packrafting wind river range

packrafting wind river range

And, you dont paddle with someone who doesnt have one on. He was dropped off by an air taxi at Glacier Creek and planned to hike the Chitistone Canyon, climb over Skolai Pass, cross the Russell Glacier, then float down the White River in a small pack raft. Wind River Country has leading experts who can teach you the skills, ensure you and the fish are kept safe and guarantee some big catches! He checked in with his PLB the evening before the last sign of life. Though Id share some details regarding our trip last weekend (June 14-16th, 2013) following Forrests ( trip idea and his post. Check Price at Amazon. There is a concerted effort to efficiently develop a Culture of Safety for packrafters in the hopes that we can skip the history of incidents that our peers in other water crafts have experienced. Wishing You the Best! ' There is a challenging rapid 500m upriver, and it seems likely that he tipped there and swam until he was pinned on the undercut rock. I took one swim in it (so far) and stayed totally dry and warm. Interesting to see the bridge is still there bout burned in fires a few times Contemplated a thru hike along the Verde years ago, but never did. Use the links below to share this content: Viewing 25 posts - 1 through 25 (of 39 total). River had dropped foot to ~1500 cfs. Didnt bring an axe or crampons. Topographically, Broad Pass is a fascinating area. Were going to be down in Pinedale over Labor Day weekend and wanted to get a gage to see if folks had ever checked out the Green River Lakes area this late in the year. $$$ We think the Wind River is the finest river trip on the south side of the Brooks Range. Backcountry access Bettles, AK. Marty was swift water rescue trained, as was boater #3. Traveler. Piggybacking on this topic from earlier. Relevant resources: American Whitewater maintains an incident database, American Packrafting Association is close to publishing a safety curriculum for packrafters. Become a BCP supporting member and get free swag, no ads and lots of other great benefits. I wonder if we should compile a few near miss case studies too. Lions Head, Class IV, is known for its big hydraulics and difficulty distinguishing rocks from water due to both being the same gray color. I believe he had some gear essentials (stove, etc.) My chest is 45" and so this is the size I weighed. The average packraft falls somewhere in the $800-$1000 range, which is a pretty penny for people just looking to get into the sport. Popular Activities Hiking & Backpacking Hunting & Shooting Higher, Longer, Deeper: Wyoming's Largest Range! Getting onto rising river, capsize and inability to get back into craft due to rising water levels, this river floods all the time and portaging the gorge is a bit of a nightmare bush-bash). They offer waded fishing trips and free evening casting lessons. No wildlife except for one Moose on the bank. One article suggests that he was missing for days, but I suspect this is just a google translate issue. The rest of this is conjecture. Wind River Mountain Range. For fisherman an Alpacka in the Winds is an ideal way to fish some of the remote alpine lakes in search of the elusive goldon trout. The skill is in the fishers ability to mimic naturenoticing what bugs are hatching on the underside of rocks, what flies are wriggling on the surface of the still pools of eddies and learning where the fish like to hang out. I dont recommend trimming the neck gasket as you can easily ruin it stretch it over a form and check it regularly so you dont over stretch it. And I see you still use your Tilley? When it comes to Wind River Range backpacking routes, there are a few premier trails to choose from, each varying in length, difficulty and terrain. WIND RIVER, YUKON. You can now take guided packrafting trips in Wind River Country. Officials at Grand Canyon National Park have recently approved up to 8 miles of Raft Assisted Backcountry Travel (RABT) on a backcountry permit. Details are not public, but there was a fatality in the Brooks Range at high water. Wyoming Rivers Cooperative is strategically located just 2 hours from Yellowstone National Park and Jackson Hole Wyoming, nestled in the foothills of the Wind River Mountains. Climbed Squaretop the next day via the 3rd/4th class scramble from Granite Lake. Sarah Kilbourne Video 3: River Hazards Run time: 1 minute 37 seconds ago. I'm glad this subject came up, because I was not going to use anything for river rafting in my 'toy' Sevylor TrailBoat, but this got me thinking I should at least make the 'burrito' or 'taco' with my GG ThinLight or a sitpad, and a shell. Near the origin the water was somewhat milky with glaciel sediment as you would expect. Since then, they have thrived in the most remote high mountain lakes that beckon anglers from all over the world. All boaters had dry suits, helmets and PFDs. For longer adventures, you can get wild with multi-day expeditions. Thanks to Shimon Saito for collecting and sharing this information. Find more at and @kathrynmontana. It appears to have been windy on the day of the accident. Nova Alaska Guides extricated Marty and boater #3. Select a suitable river (class 1 -2 ) by picking one, close to your home, from the book, "California White Water A Guide to the Rivers". I was appalled on a trip with outfitters in Alaska where we were told your raingear will be fine. Such a joy to spend days where time was meaningless. Anybody out there find the lightest foam-filled PFD? With 130 glaciers, 1,300 alpine lakes, and 30 peaks over 13,000 feet, it's no wonder the Winds have made their place on thousands of backpacker's bucket lists. April 18-23, 2021, Wind River Range (beginning of Sept 2021), Upper Toklat River (Denali NP) - mid-August 2018, Republic Pass Trail North Absaroka into Yellowstone Cache Creek and Lamar River, trip report: Wind River Range Ross Lakes, Bear Basin, Grasshopper Glacier, & Dinwoody Creek loop, Aug-Sep 2020, Yellowstone advice: Lamar River - Pelican Valley - Mirror Plateau loop this summer. Finding Meaning on the Green River" target="_blank">, This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated. With ten easily accessible trailheads, it's a cinch to get to the slopes of the Wind River Mountain Range. * A Basic Membership is required to view Member Q&A events. 5.0. Bubbles(?) Astral and Norge are the two primary manufacturers of this PFD type. The vastness of the wilderness virtually demanded that I go see it. (put in directly across from square top) paddled out by noon across both lakes; fish start appearing and jumping at beginning confluence of second larger lake. It's late and I'm tired (!) Double Drop Hutt Gorge ( Dan Clearwater) is Class III due to the size of the drops and the holes that develop at higher flows. What sort of construction keeps it dry? Carry all of your kit in packed up form. The Winner Creek to 20 Mile River loop is a great first packrafting trip. Is there a publication that lays out the basics? I will adopt that when discussing with people interested in the sport. These are the fatalities Im familiar > with; all but one have occurred in Alaska. Authors note: this list is by no means exhaustive of all of the incredible activities, outfitters and shops in Wind River Country. I packarafted a small area of the wind river range last July (2016) at the green river lakes trail head/ campground. Ryan In the photo Packraftingboulder8 the pack rafts are outside the shelters. Richard, Kapok? Its believed that his body was held underwater for at least six days, as the area where it was found had been searched many times by dog teams, ground searchers and aircraft, including a military Blackhawk helicopter equipped with infrared radar., P.K., 28, was reported to be three days overdue from an ambitious solo backpacking and float trip. Never Summer Wilderness, Colorado. All that is to say, thank you for compiling this, it helps to remind us of the consequences of one poor decision. It is not uncommon to have eagles above you and salmon or steelhead below you in the crystal clear water. Those reed tunnels on the Verde are freaky! after a looong drive today but couldn't resist posting this photo, taken this morning during a packrafting descent of Boulder Creek in WY's Wind Rivers: Thanks to my partner, Joel Walthall (BPL Sales Mgr) for taking a GREAT shot for me! I could head south and hop on a river, but the 100-degree heat in the Moab area made this look pretty unappealing. Care to give any thoughts on this shelter? It's identifying what risk level they need it at and there are many kinds of packrafting from just crossing rivers and streams that people would otherwise wade to hucking waterfalls. He was always willing and ready to teach, to talk, to listen, to do another hike, or to lie low in camp if we were beat. Ken Knight and I had a little exchange going in another thread in which I pulled in my horns a bitbut having spent 10 years guiding wilderness canoe trips and many more as an avid paddler, it's hard for me to not react strongly. Wind could hold you up in a packraft at times. Pretty depressing to see fatalities related to no-PFD. Duration 14 Days Level . Titcomb Basin. No other details are available at this point. I started looking at a Wind River high route and felt more excited with the prospect of an ambitious thru-hike, but there wasnt time to plan that as I would be leaving the very next day. A man was found submerged under a packraft, trapped in an undercut rock, mid-river. Romain Qunhen, a Belgian on a roadtrip from BC to Alaska, went missing on the Nass River, BC, Romains packraft and backpack were recovered. The AW incident report mentions an IK and kayak, but Martin was in a packraft. ", "That feeling of wide open wonder, the possibilities for nearly limitless wandering, and the image of those proud caribouthat will stay with me a long time", "Our guide was an encyclopedia on legs. 7/3-7/5, Horse Ridge to Mount Febbas (Wind River Range) - July 2021, Lamar River, Pelican Valley, & Speciman Ridge loop - Yellowstone, Jun 29 to Jul 3, 2021, Grand Canyon NP Backpack Pt. 1 mo. Standard technique: feet down, chest up. The crux of the route was finding the trail to Granite Lake. Peter was visiting BC for an adventure race and stayed after the race to continue exploring the region. Fishing on the reservation is a unique and beautiful experience, just remember that youll need a special license. Juneau Police Department information release (2021-09-07)Juneau Empire article. Dave is a superb guide. The fourth boater exited river left then searched down stream with #2. On Sunday, we put in back at the trailhead and paddled ~8miles below the lakes to the Big Bend pullout ( ). The combination of a free-flowing, undammed waterway, whitewater that is fun and challenging but (with one exception) in the easy Class III range, and a huge trail network adjacent to and along the river should be like catnip for packrafters, but there's a surprising paucity of information. It appears to have been windy on the fjord on the day he disappeared. We spend the next week enjoying this little river, as well as exploring our surroundings on layover days. Other reviews submitted talk about crowds of people, overuse and even litter. It has a scenic and brushless hike in, fun Class II to III whitewater, and sweeping views of the Alaska Range and Talkeetnas. Stephens boat was punctured and his helmet showed signs of impact, but not necessarily from this incident. Hardshell kayakers consider a PFD one of the five essentials you dont put on the water without one. Wow, glad you put this together, thanks. I imagined hauling a packraft out of the Colorado River, maybe up Red Lake Canyon, where its often 10 degrees hotter than the surrounding areas. Most parties use either gullible friends or commercial shuttles. Rescue personnel recovered Peters packraft but had to discontinue search efforts due to high water conditions. 1080p HDI crossed the Brooks Range from the valley of the Hulahula river on the north to Arctic Village on the south side.Packrafting in the Gates of the Arc. Facts are very limited because the boater was alone with no witnesses. Allrightsreserved. I've posted more photos and comments from this trip here: Packrafting in the Winds @ Alpacka made an incredibly light suit for several years, but I think the lightest option currently on the market is something like the Kokatak Swift Entry, 2 lbs. See you next year! If AW isnt a good fit, maybe APA would host something? This could be you on a fishing expedition. Based out of Fort Washakie, Wind River Fishing Adventures fishes the Popo Agie, the Big Wind River and Bull Lake. Make sure you have your biggest net ready to go. Native to the Sierra Nevada, California allowed their exportation for a brief time, and Wyoming stocked a handful of lakes in the Wind River Range. Virginia resident Peter Jolles, 46, was reported overdue at a Bugaboo Creek takeout, British Columbia, and has not yet been located. Meet your guide(s) for a pre-trip meeting in Fairbanks at 4 pm at Arctic Wild headquarters. Im planning a fishing/packrafting trip for July of 2017. Yukon . Packrafting is very simple. A post shared by Tom Mckendrick (@thomas.mckendrick). Thanks to packrafts, you can combine a world-class Grand Canyon backpacking journey with a jaunt down the river. On July 15, 2017 river level was slightly higher than Martys highest run (number not recorded). Many of the creeks, like the Dinwoody . I'm packrafting the 117-mile-long Tay, Scotland's longest and most powerful river, from source to sea, and this kind of excitement is par for the course. Ben Kilbourne has been backpacking since his days in the womb. Reach the edge of the water and make your transition: inflate your packraft, assemble your paddle and stash your kit in the raft. The Nizina is Class II where Aidan flipped out of his boat, but very cold and choked with glacial silt. Sport-boating anything Class III and over must of course be done in solid foam PFD I think! I tried to synthesize a decision matrix, if interested, you can find it on the Alpacka Raft blog ( Check out Lander-based Wyoming Rivers Cooperative for details (they also offer incredible rafting trips). Queenstown man killed in rafting accident was passionate about wildlifeRiver description: Caples River. Backpacking Light helps hikers and other backcountry enthusiasts overcome their barriers to living a life outside in Wild Places. With a little experience under our belt, we met back up with Chase and Aimee a few miles from the trailhead to pack for yet another grand adventure. Wind River Range North: Beartooth Publishing; USGS 7.5 minute topographical Maps: New Fork Lakes; Squaretop Mountain; and Gannett Peak available at; Books: Ron Adkison, Hiking Wyoming's Wind River Range. But that just wasnt going to cut it for me this time. We think the Wind River is the finest rivertrip on the south side of the Brooks Range. Imagine this: waking up to the smell of crackling bacon, watching morning sunlight hit the Dinwoody Cirque and listening to a Clarks nutcracker sing from a whitebark pine outside your tent. Home Forums Campfire Photo Gallery Packrafting Wind Rivers 4/15/07. The rapids consist of steep drops and boulder gardens, as described in this link: river description (go to [4]). 09-09-2016, 08:05 #7. The classic Alaskan boots we were given were a source of concern, as well. No intent to chide. Packrafting Escalante River. The Sndre Strmfjord is an almost linear, 170 km fjord which can funnel strong winds from the ice sheet. Get Backpacking Light news, updates, gear info, skills, and commentary delivered into your inbox 1-2x/week. A Premium or Unlimited Membership* is required to view the rest of this article. Hiked in ~12miles on the Highline trail from the Green River Lakes trailhead to Beaver Park on Friday, set up camp, ran ~3miles of the river to the one class III drop to get a feel for the river. Hot showers are in order! P.O. A 100-mile long strip of stunning, jagged mountains extending southeast of Yellowstone National Park through Wyoming, "The Winds" are a backpacking and trekking paradise. Self-bailing and full spraydeck and skirt models, and attachments like thigh braces will keep you connected to the packraft, and smiling the whole time. Intro to Packrafting Embark on a journey to one of Fiordland's hidden gems. packrafting wind river range Wyoming By Ben Kilbourne Ben Kilbourne has been backpacking since his days in the womb. Has anyone been out with a guide they reccommend? The consistent theme in these fatalities is getting separated from boats and partners, typically in cold and/or surprisingly swift (high) water. 18.4 mi / 2280 ft gain. 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packrafting wind river range