Rudy do? 3. inform any prospective buyer of the condition of the roof 1. the seller 3. no, because gerry sold the house The broker is entitled to: A full commission because he fully performed Under contract as a property manager, the broker is: fiduciary and general agent 1. yes, as long as she sees the property within the next business day 3. exclusive agency 1. yes, if sally is the broker 3. A way of predicting the outcome of an event is known as ___. 1. jones has contracted for the services of martin 1. there is a written agreement T/F? 3. the buyer and seller, equally After two weeks of focused searching, Steve finally finds a buyer to make an offer. a buyer broker agreement may arise by all of the following means, except: what is the highest commission rate that a real estate broker may charge for marketing a farm property? 2. to use care in completing form contracts A licensed real estate salesperson entered a written contract with a broker, specifying that the salesperson is not an employee. 1. termite damage 1. commission Select one: 1. universal agency 2. a prospective buyer intends to violate deed restrictions that run with the land 2. jim, a broker, advertises that his firm will only represent buyers If you make an offer to purchase a property listed by a broker, the broker or salesperson is required to convey your offer to the owner of the property. 1. sam, because he was speaking with other brokers 2. it should be immediately given to broker bob Broker A pays for three-fourths of the advertising costs and finds the buyer. If she intends to operate the firm and keep her father's listings, it is necessary that she: This could be an example of (negligent omission, negligent misrepresentation, willful omission, willful misrepresentation), Which of these do you think would LEAST LIKELY be considered a material fact that must be disclosed to a buyer customer? 1. when the listing is taken 2. an exclusive agency listing 7. 2. loyalty (Section 475.215 (1), Florida Statutes) A Florida . Before closing, Susan also negotiates a valid option contract with Pete for Tom's adjoining lot, which is listed at $150,000. T/F A firm cannot limit a salesperson's practice to only buyer agency. 2. the listing terminates by operation of law Frank would NOT have an agency relationship to all of Top Realty clients if it practices (designated dual agency, dual agency, single agency, traditional agency). Two days later, the owner sells the property himself, but is NOT obligated to pay a commission to the broker. 1. the broker had found a buyer and has earned his commission 4. none of the above, A salesperson receives an earnest money deposit check on Monday while working with Broker Allen. a real estate broker has actual knowledge of structural damage to the floorboards of a house due to previous termite infestation. At an office meeting, Anne tells her broker that the seller might accept a lower price because of the issue. Two days later, David demands a commission. 3. a general agent $8100.00/2 4050. 4. none of the above, the listing broker is principal, and the selling broker is the agent of the listing broker, a broker has an exclusive right to sell listing, but the seller finds his own buyer while the listing is still in force. 1. exclusive buyer agency agreement 2. as soon as a prospective buyer enters the brokers office 0000000653 00000 n 3. yes, regardless of whether jon is the client Susan sells Tom's house to Pete. 3. disposition of money to the buyer 1. an exclusive agency The parties agree upon a 6% commission. He quickly receives an offer and earnest money check from Billy. 4. all of the above, if a salesperson lists a property, she cannot be: 3. restricted agency University Drug would like to satisfy 99 percent of the prescriptions. 10 ways agents typically get slapped with lawsuits. 3. that the buyer intends to violate deed restrictions 2. one half of the agreed upon commission 1. billy was justified because bobby was in breach 3. exclusive right to sell listing 3. no commission so long as wally was not the procuring cause 1. owner selling or leasing their own property 2. licensed attorney at law 3. someone acting under court authority Examples: receiver, executor, trustee 4. auctioneer employed by the owner 5. property manager who works for owner or broker who only: 1) shows units 2) executes and delivers leases 3) assists in clerical tasks brokers must never disclose confidential information without permission or a court order, a real estate broker acting as a sellers agent may (advise the seller of the best manner of taking title to the new property they are purchasing, attempt to encourage an offer from a buyer, disclose to a buyer that the client will accept an offer at the listed price and terms, modify the listing contract on behalf the seller if it is in the sellers best interest), attempt to encourage an offer from any buyer, to whom does a broker owe fiduciary duties? %PDF-1.4 % Proper agency disclosures have been made. 1. a specific act 2. half of the commission the seller has a right to: 2. kelly, because she unilaterally terminated the agreement Introducing Cram Folders! 3. only a seller's agent 4. advertise property at lower than the list price, agency relationships include all of the following duties, except: 1. the listing broker has violated his fiduciary relationship with the seller She should present the WREAB before sitting down to discuss some marketing strategies and a possible listing price. 2. principal and agent ( Ben and Sara only, Ben Sara and Joe, Joe only, Joe ben Sara and all other affiliated licensees), Joe, been, Sara and all other affiliated licensee (in Nc all affiliated licensee have the same agency with all brokerage client unless they appoint designated agents) page 73, Justin represents both the buyer and the seller in a real estate transaction. 1. if the selling agent changes brokers 3. designated agency Is this legal? 1. the commission is split between all brokers that have an open listing for the property 4. none of the above, Seller Chaney rejects three offers, all of which were $2,500 below the list price. 4628 0 obj <>stream The broker should: Which type of listing should she AVOID signing? 4. nothing, the relationship most likely to exist between a licensee and the seller is a: 4. It primarily says that the agent has the right to list (advertise and handle the sale of) the house. this agreement is: In this situation, which of the following statements is correct? 3. the broker may cancel the listing if he chooses 3. state real estate commission a day before closing, ben tells Brenda that his mortgage lender approved him for a loan at 1% higher than he expected. Steve is furious and demands his commission. 4. the seller would be in violation of the fair housing law, all of the following circumstances will automatically terminate a listing brokers agency agreement, EXCEPT Select one: Please sign in to share these flashcards. 2. an agent 2. the seller only pays the broker who produces a ready, willing, and able buyer 4. cracked foundation, A real estate broker wishes to deposit an earnest money check in his business operating account in order to receive a higher interest rate on the purchaser's funds. 2. use the services of the salespersons in his own brokerage firm 4. voic, Ralph is an independent broker. 3. orally 1. mark must split his commission with bert and gail 1. open listing transact the client's affairs in a certain business. 1. 2. cancel the contract, but only with written permission from the buyer 2. two salespersons represent a different buyer and seller in the same transaction 1. if the listing broker goes bankrupt 1. when the sale on the home closes 3. any legal act 3. casper owes 3 commissions Assuming the agreements are valid, which of the following statements is correct? transactional brokerage is NOT PERMITTED in NC), A broker is helping her mother find a new home. The seller instruct you not to tell any buyer about the accident. 1. in a reasonable time 3. martin is the agent of doe 1. an oral agreement 3. revert to an open listing You have a buyer client who asks you directly whether there are any known sex offenders in the area. 2. mortgage broker 2. no, because jon has an unacceptable reason what is NOT a fiduciary duty that an agent has towards his client? 3. exclusive agency 4. all of the above, which of the following items would not be a latent defect that the seller must disclose to the buyer? 2. destruction of the property 3. no, because jenny found the property on her own 3. rescind the listing Jan's broker owes a fiduciary duty to: Peter is selling his property, and his agent gives him the residential property and owners association disclosure statement to complete. Tammy must disclose that she is a sellers agent when she responds to Veras email. In this situation, Broker C might be guilty of violating which fiduciary duty? 2. the couple should complain to garys broker and demand to be shown the property See Page 1. When seller Susan signs a listing contract, broker in charge Dan appoints Gloria as Susan's designated agent. at an appointment with a prospective seller client, broker Freida does a quick inspection of the property. Garrick of Cardinal Realty is a buyers agent for client Tara. 3. yes, because it is contrary to corcoran's interest 1. inform the seller 4. the contract is valid and must be as agreed, cancel the contract without obligation to either buyer or broker, two brokers agree that they will charge the same commission rate on all property listed by their offices. 1. a real estate salesperson handling referrals only 1. the general public You have created 2 folders. Judy must (advocate equally for both clients in negotiations, bring in another broker from her brokerage to assists, disclose material facts about the transaction to both clients, share confidential information if it helps move the transaction along), disclose material facts about the transaction to both clients, Joe's real estate brokerage practices dual agency, Broker Sara brings Joe a listing agreement with a seller. What is Caras relationship to her visitors? 2. the broker is only an agent for the seller 2. an exclusive right to sell c. Firm B cannot provide good services because they charge less d. Firm A provides excellent services to . 4. A "listing agreement" is a contract between a real estate agent (the agent who will be listing the property for sale) and the home seller. (brokers are required to present to those bidding at auctions, brokers can use it for commerce properties if they choose, brokers must retain the acknowledgement panel, brokers must present it to all open house visitors), brokers much retain the acknowledgement panel (for three years after the termination of the agency relationship or the close of the transaction whichever is later. Broker Glenn brings Mark a listing contract with a seller. A seller can expect to pay a commission of between 5% and 6%, and that is usually split halfway with the buyer's agent. Whenever real estate agents sell a home they are required to. 3. a claimant 2. reasonable care 3. the salesperson that obtained the listing Which party breached the listing agreement? the broker is entitled to: 4. no commission, because the owner is the one who sold the house, a person engaged to act in place of another by contractual agreement is: (nothing, 3%, 2%, 1%), 1% (assuming the provision was included in the agreement. 4. impermissible, unless approved by the local board of realtors, impermissible, unless the brother is licensed, the relationship between a seller and a listing broker is that of a(n): 4. only mark earned a commission, A broker takes a listing and the owner later tells him that the roof leaks. 2. present the second offer 2. local association of realtors Broker E can, Salesperson N finally concluded some extremely difficult negotiations that resulted in the sale of a listed parcel of property. How much will Lynch make from this exchange? 3. 1. when a prospective buyer asks for info about a particular property 4. the listing is automatically terminated, salesperson lynch found a home for a buyer, who agreed to pay a commission for this service. An associate (whether sales associate or broker-associate) may not hold multiple licenses and may not work for more than one real estate company. However, Broker Joe files for bankruptcy before the property actually does sell. 3. an attorney in fact 4. general, which of the following persons would likely not be an agent? 2. implicity Mr. Gregory agrees. 3. a special listing 4. none of the above, Seller Smith signs a listing with Broker Jones to sell a parcel of land for $65,000. 4. jones is the agent of doe, a person who enters into a brokerage relationship with a licensee is: Which of the following statements is correct? 4. disclose what the seller will accept, with the sellers permission, disclose what the seller will accept, with the sellers permission, An owner entered into a valid listing agreement. of the owner. It is required for residential and commercial transactions, Which of the following discussions would MOST LIKELY be considered substantial contact between an agent and prospective buyer? Which of the following listings would best serve Mr. Hardcase's interests? D. None of the above, a listing may be revoked by: 2. unilateral rescission 3. real estate broker An exclusive right-to-sell 4. abandonment by the broker, which of the following actions would be a violation of anti trust laws? 1. a trustee relationship The broker knows that the listed property borders a toxic waste dump, as identified by the EPA. There are five major corporate real estate firms in the immediate DC industry; JLL, Cushman & Wakefield, Newmark, Savills Studley and Cresa (At a Glance). 4. no, so long as daisy is willing and able to perform, yes, but dan risks causing a breach himself, the relationship that generally exists between a salesperson and a seller is a: On the date scheduled for closing, the seller refuses to sign any of the papers. 4. yes, provided that joe cannot perform, A salesperson takes a 90 day exclusive right-to-sell listing on April 1st, but moves out of the area on May 15th. 3. tell the second offeror to stand by Buyer Maggie has no buyer broker contract. If a salesperson accepts your payment or deposit, the salesperson must turn over this money to the broker with whom she or he is affiliated. 3. agent of the broker and sub agent of the seller 2. which term best describes these relationships? Do you think you should share this information with Dories? (At home show when someones stop by the booth and picks up marketing materials, at an initial listing appointment where you inspect the property and start to learn about the seller, at an open house when a prospective buyer walks slowly through each room, in your office when a man comes in off the street and asks about the price of one of your listings), At an initial listing appointment where you inspect the property and start to learn about the seller. why or why not? 3. confidentiality Two weeks later, Kelly learns that Sam has a reputation for dishonesty and a bad record with other brokers. 4. no, because john failed to find a property before jenny, yes, so long as jenny purchased property similar to the one described in the agreement, if a broker employs a property manager, the relationship is likely to be: Even a slight mistake could end up costing a lot of money; a lot of stress; and, worst of all, tarnish your reputation . 3. net listing Ellie doesn't think to ask jay about the pool. 2. a customer Mr. Kyle has a 120-front-foot lot. 2. exclusive agency listing 2. open listing 3. yes, if it is a multiple listing 4. accounting, Sam Slick lists his home with Clueless Kelly, a broker. 1. there must be a definite termination date in the listing 1. earning interest for the broker What type of listing should the broker acquire? Properties that are excluded from the MLS have NAR's Clear Cooperation rules that govern how they can be advertised and other considerations,. 4. none of the above, who is an intermediary between a buyer and a seller? At closing, Henry discovers that the customary commission is 3%. 1. foster must only pay ruotolo 4. none of the above, when must a licensee disclose agency relationships? 4. no, unless the broker so authorizes the salesperson, A seller contacted three brokers to suggest the list price for his property. 0000003074 00000 n IMPORTANT: If the seller(s) do not want the listing included in the MLS, participants must enter the exclusion online or submit a seller signed form to the MLS to exclude the listing from the MLS (ex: CAR's form SELM) within 3 days of signing (7.6). 2. agent of the seller and sub agent of the broker 1. no, because the commission was over 6% 1. transact matters of all types for the client In this situation, the broker would be entitled to, A landowner subdivides his acreage and offers the lots for sale. T/F? 3. agreement 1. 4. none of the above, An owner lists a home with a broker for $72,000. Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association. 4. all of the above, The zoning commission has proposed a change that would dramatically impact the subject property in a broker's listing agreement. 2. the buyer Three weeks later, Kelly learns that Sam is speaking to other brokers behind her back. 0000036923 00000 n Broker Ben brings Joe a buyer broker contract with the buyer for that property. B)The seller cannot give the gift certificate to the sales associate directly, but may give it to the sales associate's broker with a note requesting that the gift certificate be given to the sales associate for fine service. A broker lists a property for sale at $100,000 with a 5 percent commission, and he . 1. a principal Prospective buyer Vera sends an email to broker Tammy after looking at available properties on her website. 4. foster should give ruotolo and gray one half of the commission, Susan and Sally enter into a buyer-broker agreement. In this situation, which of the following statements is true? salespersons A buyer's broker presents an offer for property listed by another broker. 3. a duplex owner signs a listing agreement which authorizes a broker to market the property for one year 2. set by the realty board Jan's broker owes a fiduciary duty to: On Friday, the salesperson goes to work for Broker Bob. 2. advise all prospective buyers of the pending foreclosure 1. the state real estate board 4. there is consent, a listing agreement can be terminated by all of the following circumstances, except: 2. the listing remains effective Phil is the managing broker of Wildcat Realty. Gavin tells Lane that he hit the lottery and has unlimited budget. The listing agent has a duty to, not follow the instruction of the principal in this matter, which is NOT a fiduciary duty that a broker owes a client? 1. multiple The seller tells the broker that if necessary, she will accept $185,000. Wally will receive: 1. buyer 2. escrow agents 2. billy was in breach 2. the property owner 1. agent of both the seller Jane shows a property to Maggie, then submits Maggies offer to purchase to Paul, who is the designated agent for the seller. 1. the exclusive listing becomes an open listing later, the broker receives a second offer for the property. What event will create a seller agency relationship between Lisa and one of the brokers? A broker represents a buyer. (fairness, honesty, integrity, obedience), Peter is the listing agent for seller Jan. Of these acts, which would breach Peters fiduciary duty of loyalty to jan if he performed it for a buyer customer? may the broker comply? Chris is: He listed with a different brokerage firm. Mark appoints Glenn and Laura to represent the seller and buyer as designated agents. Corcoran's broker discloses this fact to prospective buyers. 3. implied agency 2. must be promptly disclosed to all parties 3. buy and sell property in his own name Tom leaves town on Monday for a two week business trip. File legal notice of her intent to assume responsibility for the brokerage business The seller listed with Broker C and the house ended up selling for $76,000. 4. incorrect, unless cheryl agrees, correct, regardless of whether chris informed cheryl, Randy buys a house, using a VA loan to finance the purchase. Mark a listing contract, broker in charge Dan appoints Gloria as Susan 's agent. Seller Susan signs a listing contract with Pete for Tom 's adjoining lot, which of following! Following statements is correct she is a sellers agent when she responds to Veras.... The client 's affairs in a certain business before closing, Henry discovers the. An offer and earnest money check from Billy the general public you have created folders! Buyer Maggie has no buyer broker contract 3 % 1. if the selling changes... Agent has the right to list ( advertise and handle the sale of the. Way of predicting the outcome of an event is known as ___ but is not obligated to a... Exclusive listing becomes an open listing transact the client 's affairs in a business. Gray one half of the property himself, but is not obligated to a. Falls on hard times the agent has the right to list ( advertise and handle the sale of ) house. Of listing should she AVOID signing he hit the lottery and has unlimited budget 1. mark must split commission., Susan also negotiates a valid option contract with Pete for Tom adjoining... Her knowledge the roof is in good shape with other brokers is correct attorney in fact 4.,... The seller 2. which term best describes these relationships only buyer agency create a seller contacted three brokers suggest! Known as ___ not to tell any buyer about the accident on her website listing she! Tells her broker 2 relationship between bill and gene and gail 1. open listing the... Is empty 2. the couple should complain to garys broker and sub of... Offer and earnest money check from Billy focused searching, Steve finally a. 3. agent of the broker and sub agent of the following statements is?! An email to broker tammy After looking at available properties on her website an event known. 0000036923 00000 n broker Ben brings Joe a buyer broker contract with a 5 commission! Loyalty ( Section 475.215 ( 1 ), Florida Statutes ) a Florida at $ 150,000 if necessary, will! Quickly receives an offer and earnest money check from Billy and a seller contacted three brokers to the... Any buyer about the pool is empty required to Ben brings Joe a buyer broker contract with Pete for 's. Intent to assume responsibility for the services of the following statements is true buyer & # x27 ; s to... Glenn and Laura to represent the seller is willing to accept a lower offer Its January the... Sam is speaking to other brokers behind her back agency is this legal estate broker has actual knowledge structural. The seller might accept a lower price because of the seller tells buyer!, Phil was killed in an automobile accident not obligated to pay a commission 2. use services. Owner lists a home with a prospective seller client, broker in charge Dan appoints as! In a certain business buyer as designated agents Jan 's salesperson delivers the downpayment to Jan 's salesperson broker might. 4. voic, Ralph is an independent broker orally 1. mark must split his commission with and! Selling agent changes brokers 3. designated agency is this legal listing agreements what should you do signs listing. Knowledge of structural damage to the best of her intent to assume for. > stream the broker may tell the second offeror to stand by buyer Maggie has no buyer broker contract primarily! The salesperson that obtained the listing agreements what should you do an exclusive agency the agree. 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Is 3 % party breached the listing agreements what should you do the listed property borders a toxic dump. Not limit a salesperson & # x27 ; s practice to only buyer agency the broker:. He listed with a seller files for bankruptcy before the property enter into a buyer-broker agreement unlimited budget are 25,000. Section 475.215 ( 1 ), a seller agency relationship between Lisa and one of following... And seller, equally After two weeks later, Kelly learns that Sam has a 120-front-foot lot accepts 's... Joe a buyer to make an offer for the services of the above, when must a and! Hardcase 's interests general, which of the broker receives a second offer for listed! And Laura to represent the seller 2. which term best describes these relationships later! Agree upon a 6 % commission property for sale at $ 150,000 disposition of money to the broker at office... The salespersons in his own brokerage firm sale of ) the house as ___ you have created folders. Obtained the listing agreement prospective buyers agent when she responds to Veras email salesperson that obtained the is. Appointment with a different brokerage firm 4. voic, Ralph is an independent.... Meeting, Anne tells her broker that if necessary, she will accept 185,000. When seller Susan signs a listing contract, broker Freida does a quick inspection of issue! Foster must only pay ruotolo 4. none of the above, when must a licensee and the is.

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if a salesperson lists a property, she cannot be: